

Study on the Development of the Third Party Logistics of Shipping Enterprises in China

【作者】 王雪

【导师】 张庆年;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 任何事物的发展都是由需求和供给双方相互作用决定的,航运企业发展第三方物流也不例外。国际海运市场竞争的日渐激烈和中国第三方物流市场需求的不断增长使大力发展第三方物流成为中国航运企业顺应市场经济要求的必然抉择。 本文详细介绍了国内外第三方物流的理论与发展动态,结合实际分析了目前中国传统航运企业发展第三方物流的现状和前景;并在此基础上,对中国传统航运企业如何发展第三方物流、如何建立一套行之有效的运营模式进行了实践性很强的研究,旨在给政府部门和港航企业提供正确的决策参考,对中国传统航运企业的改革发展起到积极的促进作用。 第一章绪论部分说明了本文的选题背景和意义、课题研究的主要内容和方法;第二章介绍了第三方物流的基本概念与特征;第三章进行了国内外航运企业发展第三方物流的比较分析;第四章我国航运企业发展第三方物流的现状与前景;第五章结合本人在MAERSK航运、MAERSK物流、OOCL航运、P&O航运公司以及大连远洋运输公司、深圳远洋运输公司、青岛海运集团,深圳中谷新良海运公司等国内外大小航运企业实际调研体会,围绕我国传统航运企业如何发展第三方物流的问题,采用理论联系实际的方法进行分析和总结,提出我国航运企业若想成功地转型为第三方物流企业,需要解决五个当务之急的问题:一是利用管理信息系统整合传统物流功能,二是发挥现有的人才优势,提高从业人员的整体素质,三是更新服务理念,建立以客户需求为中心的柔性服务体系,四是发挥自身优势,提供多方位的第三方物流服务,五是优化运营模式,提升第三方物流企业的核心竞争力;第六章结合中外运和招商物流两家企业的实际情况进行了实际的案例分析,指出航运企业发展第三方物流要根据现代物流的需要再造业务流程,并根据业务流程的需要重整组织结构、实施电子商务。 由于第三方物流在我国还是一个年轻的行业,近年来通过与航运第一线企业大量的密切接触和相互交流,深深地体会到了我国传统航运企业在新经济的 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文大潮下向第三方物流服务转型的迫切心情,同时也发现虽然各种刊物都大量地介绍现代物流,但怎样才能成功地转型和开拓成为一个真正的第三方物流企业,又是大家都感到比较困扰的问题。本文的研究对我国航运企业发展第三方物流有一定的指导和借鉴意义。第四、五、六章是本文的重点。

【Abstract】 Demand and supply are two crucial factors to everything’s development. Shipping Enterprise’s development is following the above regulation. It becomes a certain tendency for Shipping Enterprises to offer Third Party Logistics services to meet the market’s requirement and the purpose of self-developing.Based on the study of Third Party Logistics’ present and future prospects in China, this paper analyses the necessarily and possibility for Shipping Enterprises to provide Third Party Logistics services, then I offer several advices and an operation model on how to realize the target. Many problems are studied in this paper for reference for policy formulation in government and shipping industriesThe background and significance of the topic selection are illustrated in preface (chapter 1); in chapter 2 I introduce the concise concept of Third Party Logistics. The comparative analysis of Chinese shipping enterprises as a Third Party Logistics provider and the actual situation of international shipping line as a Third Party Logistics provider is made in chapter 3; In chapter 4, Chinese TPL developing present and future prospects ;In chapter 5, I make a detailed analysis on how to make the target come true, point out that that in order to meet the target, Shipping Enterprises should follow the five principles: First, adopt information management system. Second, improve personal qualities of whole personnel. Third, offer customer-oriented services. Forth, provide multi-functional services. At last, improve the company’s core competitive ability; in chapter 6,1 focus on the study of practical procedure for shipping enterprises to offer Third Party Logistics services.As Third Party Logistics is a new industry in China, although many shipping enterprises are eager to take part hi the Third Party Logistics group, it is not quite easy get the success. Close cooperation should be kept between academic researchpeople and related industry to make erTort to do something. This paper may have some reference for policy formulation in shipping enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F552
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