

Study on the Relation between Composition and Pharmacology of Ge Gen Qin Lian Decoction

【作者】 伍杰勇

【导师】 余林中;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军第一军医大学 , 中药学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的 通过对葛根芩连汤配伍体外抑菌实验,解热实验,抗腹泻实验,体内抑菌的菌痢模型实验来研究葛根芩连汤配伍与药效学之间的变化规律。 方法 通过试管两倍稀释法及平皿打孔法观察各配伍组合对金黄色葡萄球菌、埃希氏大肠杆菌、福氏2a志贺氏菌及肺炎链球菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC);运用大肠杆菌菌悬液复制大鼠发热模型,以平均最大体温高度(ΔT),6小时体温反应指数TRI6为观察指标;用番泻叶复制小鼠腹泻模型,以腹泻指数(DI)与稀便级为观察指标;用墨汁为指示剂,以小肠推进率为指标;用福氏2a志贺氏菌(2457T)直接结肠腔内接种,复制菌痢模型,以肠内容物细菌计数、肠组织内细菌计数及肠壁组织病理形态学改变为指标,观察各配伍组合药效的差异,探讨葛根芩连汤配伍规律。 结果 (1)在体外抑菌实验中,我们可以看出葛根芩连汤对金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌活性最强,其次是福氏2α志贺氏菌,肺炎链球菌与埃希氏大肠杆菌则相对较弱。各药配伍组合中,以黄连的体外抑菌活性最强,不同的菌株强度有差异,其次是黄芩,炙甘草对金黄色葡萄球菌与志贺氏菌有弱的抑菌活性,葛根对金黄色葡萄球菌有弱的抑菌作用。在与黄连配伍中,其余三药均能起拮抗作用。其中对大肠埃希氏杆菌中,对黄连的拮抗作用炙甘草强于葛根。炙甘草拮抗黄芩,葛根则无明显影响。对肺炎链球菌的作用中,对黄连的拮抗作用炙甘草强于葛根。炙甘草与葛根对黄芩均无明显影响。对福氏2a志贺氏菌的影响中,对黄连拮抗作用,黄芩强于葛根与炙甘草。炙甘草能拮抗黄芩,葛根则无明显影响。葛根与炙甘草呈加合作用。对金黄色葡萄球菌的影响中,葛根与炙甘草对黄芩无明显影响。葛根与炙甘草呈加合作用。在平皿打孔法中,葛根则促进黄芩的作用。(2)在解热实验中,对于TRI6,黄芩能降低TRI6值,葛根能增加黄芩的作用,而黄连与炙甘草则抑制黄芩的作用。葛根对黄连无影响,炙甘草拮抗黄连,炙甘草对葛根无影响。对于平均最大体温反应高度(ΔT),用黄芩能降低ΔT的作用,而黄连与炙甘草对黄芩有明显的拮抗作用,葛根则增强。葛根拮抗黄连,炙甘草对黄连与葛根均无影响。(3)葛根答连汤配伍对腹泻小鼠Dl的影响中,主要作用药物为黄连,葛根与炙甘草能增强黄连的作用,黄答黄连相互拮抗,葛根亦能增强黄答的作用,炙甘草与黄荐相互拮抗。葛根与炙甘草则无明显影响。对便级的影响中,主要作用药物为黄连,葛根对黄连无影响,黄答拮抗黄连,炙甘草增强黄连。葛根增强黄琴作用,炙甘草则拮抗,葛根与炙甘草无影响。(4)对小鼠小肠推进率的影响中,以黄连与炙甘草作用为主,葛根与黄琴能拮抗黄连的作用,炙甘草则增强黄连的作用。而葛根与炙甘草及黄答间相互作用不明显。(5)在体内抑菌菌痢模型实验中,以黄连、黄琴的杀菌作用最强,而葛根与炙甘草对前两者无明显影响,但黄连黄答配伍相互拮抗,以黄连为优。组织形态学改变,以炙甘草能明显减轻炎症损伤反应为主。结论葛根答连汤的解热、抗腹泻、体外与体内抑菌等药效上,各药效作用主要药物不全相同,而相应的其它配伍药物或有的拮抗或有的增强,也不尽相同。

【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the composition principles of GGQLD through experiment of bacteriostasis in vitro -. antipyretic % anti-diarrhea and bacteriostasis in vivo of animal model of shigella.MethodscTo observe different pharmcological effects of sixteen compounds after they were given by measuring mininal inhibitory concentration(MIC) through double-fold dilutions method and diameters of inhibitory circles through the method of drilling hole on agar plate against staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli. shigella flexnery 2 a and streptococcus pneumoniae,average most temperature response highness( A T) and temperature response index of six hours(TRl6) after the accomplishment of rat model of Pyrexia by Suspension of Escherichia coli,diarrhea index(DI^ fecal level after accomplishment of diarrhea animal model,small intestine drive rate and bacteriocolony number of colon content and tissue and pathomorphology change after the accomplishment of rabbit shigella model. Results: (DCCF has the most bacteriostasis in vitro while different bacteriostasis effects as to different strains,and next SBG,GWF has a little bacteriostasis against shigella flexnery 2 a and staphylococcus aureus. and PLO against staphylococcus aureus.When combinating with CCF,the other three drugs have counteracter against CCF.As to Escherichia coli,GWF has more counteracter effect against CCF than PLO.GWF can counteracter against SBG while PLO not.As to streptococcus pneumoniae, GWF has more counteracter effect against CCF than PLO.GWF and PLO has no counteracter against SBG.As to shigella flexnery 2 a ,SBG has more counteracter against CCF than PLO and GWF.GWF can counteract against SBG while PLO not,GWF and PLO can enforce each other.As to staphylococcus aureus,GWF and PLO have no counteracter against SBG,but they can enforce each other.In the method of drilling hole on agar plate,PLO can enforce SBG.(2)`BG has the most antipyretic effect, As to TRI6,CCF and GWF have counteracter against SBG,but PLO can enforce.PLO has no effect on CCF and GWF,but GWF can counteract against CCF.As to average most temperature response highness,CCF and GWF have counteracter against SBG,but PLO can enforce.GWF has no effect on CCF and PLO,but PLO can counteract against CCF.(3)As to DI,CCF can reduce DI,.SBG can counteract against CCF but PLO and GWF can enforce.PLO can enforce SBG,but GWF can counteract it.GWF has no effect on PLO.As to fecal level,CCF can reduce fecal level,.SBG can counteract against CCF but GWF can enforce while PLO has no effect on it.PLO can enforce SBG,but GWF can counteract itGWF has no effect on PLO.(4)CCF and GWF can reduce drive rate.SBG and PLO has counteracter against CCF but not against GWF, while GWF can enforce CCF.(5)In shigellosis rabbit model,CCF and SBG have bactericidal effect,while GWF and PLO not.but SBG has counteracter against CCF.when thinking of colonic pathologic change,GWF has significant effect on reducing inflammation,and other drugs has no significant effect on it,also they have no significant intersect on each other.Conclusions:Some of GGQLD’s pharmcological effect as antipyretic, anti-diarrhea and bactericidal in vivo and in vitro,the main drug that corresponding to different pharmcological effects is different,and other drugs have counteracter or enforcement effect while combinating with them.

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