

The Physical and Chemical Character of Culture Substrates and Its Effect on Yield and Quality of Cucumber

【作者】 王波

【导师】 张广臣;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用玉米秸秆、炉渣、消毒鸡粪以不同的比例配制成的栽培基质在大棚内对黄瓜进行栽培试验,研究了所配基质的理化性状,各基质对黄瓜生长发育、产量和品质的影响。 试验结果表明:在各处理中,处理3(玉米秸秆:炉渣:消毒鸡粪=70:30:20)、4(玉米秸秆:炉渣:消毒鸡粪=55:45:20)、5(玉米秸秆:炉渣:消毒鸡粪=40:60:20)、8(玉米秸秆:炉渣:消毒鸡粪=70:30:10)、9(玉米秸秆:炉渣:消毒鸡粪=55:45:10)基质容重在0.5g/cm~3左右,符合黄瓜无土栽培对基质容重的要求。容重合理使基质内氧气充足,好气性微生物大量增殖,其中对细菌和放线菌的增殖程度大于对真菌的增殖程度。各处理中以处理4的微生物数量最大。微生物的作用加速了基质的发酵,使温度升高,其中C/N值在25:1左右的处理3、4、5温度上升较高。在微生物的作用下基质内有机质分解,转化为营养元素。微生物数量多,基质温度高的处理营养物质转化多,处理3、4、5大量元素N、P、Ca、S的含量都高于微生物数量小、温度低的处理8。处理1的大量元素含量高是因为黄瓜长势弱,营养物质吸收少,造成元素积累。对于微量元素,微生物的作用对其影响较小。基质中有机质的含量主要取决于玉米秸秆加入量的多少。对于黄瓜的产量和单果重都以处理4为最高,分别为48.4867kg/2.5m~2和0.1840kg/个。株高在生长前期以处理4为最高,其值为48.67cm,生长中后期以处理9为最高,分别为113.00cm和192.67cm。茎粗在生长前期以处理9为最大,其值为0.8820cm,中后期以处理4为最大,分别为1.2431cm和1.3427cm。黄瓜品质方面,硝酸盐以处理5为最低,其值为136.9ug/g。Vc和可溶性糖以处理4为最高,分别为2.76mg/100g和38.915mg/g。吉林农业大学硕士学位论文桔秆型栽培基质的理化特性及其对黄瓜产量、品质的影响综上所述,说明玉米秸秆可与炉渣、消毒鸡粪混合作为栽培基质,最合理的配比比例为玉米桔秆:炉渣:消毒鸡粪为55:45:20。玉米桔秆作为无土栽培基质有广泛的发展前景。

【Abstract】 This paper discussed the physics and chemistry of substrates and the effect of different substrates on cucumber growth and development yield and quality by cucumber substrates culture test. The substrates were composed of corn straw, cinder and sterilized chicken excrements with different proportion. The results indicated that:The unit weight of substrates of treatment 3(corn straw: cinder.sterilized chicken excrements=70:30: 20), 4(corn straw :cinder: sterilized chicken excrements=55:45:20)> 5(corn straw: cinder:sterilized chicken excrements=40:60:20), 8(corn straw:cinder:sterilized chicken excrements=70:30:10), 9(corn straw:cinder:sterilized chicken excrements =55:45:10)are about 0.5g/cm3, it conform to request of substrates culture. Substrates were brimming with oxygen due to reasonable unit weight, so that the quantity of microorganism increased. The quantity of bacteria and actionmyctes exceeded the quantity of fungi. Among all treatments the quantity of microorganism of treatments 4 was the best. Substrates were fermented with the action of microorganism, so the temperature of substrates rose up. The temperatures were higher than other substrates, which C/N about 25:1.The organic material resolved and transformed nutritious with the function of microorganism. The quantity of N, P, Ca, S of treatments 3, 4, 5 were higher than treatment 8.The growth oftreatment 1 was poor, so that the nutritious elements weren’t easily absorbed and the nutritious elements of it were high. The quantity of organic material was depending on the quantity of corn straw, which was been put in.The yield and single fruit weight of treatment 4 was highest among all treatments. The plant height of treatment 4 was the highest at early period and the plant height of treatment 9 was the highest at middle and later period. The stem diameter of treatment 9 was the widest at early period and the stem diameter of treatment 4 was the widest at middle and later period. For the quality of cucumber, nitrate content in cucumber fruits of treatments 5 was the lowest. The Vc and soluble sugar content in cucumber fruits of treatment 4 was the highest. In a word, corn straw mingles with cinder and sterilized chicken excrements can used as substrates. The reasonable proportion of corn straw , cinder , sterilized chicken excrement’s was55:45:20.There are developmental prospect of corn straw as substrates.

  • 【分类号】S642.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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