

【作者】 曲桂娟

【导师】 程培英;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验选用解放军军需大学ⅤC-Ⅱ懒兔原种场的50~55日龄獭兔72只为研究对象,以确定獭兔对硒的适宜添加量,将试验动物随机分为6组,每处理3个重复,每个重复4只兔,试验期为60d。对照组采食基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮的基础上,分别添加0.1mg/kg,0.25mg/kg,0.4mg/kg,0.55mg/kg,0.7mg/kg水平的亚硒酸钠,进行饲养试验。在试验的第20d、40d和60d对獭兔进行称重、心脏采血样,然后对獭兔的生产性能、理化指标进行检测和分析;另外应用逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)法以β-肌动蛋白为内参,检测饲养60d的獭兔肝脏中GPX mRNA的表达量。 结果表明:(1)添加硒对獭兔有促进生长的作用,在试验的0~40d,各组的日增重差异不显著(P>0.05),但以添加0.4mg/kg时生长最快;在试验的40~60d,各组日增重差异显著(P<0.05),以添加0.25mg/kg时生长最快。在料肉比方面,各组差异显著(P<0.05),在0~40d时,以添加0.4mg/kg组的料肉比最低,而在40~60d时则以添加0.25 mg/kg组的值最低;从皮张面积可以看出,以添加0.4mg/kg组的数值最大。(2)从理化指标分析:在0~40d时,各组血清中的总蛋白、白蛋白含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但都以添加0.4mg/kg组的含量最高,在40~60d,各组出现了显著性的差异(P<0.05),其中以添加0.25mg/kg组的含量最高;血清中的T3在0~40d时,以添加0.4mg/kg组的含量最高,而在40~60d时则以添加0.25mg/kg组的含量最高;在GPX酶活性指标上,无论是全血还是组织,各组均出现了显著性的差异(P<0.05),其中都以添加0.4mg/kg组的活性为最高;吉林农业大学硕士论文饲粮硒对獭兔生产性能、理化指标及GPx基因表达的影响从硒的沉积量来看,总的趋势是无论是血液还是组织,均随着硒添加量的升高而增大,和对照组相比,各试验组均出现了显著性的差异(P<0.05)。(3)从GPX的表达量分析:各组的GpX表达量比对照组分别提高了64%、82%、%%、95%和93%。综合以上分析可以得出,獭兔硒的适宜添加量为:在0一40d时,以添加0.4m乡吸g为最佳,40一60d以添加0.25mglkg为最佳。

【Abstract】 A experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate amounts of Selenium(Se) in rex rabbit diet, 72 50 to 55-days-old rex rabbits from a primary breeding farm associated Vc-II in the Quartermaster University of P.L.A were selected, and randomly divided into 6 groups, each group was further divided into 3 subgroup of 4. The whole experiment period was 60 days. The animal in control group was fed a basic diet without any Se, and the experimental groups was fed the basal diet supplemented with 0.1, 0.25, 0.4, 0.55, 0.7mg/kg Na2SeO3 , respectively. The rex rabbit were weighed, and blood sampled were taken from heart at 20th, 40th and 60th day of experiment period in order to detect and analyze the performance and physiochemical parameters. In addition, the expression amounts of mRNA from GPX in livers of rex rabbits after 60 days was detected with RT-PCR set by an inner parameters of p-actin.The results showed : (1) Selenium supplementation could increase daily gain of rex rabbit. The result was different in the other periods. In first 40 day, there was no significant difference in daily gain between groups, however, the group with 0.4mg/kg addition of Se had a slightly higher daily gain than that of the other groups. During 40-60 days , there was no difference in daily gain and the group with addition of 0.25mg/kg was optimal. From the item of feed/gain, during 0~40d, the conclusion could be drawn that the group with 0.4mg/kg was minimum. During 40~60d, thegroup of 0.25mg/kg was highest than that of the other groups. Hide surface area of the group of 0.4mg/kg was larger than those of the other experimental groups. (2) There was no significant difference among groups in total protein and serum album. However, the 0.4mg/kg group had slightly higher content than thost of the other groups at end of 40d. During 40~60d, there were significant difference among groups with the group of 0.25mg/kg supplement being the highessst. Serous T3 in 0.4mg/kg group was highest during 0~40d, and when 40~60d, the group with 0.25mg/kg accession was highest than the other groups. According to GPX in blood or tissue, significant differences were found among groups, and the 0.4mg/kg group showed highest activity than the other groups. Sediment amount of Selenium accession no matter what in blood or tissue increased with growth of Selenium accession, and remarkable difference was showed compare to the control group. (3)Analyzing from the expression amounts of GPX, every group had respectively increased 64%, 82%, 96%, 95% and 93% of expression amounts about GPX in comparing to the control group. To sum up, it can be concluded that the most appropriate Selenium accession to rex rabbit was that 0.4mg/kg was optimal during 0~40d and that 0.25mg/kg was optimal during 40~60d.

  • 【分类号】S829.1
  • 【被引频次】4
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