

Research on Technologies of Remote Monitoring System Based on Web

【作者】 卓祯雨

【导师】 黎洪生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,网络技术的不断发展,为远程监控技术的发展创造了条件。远程监控是指本地计算机通过网络系统(特别是Internet)对远端的控制系统进行监测和控制,完成对分散控制网络的状态监控、远程软件下载及设备的诊断维护等功能。而基于Web的远程监控系统是以Web作为通信平台的监控系统。远程监控系统的研究对于企业降低生产成本,提高劳动生产率以及增强企业的综合竞争实力等方面都具有十分重要的意义。 基于Web的远程监控系统作为典型的分布式应用系统,其结构和实现技术是十分复杂的。Internet上目前常用的WWW技术,由于其本身固有的缺陷,使它不能解决所有的远程设备监测与故障诊断事务。CORBA作为一种新的分布式对象技术,具有与开发语言、与操作系统无关以及集成性的特点,它与Java的集成可以使二者优势互补,在它们的结合上CORBA处理网络的透明性,Java处理实现的透明性。本文在对传统的基于Web的远程监控方案及相关技术进行全面的分析和研究后,提出开放式网络、CORBA与Java技术集成以及结合B/S计算模式来实现远程监控。在该方案中采用改进的四层结构,将服务器层细化为Web服务器和CORBA应用服务器,在JSP应用程序中调用JavaBean组件作为CORBA客户程序来调用CORBA服务方的程序,并由CORBA服务器与数据库服务器进行交互。这种结构大大减轻了Web服务器及数据库服务器的负担,使整个系统具有可伸缩性、集成性、可重用性和可移植性,同时也极大的提高了程序开发的效率。 本文结合自动化学院远程控制与智能诊断中心的系统设计以及某油田原油生产过程远程监控系统的设计过程,合理的将研究成果应用于实践中,取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the rapid development of network technology has made it possible for the development of remote monitoring and control. Remote monitoring is to monitor and control the control system through the network (especially through Internet). It has the function of state monitoring and fault diagnosis. While the remote control system based on web is using web as its communication platform. The research on this technology has far reaching impact on decreasing the production costs and raising the productivity for enterprises.The remote monitoring and control system based on web, as a typical distributed system, has very complicated structure and its implement is very difficult. At present, the common used WWW technology cannot solve all the problems about remote monitoring and fault diagnosis because of the intrinsic defect itself. CORBA is a new distributed object technology with the characteristics of having nothing to do with the languages and operation system. The combination of CORBA and Java can be mutually complemented. After making thorough analysis and all-rounded research on the traditional scheme and relevant technology, this article proposes an improved scheme of four-tier structure. In the new scheme the original server layer is divided into web server and CORBA server and JavaBean in JSP is used as CORBA client program to transfer CORBA server program. CORBA server communicates with database server directly. This structure relieves the burden of web server and database server and makes the whole system capable of expand and contact, being transplanted and being used repeatedly. What’s more is that it promotes theefficiency of programming greatly.This paper incorporates an oilfield manufacturing process real-time monitoring system and the remote control & intelligence diagnosis center in our school of Automation, and use JSP, CORBA and JDBC to this remote monitoring system. This application acquires evident effect.

【关键词】 远程监控Browser/ServerCORBAJSPJavaBeanJDBC
【Key words】 Remote MonitoringBrowser/ServerCORBAJSPJavaBeanJDBC
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】531