

The Impact of Scientific and Technological Development on Ideological and Political Education and the Corresponding Strategy

【作者】 王雪凌

【导师】 孟彩云;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术是人类认识世界的结晶和改造世界的有力工具。作为第一生产力,它在历史上一直起着巨大的革命作用。每一次科技革命都给人类社会带来极其深刻的变化,日新月异的科技发展正在并将继续改变当今经济、社会生活和世界面貌,科技在现代社会中的地位和作用日益突出,其影响力日趋强劲,它深刻地影响到社会经济、政治和文化的各个层面,这必然会给当今的思想政治教育带来深刻的影响,要求思想政治教育采取相应新举措。本文运用马克思主义唯物辩证法,旨在提出一些当前科技背景下思想政治教育的应对之策,以期增强新时期思想政治教育的实效性和主动性,更好地发挥思想政治教育的功能。本文共分三部分:第一部分:科技发展对思想政治教育的影响。首先,论述科技发展对思想政治教育影响的必然性。突飞猛进的科技发展使整个世界面貌发生了前所未有的新变化,这些新变化必然直接或间接地影响着我们的生产方式、生活方式和思维方式,从而不可避免地给思想政治教育带来多方面的影响:科技作为一种生产力,它的发展间接地影响着思想政治教育;科技作为一种文化知识,它的发展直接地影响着思想政治教育。其次,分析科技发展对思想政治教育影响的效应。一方面,科技发展给思想政治教育带来良好机遇:第一,它为思想政治教育提供坚实的物质基础;第二,它为思想政治教育提供正确的理论依据;第三,它为思想政治教育提供有利的技术条件;第四,它为思想政治教育铺垫崭新的思想基础。另一方面,科技发展使思想政治教育面临严峻挑战:第一,科技发展的不均衡性使思想政治教育面临严峻挑战;第二,科技发展的不断突破使思想政治教育面临严峻挑战;第三,科技发展的负面效应使思想政治教育面临严峻挑战。第二部分:当前科技背景下思想政治教育的对策研究。面临科技发展的新形势,思想政治教育必须与时俱进,积极探求新举措。本文通过分析科技发展对思想政治教育的影响,针对当前科技背景下思想政治教育的应对之策,提出自己的一些看法:(一)思想政治教育要与科技界、新闻界相结合。随着科技日益深入<WP=3>的发展,思想政治教育日益社会化,思想政治教育要取得良好效果,必须实现教育合力的最大化。所以,思想政治教育要与科技界相结合,加强科普教育;思想政治教育要与新闻界相结合,正确把握舆论导向。(二)思想政治教育创新要与科技创新相结合。科技创新必然促进思想政治教育创新,因此,思想政治教育观念创新、内容创新、方法创新和机制创新皆要与科技创新相结合。(三)思想政治教育应把科技工作者列为重点对象之一。我们既应高度重视科技工作者的思想政治教育,又要努力加强科技工作者的思想政治教育。(四)思想政治教育者应努力提高自身的科技素质。身处一日千里的科技新时代,思想政治教育者只有具备一定的科技素质,才能正确把握时代脉搏,有效地进行思想政治教育。第三部分:当前科技背景下做好思想政治教育的意义。社会存在决定社会意识,社会意识反作用于社会存在。思想政治教育作为一种意识形态教育也必然会对社会产生一定的影响,笔者认为当前科技背景下做好思想政治教育的意义是:有助于大力推进“科教兴国”战略的实施;有利于彻底澄清各种伪科学和错误思潮;有利于正确引导科技发展的方向及应用;有助于及时解决科技发展带来的社会心理问题。

【Abstract】 Science and technology is the fruit of human’s cognition of the world, and serves as the tool to recreate the world. As the primary productive forces, it contributed greatly to the reformation throughout history. Every reform produced by the science and technology brought dramatic changes upon the human society, and its development is reshaping and will continue to reshape the present economic, social life and the state of the world forever as well. Due to its ever-rising position and function, science and technology will generate a more profound impact on the social economy, politics and culture etc. Undoubtedly, Such phenomenon will do the same to Ideological and Political Education(IPE), which is calling on the new methods of IPE. In this paper, the dialectical materialist theory by Marx is employed to put forward some strategies in dealing with IPE against the background of the present science and technology development, and to enhance the practical and initiative effect for a better educational functions as well.Three parts are covered in this paper.The first part analyses the impact of scientific and technological development on Ideological and Political Education. First, it deals with the inevitability of impact created by science and technology. With its rapid development, the whole world is undertaking unprecedented changes, and such changes influences the ways of production, modes of life, and styles of thinking, both directly and indirectly, then impacts greatly on IPE inevitably. Science and technology is both a productive power and a cultural knowledge, whose development indirectly or directly influences IPE. Second, this paper analyses the effects brought about by scientific and technological development on IPE. On the hand, IPE enjoys good opportunities provided by the development of science and technology, such as the strong material support, the correct theoretical source, the useful technological conditions and a platform for new thinking. On the other hand, IPE can face serious challenges because of the imbalance, continual breakthrough and other negative effects during the development of science and technology.<WP=5>The second part studies some strategies of IPE under the current scientific and technological background. Facing the new situation, IPE must march along with the new era, seeking new solutions actively. By analyzing the effects brought by the scientific and technological development on IPE, this paper puts up the author’s views on how to deal with IPE under the current circumstances: First, IPE must join hands with both the press circle and the scientific and technological circle. The faster the science and technology advances, the more socialized IPE will be. Only by the maximization of the cooperation between IPE and other parties can IPE take substantial effects. IPE, therefore, should join hands not only with the scientific and technological circle for the sake of scientific popularization, but also with the press circle the realm in order to lead to the right direct of the public opinions. Second, The innovation of IPE should be combined with the innovation of science and technology, so the idea innovation of it, the content innovation of it, the method innovation of it and the system innovation of it all should be combined with the innovation of science and technology. Third, the innovation of IPE should take the science and technology staff as its one of important objects, which asks we not only pay great attention to, but also make every effort to improve IPE of the science technology staff. Fourth, the educators of IPE should try their best to improve their quality of science and technology. Only in that way can the educators of IPE keep pace with the new era science and technology which develops at such fast speed day after day, and make IPE more efficiently.The third part discusses the significance of IPE in this new era of science and technology. Social ideology is determined by social existence, in return it has counter effect on social existence. As a kin

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】616