

Analysis on China Investment Banking Sustainable Development

【作者】 石松

【导师】 余建辉; 陈秋华;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,投资银行业作为一个新兴产业部门在促进我国资本市场发展、支持国有企业改革和国有经济的战略性改组上,发挥着十分重要的作用。然而由于受客观因素如政策体制束缚、市场环境残缺和主观原因如业务趋同化、内部风险控制不严等的影响,我国投资银行业在发展中遇到了较大的阻力。本文在分析我国投资银行业发展现状的基础上,以可持续发展理论为指导,在进行微观分析时结合企业战略理论和核心竞争力理论,采取规范和实证分析相结合的方式,对我国投资银行业如何适应开放经济,获得可持续发展,从战略取向和能力建设两个方面提出了一些建议。同时对我国投资银行业所处的环境因素进行了较为详细的分析。最后初步提出了我国投资银行业可持续发展指标体系。 结构安排:全文共分为9章。前2章分析提出中国投资银行业可持续发展论题的现实背景和理论基础。第3章对投资银行职能和业务做一简要介绍。第4章分析我国投资银行业可持续发展面临的主要问题。第5章结合企业战略理论分析我国投资银行业可持续发展战略抉择。第6章结合核心竞争力理论分析我国投资银行业可持续发展能力建设。第7章从宏观和微观两方面对我国投资银行业发展的环境因素进行了具体分析。第8章初步建立了衡量我国投资银行业可持续发展能力的指标体系。第9章为结语。 创新之处:将可持续发展理论应用于我国投资银行业发展分析当中,运用可持续发展方法论(主体、环境及两者互动分析)给出了我国投资银行业在开放经济背景下如何实现可持续发展的基本途径(战略选择、核心能力建设、行业环境建设、行业资源的适度开发),并初步建立了我国投资银行业可持续发展能力指标体系。

【Abstract】 Investment Banking, as an emerging industry in China, plays a very important role in China’s capital market development, state-owned enterprise reform and nation economy reconstructing.In its own development, however, China investment banking encounters lots of obstacles, which are arising from objective factors such as institution bondage, insufficient market as well as subjective factors such as operation similarity, unrigorous inner risk control.Based on the analyses of current China investment banking situations, this dissertation, under the guidance of sustainable development theory, combined normative analysis with positive analysis, as well as an introduction of enterprise strategic theory and core competence theory, put some suggestions about how China Investment Banking, under the open economy conditions, achieve sustainable development through strategic choice and capability cultivation. In addition, detailed analyses are given to the environment that China investment banking lies in.At the end of the thesis, the author attempts to put an elementary indicator system to measure and evaluate the state of China investment banking sustainable development. Structure of the thesis: the thesis is divided into nine chapters. The first two chapters analyze the realistic backgrounds and theory foundations that the subject relies on. The third chapter makes a brief presentation about investment bank’s function and operation. The next chapter analyzes the problems that hinder China investment bank’s sustainable development. The fifth chapter, combined with enterprise strategic management theory, illustrates the strategic choices that help China investment banking to achieve sustainable development. The sixth chapter, linked with core competence theory, makes an analysis of the competence that China investment band need to pursuit for its sustainable development. The seventh chapter, from macro and micro level, makes a detailed analysis to the support environment factors that are integrated parts in the industry development. The eighth chapter put an elementary indicator system to measure and evaluate the state of China investment banking sustainable development. The last chapter is the end words.The innovations of the thesis: apply the sustainable development theory to China investment banking development; make use of the theory methodology (subject, surrounding analysis and interaction between them) to put the basic approaches (strategic choice, core competence, support environment system construction, temperate exploitation to industry resource) that China investment bank need pay attention to for its sustainable development under the open economy; construct primarily an indicator system to measure and evaluate the state of China investment banking sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】F832
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