

A Study on Tensile Stretching Performance of Woven Fabric

【作者】 杜凤霞

【导师】 汪黎明;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 纺织工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分别以Peirce的织物结构模型和锯齿状模型为出发点,对拉伸过程中织物单根经纬纱交织点处受力进行分析。在分析Peirce的织物结构模型中,提出了织物在拉伸过程中的变形主要由弹性变形和几何变形组成的假设。并在这个假设的前提下,对拉伸过程中织物单根经纬纱交织点处受力进行分析,依据牛顿第二定律及动量矩守恒定理,结合其他一些弹性力学理论,并利用力的平衡原理,分别推导出了平纹织物和2/1斜纹织物拉伸—伸长的数学模型。 在分析锯齿状模型中,以锯齿状模型为出发点,对拉伸过程中织物单根经纬纱受力进行分析,依据纱线的总应变能主要包括三部分:伸长应变能,压缩应变能和弯曲应变能并结合Castigliano原理及其他一些力学理论,推导出了计算平纹织物拉伸—伸长的数学模型。 以上模型综合考虑了织物的结构参数如纱线的弹性系数,经纬纱线的特数,体积重量以及经纬密度,经纬纱线之间的摩擦系数等多种因素对织物拉伸伸长的影响。 以平纹织物和斜纹织物为例,采集多种样品进行实验,并将实验数据与理论计算数据进行对比,结果吻合较好,从而验证了织物拉伸—伸长模型的准确程度。同时把通过两种方法得出的数学模型进行对比,进一步验证数学模型的准确程度。 依据已验证的数学模型,编制有关应用程序,从理论上将织物的各种结构参数分别对织物拉伸—伸长的影响进行模拟分析,并绘制成图,所得变化规律与实际影响规律相同。 本文的意义在于:从理论与实践上,建立了织物结构参数与织物拉伸力—伸长量之间的关系,使在织物设计之前就能够预先估算织物的机械物理性能,为织物的开发设计提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Peirce’ s rigid-thread model of the woven fabric and indented (straight line) model have been employed as a starting point ,the relationship among strengths which act on the interweave point of the individual warp and weft of fabrics during the process of stretching has been dealt with .During the analysis of the Peirce’ s model, according to the Newton’ s law of motion and the law of conservation of momentum, combining with other mechanical theories, the conclusion that the deformation of fabrics is composed of elastic deformation and geometric deformation has been achieved . And according to the law of equilibrium, the mathematical models for calculating the load -extention of plain woven fabrics have been set up respectively. During the analysis of the indented model , according to the presumed conditions and Castigliano theroy, the mathematical models for calculating the load -extention of plain woven fabrics have been set up.The above models take into account the effects between structural parameter of fabrics and load-extention of fabrics generally. Among them the structural parameter of fabrics compose the elastic constant of yarns , the fineness of warp and weft ,structure and warp density and weft density of fabrics .To confirm those models , many plain-woven samples and 2/1 woven samples have been collected .By means of experiment and numerical calculation , the agreement between the calculated results and the experimental data is satisfactorily obtained .This confirms the exact degree of those mathematical models.According to those confirmed models , the programs have been designed , the effects between structural parameter of fabrics and load-extention of fabrics have also been simulated in theory, and some figures have been obtained , the results are the same as practical law.The thesis is of momentous current significance. In terms of theory and practice , the relationships between structural parameter of fabrics and load -extention of fabrics has been set up. Through these models , the mechanical and physical function of fabrics can be deduced in advance before project. This supplies the fabrics developing and projecting with theoretical basis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TS101.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】309