

Chemistry Olympic Contest and Chemical Teaching in Middle School

【作者】 陆泉芳

【导师】 高锦章;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 (第一部分)化学奥林匹克竞赛是一项风行世界的化学智力竞赛,在国外已有30多年的历史。我国的化学奥林匹克竞赛(简称化学竞赛)始于1984年,现已形成了从初中到高中,从地区到全国的多层次、多级别的竞赛格局。 我国化学竞赛的根本出发点是推动中学素质教育。试题的基本命题思想是考察能力,是立足于化学内容的自然生长点、中学化学教学和大学教学的结合点。在突出选拔功能的同时,对激发和培养学生学习化学的兴趣,促进中学教学改革,提高中学化学教师的素质和中学化学教学质量,培养面向21世纪的高素质人才等方面起到了良好的推动作用。 通过对近五年的全国化学竞赛初(决)赛理论试题分析,得出:我国化学竞赛对中学化学教育起导向作用;中学化学素质教育是竞赛命题的依据;试题内容源于竞赛大纲,但又不拘泥于大纲;试题注重多学科的综合、渗透;注重基础、联系实际、联系生活、联系科技前沿、涉及一系列新知识、新技术和新科学领域。通过对1996-2003年化学竞赛决赛实验题进行分析得出:“称量—合成—标定—测定”是近几年实验试题的特点;化学实验重在基础,特别是考察移液管和滴定管的使用;基本操作如称量、溶解、移液、回馏、抽滤、洗涤、滴定等是实验考查的重点。 从竞赛和教育两个角度探讨了竞赛与素质教育的关系,发现化学竞赛是一种中间化学,是素质教育的具体体现,是改革课堂教学的一种典范。它激发了中学化学教师知识更新的热情;强化了能力培养的教学导向;为“第二课堂”增添了活化学的内容。 (第二部分)为了更好的了解化学前沿,笔者参与了等离子体降解水体中有毒有机物的科学研究。利用接触辉光放电等离子体对水体中有机污染物氯代苯胺、硝基苯、对氯硝基苯等进行了降解。其机理为:首先是苯环羟基化,然后环破裂生成二元羧酸,最后二元羧酸氧化降解为二氧化碳和水。从而得出结论:接触辉光放电电解对处理高浓度难降解有毒有机废水具有较强的能力,通过进一步研究与完善有望形成一项废水处理新技术。

【Abstract】 Part one: Chemistry Olympic contest is a kind of chemical intelligence contest that has been spread all over the world. It appeared in China in 1984, and by now it has formed the pattern of multiple levels and multiple distinctions, which ranges from junior middle school to senior high school and from district to all the country.The basic springboard of Chinese chemistry contest is to promote the middle school quality education. The idea of assigning questions is based on the natural growing point of chemistry content and combining point of middle school chemistry teaching and college chemistry teaching. While attaching importance to the function of selection, the idea also lays stress on the checking of the student’ ability, the inspiring of the students’ interesting of learning chemistry, the promoting of teaching reform in middle school, the boosting of chemistry teachers quality and the teaching quality in middle school, the cultivating of high quality intellects that face the 21st century.Through the analysis of the recent five years test questions of preliminary contest and final contest of Chinese chemistry contest, it is concluded that the contest plays a role of directing the middle school chemistry teaching and keeps close relationship with the chemical quality education. The contest questions originate from the contest outline but are not limited by the outline. While contacting real life as well as the scientific frontier, the questions are also regarded as highly the colligation and penetration of multiple science branches. The contest questions relate to the fundamental knowledge and the new knowledge, new technology and new scientific fields. Through the analysis of contest experimental test questions from 1995 to 2003, it is found that metage, synthesis, standardization and determination are the characteristics of these years’ experimental test questions. Chemistry experiment is based on the elementary knowledge, especially checking the usage of suction pipet and buret. The core of questions lies on the basic operation of metage, dissolution, suction, refluxing, filter, wash and titration.From the angles of contest and education, the paper discusses the relationship of contest and quality education. It is concluded that chemistry contest is a kind of midst chemistry, it embodies the quality education deeply. So the contest can be called the model reform of class teaching. The contest not only inspires the chemistry teacher’s enthusiasm of renewing theirknowledge, but also intensifies orientation of the ability cultivation in practice of teaching. The contest adds vivid chemistry content to the "second class".Part two: In order to comprehend the advanced situation of chemistry, the author also took part in the chemical experimental research. Contact glow discharge electrolysis is a novel type of electrochemical process. The degradation of nitrobenzene, p-chloronitrobenzene and chloroanilines in aqueous solution were investigated by means of contact glow discharge electrolysis. The reaction pathways were proposed as follows: firstly, hydroxylation of aromatic ring, then ring cleavage forming dicarboxylic acid and eventually oxidation to inorganic carbon. So we can apply this method to treat the wastewater polluted by organic compounds. Moreover, it can be expected to treat toxic compounds in solution by using this technique.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1247