

The Study of the Quality on the Function of Chinese Teachers’ Role in Middle School

【作者】 刘晓玲

【导师】 靳健;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文所研究的对象是中学语文教师的角色功能,研究的目的是探索正确的语文教师角色在学生主动学习语文和教师顺利实施教学过程中所起到的重要作用,从而使语文教学在传承民族文化的同时更符合学生身心发展规律,使学生在愉悦心理驱动下求知、成长,教师也因学生学习快乐而欢乐,由此感到职业的魅力,并为此执著追求。 全文由五部分构成,第一部分是问题的提出,研究的理论和实践意义、研究的方法及研究所依据的思想,即主体性教育。第二部分是本研究的重点,即中学语文教师的角色功能,笔者以主体性教育为依托,提出以下几个观点(一)语文教师应是将学生发展放在首位的人,其涵义是语文学习的主体是学生,教师要把学习的主动权交给学生,想方设法使不同层次的同学都能得到发展,在提高学生的语文能力同时让他们成为身心健康,崇尚美好的人。学生积极主动学习语文是语文教学效率提高的外显性特征。(二)语文教师是善于思考语文问题的人。这是指语文教师要认真钻研语文课程的功能,把握语文课程的特点,正确认识学习语文的学生,帮助学生学会用自己的大脑思考。(三)语文教师应该做一个有“学生缘”的人。这儿指的是语文教师要做一个受学生欢迎的人。要受到欢迎,就必须首先替学生的身心发展着想,满足学生对教师的希望和要求。(四)语文教师应是学生语文学习动机的培养者。其意思是说,学生学习语文既要记,要理解,更要悟。语文教师不单要要求学生如何,更在于唤醒学生对语文学习需求,且语文课程本身就具有满足学生求知和审美的需求的特点,只要经常借用适当的方法唤醒学生求知进而热爱语文的动机,语文教学就会有效。(五)语文教师应是语文教学活动中的设计者、实施者和评价者。这一点十分重要,没有教师设计、组织,学生的语文学习将会陷入无序而不可知的状态,没有语文教师的评价,学生将会失去对差距的确定,迷失努力方向。虽然学习的主体是学生,但他们一刻也离不开教师,尤其在课堂教学中。当然教师要根据学习客体的不同特征和学习主体不同层次进行组织,从而使教学满足学习主体心理特点,教师在教学中即不能越俎代庖,也不可袖手旁观。教师的评价要公正合理并且要用发展的眼光,才能给不同的学习教育硕士学位论文:中学语文教师角色功能的质的研究主体提出合理的发展目标。(六)语文教师应是学生学习语文过程中的心理指导者,这是其他教师也做的工作,但语文教师有得天独厚的条件,语文课程本是注重情感教育的课程,文本自身是人类情感和智慧的结晶,传递着人类探索世界改造世界的信息,具有向美向善向真的特征,因而语文文本是教育学生克服多种心疾病的好药方,教师借助课内外不同的文本对学生进行一般性和具体性的点拨,从而让学生健康而愉快地成长。第三部分研究的是实践中学语文教师角色功能的价值。第四部分研究的是影响教师角色功能体现的诸多因素,它们是:①学生的认知层次、情感态度和学习习惯,家长对语文教师的需求,及社会对语文教师的要求和教师自身对语文及语文教师角色功能的自我认知情况,这些因素的探讨便于了解语文教师工作状况,为教师的努力打下基础。第五部分探求的是实践语文教师角色功能的途径和方法。他们分别是,树立自觉探索语文教育教学活动规律的强烈意识,把不断“充电”作为实践语文教师角色功能的主要手段,随时与学生交流,及时反馈教学信息,与家长建立信任的关系,与同学科教师组成团队,发挥集体的力量,同时不断调整自己的心态做一个心理健康的语文教师。总之,本研究以“主体性教育”为理论依据,采取访谈、观察、实物收集等等质的研究方法,对语文教师角色功能进行了认定,对影响语文教师角色实现的诸因素进行了分析,对语文教师实践教师角色的意义作了必要的思考,对实践语文教师角色功能的方法和途径进行了探索,试图初步构筑一个较完整的语文教师角色功能体系,以便为今后的探索创造条件。

【Abstract】 This paper is an attempt to study the important function of Chinese teachers’ role in the process of teaching and learning. The purpose is that while spreading the national cultural, the teaching of Chinese can conform to the law of development of the students’ body and mind. On the one hand, students can learn and grow up happily; on the other hand, teachers are fascinated by the profession and willing to devote then: lives to teaching because of the students’ happiness.The paper is divided into five parts. Part 1 is about such content: putting forward the problem; the significance of theory and practice; the method of study, the way of thinking-the student-centered education. Part 2 is the focal point of the study, which attempts to study the teachers’ function in middle school. On the basis of the student-centered education, the author has put forward the following ideas: (一) The teachers of Chinese should put the students’ development in the first place, which means students are the learning subjects in the process of learning, teachers should try to improve the development of different students. While enhancing the ability of Chinese, teachers must make students sound in body and mind and teach them to advocate the fine and the kind. Students’ learning on their own initiative is the overt feature of the teaching efficiency of Chinese. (二) The teachers of Chinese should be good at pondering on t he p roblems o f C hinese, w hich m cans t hey s hould s tudy i ntensively the function a nd t he feature of Chinese course and help students to think with their own mind. (三) The teachers of Chinese should be well received by students. They must pay great attention to the development of students’ body and mind and meet the students’ expectations and demands to them. (四) The teachers of Chinese should activate the students’ learning motivation, which means the they not only teach students how to learn, but also activate the wish to learn Chinese and the desire for appreciation of the good. This is the important feature of the Chinese course. Provided the teachers use the proper method to activate the students’ learning motivation, the teaching efficiency will surely be improved. (五) The teachers of Chinese are the instructional designers and enforcers. This is very important. Without the teachers’design and organization, students will fall into a state of confusion. Without the teachers’evaluation, students will lose the affirmation to the difference and the way of learning. As the learning subjects, students shouldnever for a moment deviate from the teacher, especially in the classroom instruction. According to the feature of the objects and the different level of the subjects, teachers carry out the teaching in order to meet the students’ mentality, In the process of teaching, the teachers should neither take students’ job into their own hands nor look on unconcerned. (六) The teachers of Chinese should act as the directors of students’mentality in the- process of learning. For the text of Chinese is affection-oriented, it is the crystallization of people’s affection and wisdom. It spreads the information about people in exploring and transforming the world, it also has the feature of seeking the beautiful, the true and the kind. Therefore the text of Chinese can be regarded as the effective prescription to treat students’ mental handicap. By means of different kinds of text, the teachers can give students some general and concrete guidance in order to make students grow up healthily and happily.Part 3 attempts to realize the importance of function of teachers’ role.Part 4 attempts to study a lot of factors, which affect the function of teachers’ role. They are as follows: (1) Students’ cognitive level, affective attitude and the study habits. (2)The demand to the teachers of Chinese from students’ parents and society. (3)The teachers’ self-cognitive ability to the course of Chinese and the function of the role. To study these factors helps to improve the teaching of Chinese.Part 5 a

  • 【分类号】G633.3
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