

The Study on the Occurrence and Control of the Diseases and Pests on Cinnamomum Cassia in Fujian

【作者】 王记祥

【导师】 叶建仁;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林保护, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 肉桂(Cinnamomum cassia)是一种重要的经济树种,桂皮和桂油是驰名国内外的调料、香料和药品,具有极高的经济价值。越南清化桂(Cinnamomum cassia var macrophylla)是一个品质最好的肉桂品种。福建省华安县于50年代末从越南引进该种,目前种植面积已达1.3万亩。然而在大力发展肉桂生产的过程中,病虫害问题也日益严重,已妨碍了肉桂的大面积推广和健康发展。本论文对发生在福建省华安县肉桂林中的病虫害种类作了广泛而仔细的调查,并重点研究了几种主要病虫害的发生发展规律和其防治试验,以期能有效控制这几种主要病虫害的发生和发展。 经初步研究现已知道发生在福建省华安县肉桂林中的病害有:藻斑病(Cephaleuros virescens)、肿枝病(病原未明确)、炭疽病(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)、叶斑病(Apiognomonia sp.)等8种病害;虫害有:肉桂双瓣卷蛾(Polylopha cassiicola)、肉桂突细蛾(Gibbvalva quadrifasciata)、樟青凤蝶(Graphium sarpedon)等16种。其中藻斑病、肿枝病、肉桂双瓣卷蛾和肉桂突细蛾是几种发生较为严重的病虫害。 肉桂藻斑病是一种发生十分严重的病害,它由寄生性藻类所引起。该病流行规律是病原以游动孢子随气流和雨水传播侵染,传播时间从3月上旬至10月上旬。以孢子囊在病叶上越冬。该病属于单循环病害。在病原侵染初期分别用1%波尔多液、托布津和多菌灵进行防治试验,结果三者的防效分别为66.2%,45.9%和33.8%。 肉桂肿枝病是另一种重要的肉桂病害,该病的发生与一点同缘蝽的为害有密切关系,但病原尚未明确。由于时间所限未能获得对该病的防治效果。 肉桂双瓣卷蛾在福建华安县1年发生7代,以蛹于地表落叶和杂草丛中越冬。该虫以幼虫钻蛀肉桂嫩梢为害,在肉桂幼龄林中发生十分严重。对该虫的防治试验采取了剪除枯梢、用40%氧化乐果1000倍液和40%辛硫磷1000倍液喷雾三种处理措施,三者的防效分别为77.2%、88%和66.4%。 肉桂突细蛾是另一种重要的肉桂害虫,其以幼虫取食叶肉为害,在幼龄肉桂林中发生十分严重。该虫在福建华安县1年发生8代,以蛹于地表落叶和杂草丛中越冬。防治试验采用40%氧化乐果1000倍液和40%辛硫磷1000倍液对树冠喷雾,二者防效分别为84.5%和81.4%。

【Abstract】 Cinnamomum cassia is a valuable plant. It could be used of medicine, food and perfume, etc. Cinnamomum cassia var macrophylla is an excellent variety. Its quality is better than any other kinds of C.cassia. The Fujian province imported this variety from Viet Nam in late 1950’s and now the planted areas get to 866.7 hec. In recent years the diseases and pests have caused big damage to the plantation of this tree and influence their generalization and development seriously. This dissertation make an extensive investigation on the species of diseases and pests. The research about the occurrence regularity and control experiments of some major diseases and pests has been carried out, in hope of finding some means to control them effectively.By primary research it is found that there are eight kinds of diseases and sixteen kinds of pests at least on C.cassia. Of them the Cephaleuros virescens, Polylopha cassiicola, Gibbvalva quadrifasciata and Homoeocerus unipunctatus are major disease and pests.The algae-spot disease is serious and it can propagate and infect by means of zoospore from March to October. It is a single-cycle disease. The pathogen of this disease can survive over winter by means of sporangium on infected leaves. The control effects of 1% Bordeaux mixture, Carbendazim and Topsin are 66.2%,33.8% and 45.9% respectively.The pathogen of swollen-stem disease is uncertain, but it has close relationship with Homoeocerus unipunctatus. The control effect of this disease can not be achieved because the time is limited.The Polylopha cassiicola has seven generations in a year and overwinter by pupa in grass and dead leaves. This pest is popular when the tree is young. The control effects of cutting dead-shoots ,spraying trees with dimethoate and phoxim are 77.2%, 88% and 66.4% respectively.The Gibbvalva quadrifasciata has eight generations in a year and overwinter by pupa in grass and dead leaves. This pest can damage young leaves and bring great loss to the young forest of C.cassia. The control effects of dimethoate and phoxim are 84.5% and 81.4% respectively by spraying them on leaves.

  • 【分类号】S763.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】157