

Study on Optimal Purification Process of Dual Water Supply in Residential District

【作者】 李艳蔷

【导师】 金建华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 市政工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,自来水一直是城市居民饮水的主要来源。随着城市的工业化及经济的发展,自来水水源严重恶化,水中污染物的种类和数量急剧增加。传统的混凝、沉淀、过滤等工艺主要去除水中的悬浮物和胶体,对溶解性有机物去除效果甚微。尤其是加氯消毒工艺,由于过滤出水中的溶解性有机物的存在,加氯后与氯作用产生对人体有害的“三致”物质。另外城市输水管网使用年限过久,以及二次供水中使用的水箱和水池管理不善,造成供水二次污染日趋严重。因此提高自来水水质是目前保证人们身体健康所势在必行的事情。限于经济发展的水平,对现有的供水设备、制水工艺和管网作全面改造是很难实现的。并且,由于生活饮用水只占城市用水的一小部分,寻找一种装置占地面积小、维护管理方便、处理水质稳定的工艺方法,对专供饮用的少量自来水进行深度处理,获得优质的饮用水是解决水源污染,提高生活质量的捷径。 为了保证饮用水的卫生,满足社会需要,在一些经济比较发达的地区兴起了对人口居住密集的住宅小区实行分质供水。所谓分质供水,即对自来水进行深度处理,使其水质达到可以直接饮用的标准,通过另设一套独立循环管网将净化后的优质水送入用户家中,以确保水质卫生、稳定、新鲜,供用户直接饮用。 本课题结合广州市科委的实际科研项目,以广州市区管网末端自来水为原水,探讨小区净水站内水处理工艺流程。在对目前饮用水深度处理技术进行分析比较的基础上,通过中试研究确定了用于分质供水水质净化的较优化工艺——砂滤+活性炭吸附+纳滤。试验表明,该工艺对水中的高锰酸钾指数、氨氮、挥发性有机物等有理想的去除效果。另外,试验对处理系统中的炭滤器滤速、纳滤膜工作压力以及浓水回流率等运行参数的确定作了探讨性的研究。试验结果表明,活性炭过滤器滤速控制在6m/h,纳滤膜工作压力为0.5MPa,浓水回流率为40%时,系统出水水质较好。 在本课题试验研究的基础上,广州市益民饮用水技术有限公司在珠江帝景小区净水站设计中采用了这一处理工艺流程。经过半年多的调试运行,该系统表现出良好的处理性能。系统出水经出水广州市卫生检测中心多次检测所有指标都达到了国家《饮用净水水质标准》(CJ94-1999)。另外,本文根据该工程的基建投资、设备投资与运行管理费用等计算了制水成本,约为20元/m~3。 本研究为小区分质供水工程中水处理工艺的选择提供了有力的试验依据和基础,对分质供水工程的运行有积极的指导意义。

【Abstract】 For a long time, tap water is the main source of the civil drinking water .With the industrialization and development of economic, the sources of drinking water plants deteriorated seriously. The kinds and quantity of the contaminants increased rapidly. Conventional processing units, such as coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, filtration etc., are employed to get rid of the suspending and colloid in the water. They are incapable of removing the organic micropollutants from water effectively. Especially the chlorination-disinfection unit brings on the formation of potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-products, which is bad to health. For the long using time of the water pipes in the cities and poor supervise of the water tanks and pools which are used for second supply ,the second pollution is more and more serious . So to improve the quality of tap water is what we should do to insure people’s health. Due to the limitation of economic status, it is impossible to rebuild the existing water supply facilities and water pipes completely. It’s also difficult to change the conventional water treatment technology of all water work in a short period. What’s more, the water used for drinking is little proportion in the whole urban water supply. Therefore, a small scale centralized drinking water treatment system which produces a kind of high quality drinking water will be needed. It is also a short cut to solve the pollution of water source and improve the human living condition.At present in some economically developed areas in China, dual water supply system which supplys water separably for different purposes advents in some new residential buildings. The system deals with drinking water with advanced treatment technologies to meet the high quality standard so that people can drink water directly. The treated water is carried by other cycle pipes to the domestic.As part of a practical scientific research item from science administration of Guangzhou, this study aims to discuss water treatment process in residential water supply in Guangzhou. Based on a detailed analysis and comparation of present advanced treatment technologies, a more optimal purification process, which consists of sand filtration, GAC(Granular Active Carbon) adsorption, and NF membrane has been suggested by pilot research. The tests indicated this process effective in removing CODMn, ammonia, volatile organic and so on. In addition, some tests on the function parameters such as the filtering velocity of the GAC filter, the function pressure of the NF membrane and the using rate of the discharged water, have been done to determine the optimal values. It is found that the whole purification process performs safely and steadily in product water quality when the values of mentioned parameters are 6m/h, 0.5MPa and 40% respectively.Based on the study, the above-mentioned treatment process has been adopted in the design of dedicated drinking water system in Zhujingdijing residential district. Through more than half of year’s operation, the system shows its good treatment ability .Theproduced water meets the requirement of "the Water Quality Standard for fine drinking water (CJ94-1999)". By the estimation, the cost of the treated water is about 20 RMB per cubic meter.This study supplies strong trial reference and foundation for practice and can direct the operation of dedicated drinking water system.

  • 【分类号】TU991.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】387