

Dynamic Regularity of IgA Content in Chickens’ Mucosal Immune System after Newcastle Disease Vaccine Immunity

【作者】 郑冬梅

【导师】 何昭阳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 预防兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过检测免疫后雏鸡的泪液、哈氏腺、气管液、胆汁、十二指肠液、盲肠扁桃体、血清的IgA含量和泪液、气管液、血清的HI效价,对Lasota弱毒苗免疫后雏鸡粘膜免疫系统中IgA的消长规律进行了研究。从而为深入研究粘膜免疫和新城疫的临床检测提供一定依据。 实验过程中,以160只健康的雏鸡作为研究对象,在14日龄时随机分成4组,每组40只。其中一组为对照组,另外三组分别用饮水、滴鼻、肌肉注射三种方法,在14日龄和28日龄时,对雏鸡进行新城疫Lasota弱毒苗的免疫。实验结果如下: 新城疫免疫,不管采用何种免疫途径,均可刺激全身的粘膜免疫抗体IgA和体液免疫抗体IgG的产生,并且随着免疫次数的增加而增加。 IgA的含量与免疫途径有关:粘膜免疫途径(如饮水、滴鼻免疫途径)在各粘膜免疫应答部位(泪液、气管液、哈氏腺、十二指肠液、盲肠扁桃体)中的IgA含量均高于非粘膜免疫途径(如肌肉注射免疫途径)。 在本实验的两种粘膜免疫途径中,滴鼻免疫组产生的IgA的量高于饮水免疫组产生的IgA的量。 对于同一免疫途径而言,粘膜免疫系统中的各个免疫应答部位所产生的IgA的量及其消长规律均有所不同。

【Abstract】 The experiment was conducted to study the dynamic regularity of IgA content in chickens’ mucosal immune system after La sola vaccining. The changes of IgA content in immunized chickens’ tear, harderian gland, tracheal fluid, bile, duodenum fluid, appendices amygdale fluid and serum were all measured. On the other hand, the changes of HI titer in immunized chickens’ tear, tracheal fluid and serum were also measured in the experiment, therefore, the results of present experiment can provide more detailed reference data and the basis theories for further research of the immunoreaction mechanism and the clinic determination of Newcastle Disease.In the experiment, 160 chickens with similar health condition were regarded as the experimental animal, which were randomly divided into four groups, with 40 chickens in each one at 14 days old. One was the control group, the others were immunized with La sola vaccine by water, nose instillation and muscle injection respectively at 14 and 28 day old. The results can be concluded as following:Firstly, all immunity approaches could produced mucosal immunity antibody IgA and humoral immunity antibody IgG, which would be gradually increased along with times of immunity .Secondly, IgA contents had relation to the immunity approaches. In mucosal immunity approaches, such as water group, nose instillation group, the IgA content of chicken’ different immunoreaction tissues, such as tear, harderian gland, tracheal fluid, bile, duodenum fluid, appendices amygdale fluid, serum, was higher than that inthe humoral immunity approaches, such as muscle injection group. So the mucosal immunity approaches was very important to improve immunity effect.Thirdly, IgA content in nose instillation group was higher than that in water group in present experiment.Finally, although the same immunity method was used, there was different in IgA content and the dynamic regularity of IgA content in chickens’ different mucosal immune system, such as tear, harderian gland, tracheal fluid, bile, duodenum fluid, appendices amygdale fluid, serum .

  • 【分类号】S858.31
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】365