

The Study of Jing Zhuan Shi Ci

【作者】 宋彩霞

【导师】 章也;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 清人王引之的《经传释词》是一部系统的研究古汉语虚词的重要著作,在中国语言学史上有着突出的地位和重要的价值。它的虚词理论独到而精深、研究方法科学而有效,值得我们全面、细致地研究。本文试图从古汉语虚词研究的角度对《经传释词》进行较为深入的探讨。 首先,介绍《经传释词》之前虚词的研究概况。以春秋穀梁氏用“辞”来阐释虚词为始,本文按时间线索从汉至清概括每一时期虚词的研究成果与水平,这些都是《经传释词》诞生的背景,为其成书提供了借鉴,奠定了基础。 其次,对《经传释词》进行简述。介绍作者王引之的情况,及该书版本的流变;明确《经传释词》的体例,对其收词、编排、释文予以介绍。 再次,重点分析《经传释词》的理论框架。主要包括:第一,王引之对虚词的见解。王氏对汉语词类进行了虚词、实词的明确分类,并对虚词进行了界说,认识到虚词皆取诸字音,不取字本义;第二,《经传释词》中体现出的虚词次范畴理论,即王氏通过术语和分列义项来进行的虚词下位分类;第三,总结王氏治虚词之法。 最后,从成就与不足两方面评价《经传释词》。王引之《经传释词》的精审与深邃,为历代学者所称誉。但同时,它是传统训诂学的产物,尚存在缺憾,所以客观地认识《经传释词》有利于我们学习和借鉴它的精髓。

【Abstract】 Jing Zhuan Shi Ci (《经传释词》) written by Wang YinZhi(王引之) in Qing Dynasty(清) is an important work which studied ancient Chinese function words systematically, with standing position and high value. Its theory about function words is special and profound, and its method of study is scientific and efficient. Because of those, it is worthwhile to study completely .This article tries to discuss Jing Zhuan Shi Ci ( 《经传释词》 ) deeply from the angle of the study of ancient Chinese function words.Firstly, introduce the general situation of the study of function words before Jing Zhuan Shi Ci (《经传释词》) . The achievement and level of the study of function words from Han (汉) to Qing Dynasty (清) in chronological sequense were summed up, beginning as Gu Liang Shi (豰梁氏) who used" Ci" (辞) to analyze the function words in Spring and Autumn period (春秋时期) . All of those were the background and foundation of Jing Zhuan Shi Ci (《经传释词》) .Secondly, make a brief introduction on Jing Zhuan Shi Ci (《经传释词》) and the life of the Wang Yinzhi (王引之) and the edition of the work. Then elucidate the structure, collection of the words and compilation of the work.Thirdly, stress the theory structure of Jing Zhuan Shi Ci (《经传释词》 ) . It mainly includes: I.Wang’ view on function words. Wangclassified the national words and function words and realized that all function words came from the prounounciation. 2.The subfleld theory of function words. Wang gave the sub-classification of function words through terminology. 3.The pattern of Wang’ study on function words.Finally, make an assess of Jing Zhuan Shi Ci (《经传释词》) from its achievements and limitations. Wang’ work is eulogized by many linguists for its accuracy and profundity. But, it was the result of critical interpretation of ancient texts. Because of that, it had some defects. For helping us to acquire the essence from the work, we need to comment it objectively.

  • 【分类号】H141
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