

A Study on the Setting of Mathematical Reading Context in the New Curriculum of Senior Middle School

【作者】 高维宗

【导师】 吕世虎; 孙名符;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用文献法、经验总结法,在研究数学阅读教学实施现状和对数学阅读价值分析的基础上,充分论证了高中数学新课程中设立数学阅读内容的必要性。然后,又进一步讨论了高中数学新课程中阅读内容设置应考虑的几个方面,即阅读内容的选取、阅读内容的编写以及阅读教学的实施。本文的创新之处在于:一是对高中设立阅读内容、实施数学阅读教学的价值进行了一些分析;二是对数学阅读内容的内容选取、编写及组织实施提供了一些参考建议,并提供了一些案例。本文以期使社会各阶层认识到培养学生数学阅读能力的重要性,为我国的高中数学课程改革提供参考。 全文的内容可概括为以下三个部分: 第一部分 高个数学新课程中数学阅读内容设置的价值分析 本部分首先介绍了阅读的本质,并对数学阅读的意义和设置数学阅读内容的价值进行了分析,然后在分析我国高中数学阅读教学实施现状的基础上,结合当前的课程改革新理念,得出了高中数学新课程中必须设立数学阅读内容的结论。 第二部分 高中数学新课程中数学阅读内容的选取与设计 本部分在上述两部分的基础上,根据笔者设计的数学阅读内容选取的原则和内容选取的几点建议,给出了一种内容选取的可能范围;并就内容的编写给出了几点参考意见,提供了个别案例。 第三部分 高中数学新课程中数学阅读内容的教学实施 本部分从教师和学生两个角度对数学阅读实施中的具体教与学的活动进行了讨论,简要总结了在阅读活动中可能出现的问题和相应的教学策略。

【Abstract】 The methods of documental research and experience-summarizing research are used in the thesis. Based on the situation research of the present mathematical reading teaching and studying and the analysis of values of doing mathematical reading, the author exposed the necessity of setting mathematical reading contents in the new senior high school mathematical curriculum. Then the author did the further work. It includes several aspects: the selecting and writing of reading contents and the teaching of mathematical reading contents. The creative work is that the first analyzing the values of doing mathematical reading in school, then the author pointed out the selecting ^ writing and teaching of mathematical reading contents in school, and give some examples. The motive of the writing is to make each class in society recognize the importance of training the students" ability of reading mathematical contents in the mathematical curriculum reform, so that the high school mathematical curriculum will be pushed forward successfully.The thesis consists of three four parts: Part one: the analysis of values on setting mathematical reading contents in high schoolAfter introducing the essentials of reading. The author analysis the values of mathematical reading as a live style and as a studying styles. Then author exposed the unsatisfied facts of present mathematical reading teaching and studying. Through compared with new curricula ideas. The author draw a concludes that setting mathematical reading contents is necessary.Part two: the selecting and writing of mathematical reading contents in high new mathematical curriculum.Based on the above parts, this section talked about the possible scopes of contents and gave some suggestions on reading contents writing. At last give out several examples. Part three: the teaching of mathematical reading contents in senior high schoolFrom the points of the teacher and student, the author summarized some possible questions in reading contents teaching and gave some reference methods.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】7
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