

Study on Establishing the Flux Formula for Water Supply Design Inside Buildings by Probability

【作者】 贺杏华

【导师】 唐楚丁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 市政工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高和居住条件的改善,以及人均日用水量的变化,住宅建筑内生活用水规律也在发生变化。而建筑内给水设计秒流量计算公式仍是沿用传统的平方根法所推导出的公式,该公式只反映出卫生器具数量对设计流量的影响而没有反映出居住人数的变化以及用水频率对设计流量的影响,在进行设计时,存在设计值比实际流量值偏大的问题,导致系统供给的水压过高而浪费能源。针对这些问题,笔者通过调查和实测本地区的水量资料,拚弃了以往的公式推导方法,运用概率方法推算出更适用的计算公式。 本文结合大量的实测数据,运用二项式分布和线性回归法进行数据分析和处理,并将得到计算公式与平方根法所得到的公式结合实际数据进行比较分析,从而进一步论证所得公式的适用性。

【Abstract】 With the elevation of people’s living stantard , the improvement of the condition of inhabitation and the change in the quantity of water daily used by every man, the rule of using water in life inside the dwelling house is also verifying .But the formula of calculating the flux designed for water supply inside the buildings is still following the traditional one which has been educed from square root.It only reflects the effect of the number of sanitary sware on flux designed but not the effect of the frequency of using water. So,when we use it to devise projections,we may find that the numerical value designed is ofen bigger than the actual .which has resulted in that the hydraulic pressure provided by the system is high enough to waste energy sources .In allusion to these problems, the author investigates and surveyes the data about the quantity of water used,abandoned the former method of deducing the formula and calculated an expressions in pointIn order to gain the formula , this text wields binomial distributing and linearity regression to analyse and dispose the abundant data and then gain the formula which has been compared with what is deduced from square root on the basis of the actual data and then demonstrate the applicability of the formula

【关键词】 概率建筑给水流量公式
【Key words】 probabilitywater supply for bildingsflux formula
  • 【分类号】TU821
  • 【被引频次】2
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