

Research on Centre of Gravity in Ming and Qing

【作者】 白欣

【导师】 冯立升; 张子文;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 力学是物理学中较早发展起来的一个学科,而重心概念及相关知识是力学(特别是静力学)中较为核心的一个概念。中国古代物理学中对重心知识有着较为丰富的利用。但这些利用大都停留在器物的定性阶段。随着明末清初西方物理学知识传入中国,物体重心知识也进入了理论概括阶段,这一过程恰恰与中国物理学的近代化过程是一致的。所以把握重心知识在明清时期的发展脉络,对中国物理学近代化的过程可以起到窥一斑而见全豹的作用。 本文通过研究这段历史,可以看出,中国物理学在近代西方科学传入之前知识本身尚未形成体系。西方物理学知识传入的过程也是中国物理学知识近代化的过程。这个近代化过程的标志之一就是数学化的完善。在19世纪末期以重心为代表的中国物理学知识进入了对现象和原理进行系统阐述的实质性研究阶段。在20世纪初西方物理学知识基本上均已传入我国,从此中国物理学的发展便随同世界潮流前进了。 在这个过程中早期的耶稣会士和晚期的英美传教士的作用当然是功不可没的,而对于中国早期的科学家如:梅文鼎、邹伯奇、顾观光的研究工作是应该引起我们的注意的,对于王征、李善兰等人的传播知识的贡献也起到了非常关键的作用。 本文深入研究了我国明清时期的科学历史文献如《远西奇器图说》、南怀仁《灵台仪象志》、《穷理学》、梅文鼎《度算释例》、邹伯奇《磬求重心术》、《求重心说》、《重学》、《微积溯源》、顾观光《静重学记》、《动重心记》、丁韪良《格物入门》、《格物测算》等。对明清时期我国出版的科学文献中所出现的物体重心概念及其相关知识做了深入细致的研究、探讨。以期对物体重心知识在明清的发展过程梳理出了一个完整、系统的历史脉络。

【Abstract】 The definition for center of gravity and its relevant knowledge is central in mechanics (esp. statics) which developed early in physics. In ancient China, knowledge about center of gravity was practiced fully but remained in qualitative experience until in late Ming and early Qing, it was introduced to China with the spreading of physics, from which Chinese scholars knew about center of gravity and gained knowledge relative to statics followed by the research promoting the cognition for center of gravity and its relevant knowledge to be generalized theoretically. This was a prelude for modernization of Chinese physics. Especially in mid 1800s, since the introduction process of western modern mechanics and calculus acted as a miniature of Chinese physics modernization, the knowledge about center of gravity was deepened and systemized. Therefore, studying the developing sequence of center of gravity in Ming and Qing gave a valuable idea about the Chinese physics modernization.It is seen that Chinese physics wasn’t systemized before the introduction of western science setup. Actually, the process of Chinese physics modernization marked with the perfection of maths modernization (Ifc^^) began after the introduction. In late 1800s, Chinese physics entered the stage of stating and explaining physics phenomena and principles, which embodied in the study of center of gravity. In early 1900s, almost all about physics had been introduced to China, and subsequently, Chinese physics could keep pace with the world trend.Undoubtedly, the early Christian missionaries and the late English and American missionaries played an important role in this process, but the contributions made by the Chinese scientists like Mei Wending, Zou Boqi and Gu Guanguang should be thought highly of with critical devotion of Wang Zheng and Li Shanlan.This paper made profound study on center of gravity and the knowledge relative to that by exploring the historical material in Ming and Qing like Yuanxiqiqitushuo, Lingheyixiangzhi, Qionglixue, Dusuanshili, Qingqiuzhongxinshu, Qiuzhongxinshuo, Zhongxue, Weijisuyuan, Jingzhongxueji, Dongzhongxinji, Gewucesuan, Gewurumen. Meanwhile, evolution of center of physics was deliberated in addition to finding some new material.

  • 【分类号】O4-092
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】184