

【作者】 申云冲

【导师】 黄国立; 杨永安;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现场总线技术作为跨世纪的自控新技术,在工业控制领域得到广泛的应用。本文在分析研究现场总线技术及HART协议的基础上,将其应用于推进剂加注的监控系统中。 现有加注系统存在着严重的监控不足,自动化程度低,由于人为因素的干扰使得系统的可靠性大大降低,这直接影响航天器发射的可靠性。本文介绍的监控系统在原有加注系统的基础上,重新设计监控方案,采用现场仪表+PLC+工控机的设计方案,该方案在现有的人力、物力、财力等条件下,能很好的完成监控任务,满足经济性、先进性、可靠性以及开放性的原则。 在对系统的硬件设计中,根据系统的监控需要,选择符合HART协议的现场仪表,同时要满足对环境及性能的要求。PLC选用德国西门子公司的SIMATICS5-115U,其I/O口全部光电隔离,信号直接驱动外部设备,可靠性较高。在布线中重点把握环境恶劣的特点,充分考虑各种干扰及强腐蚀的环境。 在系统的软件设计中,采用C++Builder在Windows2000下开发分布式、多线程的应用程序。软件采用模块化的设计方法,将各功能通过线程的方法集成在系统中,采用了数据库实时写入和实时打印技术,对状态的掌握更加完善。在界面设计时,本着人性化的设计要求,使系统软件更易用,同时功能更强大。 本系统经过对两次试验数据的分析,证明该系统基本达到设计目的,软硬件协调运行正常。下一步将对系统在故障诊断及远程监控方面作更进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 Fieldbus, as the new technology of autocontrol , is extensively used for industrial control. On the basis of investigation on the fieldbus and the HART protocol, this paper builds the monitoring system using it.The fillingup system in existence monitors is very insufficient on monitoring, and the automatization is underdevelopment. For man’s disturb, the reliability relation to the launch of rocket is worsened. The monitoring system in this paper adopts a new scheme with reference to the present system. It consists of the field-instrument , PLC and industrial computer. With the manpower financial, material resources at present, this scheme can accomplish the monitoring function, and meet the economicaK the advanceN the reliability and the open demand.On design of hardware, monitoring system selects the field-instrument using HART protocol satisfied with the condition and the performance. The PLC adopts the SIMATICS5-115U whose I/O is entireness photoelectricity isolation. It’s signal drives the exterior equipment directly, so the reliability is very well. When laying the cable, the interfere and erosive condition should be considered enough.When developing the software, author develops the distributed, multithread program for windows2000 in C++Builder 5. The function modularization is integrated with threads. To well know the state of fillingup, software adopts the real time writing-database and printing. The program conforms to the humanistic demand, and the interface is friendly to user, but the function is stronger.This system that is tested in two times is proved working well with the hardware. In future, system will be improved in self-diagnosis and remote-monitoring function.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】150