

Security Measure and the Perfect of Legislation in China

【作者】 张彦华

【导师】 郝守才;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 刑法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 保安处分制度是近代刑法改革的产物,是对传统刑法制度的革新。作为刑罚制度的一个补充,保安处分与刑罚密切配合,为预防犯罪、保护社会发挥着无可替代的作用。正因如此,一百多年来,特别是二战后兴起的世界刑法改革以来,保安处分逐步在世界大多数国家的法律中得以确立,并发挥着积极的作用。在我国保安处分一直受到冷遇,直到90年代中期才引起学者们的注意。但是对于应如何看待保安处分的性质、保安处分制度在我国是否应有一席之地等问题的激烈争论仍然存在。本文对这些问题以及如何建构我国的保安处分制度等问题作了一些探讨性地论述。全文共分七个部分。第一部分,引言。该部分通过对保安处分在当今刑法中所占的重要地位以及我国学术界对保安处分的研究现状的介绍,引出本文的论题。 第二部分,保安处分的历史沿革。该部分主要探讨了下列问题:保安处分作为一种刑法思想萌芽于古罗马时代;近代意义上的保安处分首创于德国刑法学家克莱茵;斯托斯起草的《瑞士刑法预备草案》和菲利起草的《意大利刑法草案》分别为保安处分的“二元论”和“一元论”立法奠定了基础;1930年的意大利刑法典是保安处分完备体系的代表,随之而来的是三十年代保安处分的立法高潮。另外,在保安处分的历史沿革中,国际刑法会议、国际监狱会议也对其发展起到了极大的推动作用。 第三部分,保安处分的理论基础。保安处分的理论基础包括:哲学基础——实证学派的哲学观点;法哲学基础——社会连带主义和经济主义原则;刑事理论基础-社会防卫论。这些理论都直接或间接地对保安处分制度的产生和发展起着至关重要的作用。 第四部分,保安处分制度的概述。该部分介绍了保安处分制度的基本原则、适用条件、适用对象及其种类。由于各国国情不同,对保安处分的具体规定也有所不同。通过对国外保安处分制度的介绍和分析,为建立我国保安处分制度提供<WP=6>了可供借鉴的经验。 第五部分,我国现行法上的保安处分性质措施。该部分对我国现行法上的保安措施的性质进行了分析,认为他们是具有保安处分性质的措施,并着重对劳动教养问题进行了探讨,认为应将其纳入保安处分体系当中。 第六部分,建立我国保安处分制度的构想。该部分在探讨建立保安处分制度的必要性和可行性的基础上认为在立法上应采取二元制模式,并对其种类、适用原则、程序和种类等具体问题作了大体的设想。第七部分,结语。该部分总结全文,指出建立我国保安处分制度应当注意的问题。

【Abstract】 Security measure is not only the result of criminal law reform but also the innovation of traditional criminal law system .As a supplement to criminal penalty system,Security measure and criminal penalty system play an important role in prevention of crime and defend society. So, since one hundred years, especially the word warⅡ, Security system has established in most of countries of the whole world step by step. In china, Security measure has receives a cold reception for a long time. Up to the middle period of the ninties, Jurists have just paid attention to it. This paper makes some study on weather china should establish security measure and how to establish it. This paper consists of seven parts. Part one, Introduction. The questions which this paper will study are introduced in this part through introduction of the security measure’s position in today’s criminal law and present situation of reach on security measure of law circles.Part two, The historical evolution of security measure. As a criminal ideology, security measure began to germinate ancient Roman times. security measure of modern times established firstly by security measure who is the criminal law jurist of German .《Switzerland criminal law preparatory draft》 and 《Italy criminal law preparatory draft》laid the ground work for "dualism" and "monism" of Security measure. The criminal law of Italy in 1930 stands for the perfect security measure system. Then it comes the climax of security measure’s legislation. On the other hand, international criminal meeting and prison meeting promote the development of security measure in the historical evolution. Part three, The foundation of security measure’s theory. The foundation of security measure’s theory consists of philosophical foundation-philosophy of positivist school; the foundation of legal philosophy-doctrine of social<WP=8>solidarism and economical principle; criminal foundation-the theory of social defence. These theories all play an important roles in the development directly and indirectly. Part four, The summary of security measure.In this part, the author introduced basic standard applicable condition, applicable object and classification of security measure. Because the differnent situation of each country, the exact stipulations are different. The indroduction and analysis of security measure can provide experience that we can use in the establishment of security measure in China. Part five, The protective measures of law in operation of China. In this part, the author analyses the nature of the protective measures of law in operation in China .The author thinks that these measures have the nature of security measure abroad. In this part, the author mainly analyses the labor education and rehabilitation. Part six, The conception of establishment of security measure in our country. The author makes an inquiry into the feasibility and necessity of the establishment in China .The author thinks that legislative system. We should adopt the "dualism" and has a rough conception of the kind and procedure and applicable condition of security measure. Part seven, Conclusion. This part sums up the whole paper and points out the problems to which attention should be paid when the security measure is applied in practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】334