

Research on Students’ History Learning Style in New Curriculum

【作者】 王增科

【导师】 姬秉新;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中学历史教育作为基础教育的重要组成部分,其教育质量在很大程度上直接受制于学生的历史学习方式。但是,我国中学生的历史学习长期以来就是被动接受、死记硬背。这种低效率的历史学习,使历史教育质量长期难以提高。考察历史教育现状可以看出,学生的历史学习方式与新课程对学习方式的要求有很差距,为此,在现阶段对我国中学生历史学习方式问题进行深入系统的探讨就显得十分必要。 本文以现代教育理论为依据,并参考国家课程标准研制组的相关调研结果,在全面剖析当前历史教学中学生学习方式存在的不足及形成这些不足原因的基础上,结合新课程的理论、国家对变革学生历史学习方式提出的要求,对在实施历史新课程中如何转变学生的历史学习方式从理论层面、历史教师的具体教学策略等层面作了较系统、较深入的分析、研讨,以使我们对学生历史学习方式在历史教育中的作用等有比较清晰的认识。 本文分为四个部分:(一)学习方式和历史学习方式的含义。简单介绍了国内外专家对学习方式含义的不同界定及理由,进而阐述了历史学习方式的概念与具体表现。(二)中学生历史学习现状研究。在收集、整理相关文献和调研报告的基础上,运用现代学习理论对中学生历史学习现状(含学习方式)作了较系统、深刻的分析,指出当前历史学习方式存在的不足,并对这些不足存在的原因作了进一步探讨,使大家认识到历史教师以传递历史学科知识为主要任务的历史教学方式严重影响、制约了中学生的历史学习方式和历史学习效率。(三)新课程对历史学习方式的要求。探讨变革历史学习方式是中学历史课程改革成功与否的关键所在。(四)对新课程中历史学习方式变革的对策研究。首先阐述变革历史教师教学方式的基本理念;其次指出学生历史学习方式变革的关键是历史教师要改变自己的日常课堂教学方式。这就要求历史教师必须在课堂教学中大胆探索和尝试帮助学生变革历史学习方式的各种办法,以尽快实现学生历史学习方式的变革,从而提高学生的历史学习效率。

【Abstract】 History education in middle school is a very important part in basic education. Its quality, to a great extent, is directly restricted to students’ history learning style. However, for a long period of time, students’ history learning style is usually passive, and mechanical memorizing. Due to this kind of history learning of low efficiency, the quality of history education, for a long time, can not be unproved. The survey of current history education situation shows that there is a big gap between students’ learning style and the new history curriculum. Therefore, it is of great necessity to research on the current middle school students’ history learning style in China.Based on the modern education theory and the analysis of the shortcomings existing in the current middle school students’ history learning style as well as the causes, with reference to the investigation and research results of the national curriculum standard preparation group, and combined with the theory of new curriculum and the requirements of the national reform of students’ history learning style, this thesis, from the perspectives of the theory and the teaching strategy, analyzes and discusses systematically how to change students’ history learning style with the practice of the new curriculum, so as to make us realize clearly the function of students’ learning style in history education.This thesis consists of altogether four parts:1. The definitions of learning style and history learning style. It gives a brief introduction to all the definitions of learning style made by experts and their corresponding reasons. Then it states the definition of history learning style and its concrete expression.2. The research on middle school students’ current history learning situation. Based on the collected literary reviews and survey reports, by using the modern learning theory, this part makes a systematic and deep analysis of middle school students’ current learning situation (including their learning style), and points out the shortcomings existing in current history learning style. It then further discusses the reasons which cause all the shortcomings, and makes the fact to be clearly realizedthat teachers’ teaching style, which put the task of transmitting history knowledge as the priority, severely influences and confined middle school students’ history learning style as well as history learning efficiency.3. The requirements of new curriculum on history learning style. This part discuss that the reform of history learning style is the key to the success of middle school history curriculum reform.4. Research on the way to deal with middle school history learning style in the new curriculum. This part firstly states the basic thoughts in reforming history teachers’ teaching style, then it points out that the key to reform students’ history learning style is to change teachers’ daily teaching methods. So teachers should be creative to help students to change their learning style, so as to realize the reform of students’ learning style and improve students’ history learning efficiency.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】5
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