

Study on On-line Measurement and Intelligent Prediction Control System for Food Testing Dryer

【作者】 潘秀霞

【导师】 陆则坚;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前食品加工技术的一个重要发展趋势是最大限度地保持食品的营养和色香味,而干燥工艺和设备的选择对食品产品的营养、色香味有很大影响。同时干燥过程的节能是涉及面广的长远课题,研究开发新型高效节能的农产品干燥工艺和设备是一项重要的任务。自我国加入WTO组织以来,农产品出口面临激烈的国际市场竞争以及人们对食品安全的关注,农产品出口面对西方国家设置的“绿色壁垒”,改进农产品加工方法、提高干制品品质、研制新型节能的干燥设备,就成了本课题研究的内容。 本文介绍了本课题组研制的气调干燥试验设备。该设备以物理方法(降氧)取代化学方法实现提高干制品品质的目的,并利用内循环热泵节能除湿原理降低了干燥过程的能牦。 本文研制了一整套的智能测控系统,保证干燥过程中干燥室的温度、湿度、氧含量等的稳定与均匀,并初步完成对干燥物料机理与干燥工艺的分析与优化选择的处理软件。 系统的智能测控由上下位机实现,下位机可单独工作。下位机采用MCS-51单片机,实现对设备环境参数的采集、处理、显示、设置与模糊控制。上位机管理软件由VB6.0程序实现,完成环境数据的存储、数字曲线图表显示、在线监测控制与最终数据的分析处理,建立专家知识库等功能。 最后通过茶试验,表明气调干燥对茶叶品质的提高具有显著影响,并得到制作绿茶的最优因素条件:杀青时间为9min、氧含量为9%、气体温度60℃,和相应的回归方程。

【Abstract】 Drying as a part of a food process must follow the fundamental requirements of food production. These concern nutritional and sensorial aspects, traceability and food safety, and also minimizing processes losses, saving energy and water, reducing risks of pollution, etc. Technological trends in drying may be summarized in different complementary directions, all of them oriented towards improvement of final quality of products.In this paper, to try to save energy of drying procedure, heat pump drying was used and to try to improve the quality of the dried product, oxygen content was deduced in a controlled atmosphere during the drying process.The paper was introduced micro-controller application on automatic control food dryer, realized communication between single chip micro-controller and computer. A control system based on Fuzzy Logic was used and Visual Basic for applications offers a powerful object-oriented programming language in order to build an appropriate graphic interface.The software of on-line measurement and intelligent prediction control of the drying process has functions of input of the initial parameters of the food, system setup, running and controlling, data inquiring, output and help, and so on. It makes use of a database to manage data measuring, displays all the mentioned parameters and their changing trend synchronously. It can trace back the history data inquired and print a report for manager.Finally, after several experiments of drying green tea, the paper shows the results of the best conditions of making green tea and its regression equation.

  • 【分类号】TS205
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】288