

【作者】 刘俊

【导师】 马波;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 旅游管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 区域旅游协作是为适应旅游业新时期发展而提出的一项战略性制度安排,其中基于政府层面的区域旅游业分工体系的构建是该战略实施的重要组成部分。本文针对山东省沿海地区社会经济及旅游业发展实际,着重研究了该地区旅游业分工体系的构建,希冀能够对地区旅游业分工发展实践起到一定的指导和借鉴作用。 区域旅游业分工在宏观层面上表现为区域旅游生产力的合理布局,研究的总体思路是以区域旅游经济系统整体效益的最大化为目标,以区域个体的比较优势分析为依据,避免重复建设和近距离替代性竞争,在良性竞争观念的指导下,对区域旅游产业要素进行合理的分工布局。 本文从比较优势理论在旅游业地域分工中的应用入手,探讨了区域旅游业比较优势的产生、体现和实现机制,初步构建了区域旅游业比较优势理论的分析框架。在对山东省沿海地区社会经济及旅游业发展特征分析的基础上,重点对这一区域内狭义旅游产品,即观光旅游、度假旅游、会展旅游和节庆旅游的分工进行了深入系统的研究。最后探讨了以狭义旅游产品为核心的旅游业配套要素的分工问题,完成了山东省沿海地区旅游产业分工体系的构建。

【Abstract】 The strategy of regional tourism collaboration is put forward for stimulating the development of tourism in new era. The labor division of tourism industry on government level is the most important part of mis strategic collaboration system, This paper is mainly on the labor division analysis of tourism industry of Shandong coastal area.,The tourism division of labor also means the distribution of regional tourism industry, which is based on the analysis of sub-region’s competitive advantage. The aim is to prevent repeated construction and non-efficient competition, and thus improve the overall efficiency of the regional tourism economy.The paper first gives analysis of the theory of competitive advantage in the labor division analysis of tourism industry, and thus establishes the preliminary framework for analyzing the theory of tourism competitive advantage. Second, based on the analysis of Shandong coastal area social and economic development and tourism characteristics, the paper gives deep and systematic study on the labor division of tourism products, including sightseeing tourism, holiday tourism, convention and conference tourism and events tourism. Finally, the labor division of other tourism segments, which are coordinated with the above-analyzed tourism products, are studied, and thus finishes establishing the final framework of tourism labor division of Shandong coastal area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】299