

Research of the Law of Heating Load and Indoor Temperature with Household Heating and Heat Metering System

【作者】 王峰

【导师】 梁则智;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 市政工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为建筑节能的主要手段之一,供热采暖系统实行按热量计量收费的技术势在必行。然而此项事业在我国毕竟是一件新鲜事物,涉及国家政策、历史传统、生活习惯、日常管理等问题,是我国从计划经济向市场经济过渡中要解决的难点问题之一。本文中,对我国推行分户热量计量技术后所带来的问题逐一作了分析,并对几个关键问题进行了研究。 本文从热舒适、工作效率以及健康标准等方面出发,以热舒适方程及PMV/PPD评价指标为依据,对采用分户计量供热系统的居住建筑的室内设计计算温度的确定进行了研究,确定其为20℃,室内温度的变化范围是16℃~24℃。当然,温度的提高必然带来能耗的增加,因此从建筑能耗方面论证了室内设计温度提高为20℃的可行性。研究表明,对节能建筑而言,虽然室内设计温度提高了,但是采暖能耗比非节能建筑在18℃时的能耗 低。 本文以实行分户热量计量的典型房间为模型,分析了室内 温度的变化规律,并对房间的冷却过程和再加热过程进行了研 究。发现当散热器恒温控制阀关小或关断后,室内温度呈负指数 规律衰减,且由于建筑热容量的影响,室内温度变化是一个比较 慢的过程。同时给出了典型房间的室内温度日变化曲线,有利于 供暖期间的运行调节。 通过对以上问题的研究,解决了计量供热系统热负荷计算 的核心问题,达到了建筑节能的目的,从而对完善分户热量计量 控制技术,以及对相关暖通规范的编写有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 As one of the most means of energy efficiency for buildings, it is imperative that put household heating and heat metering technique into practice. But it is a fresh thing, and has connection with national policy, tradition, living custom and management, and so on. This problem is one of difficult things to transit from planned economy to market economy. In this dissertation, problems brought by heat metering technique and several related important problems were studied and analyzed.Based on thermal comfort formula and PMV/PPD evaluation indices, design indoor temperature of residential building with household heating and heat metering systems was studied in this dissertation. It was determined that the range of indoor temperature is 16C~24C when design indoor temperature is 20C. Of course, increase of design indoor temperature must lead to increase of energy consumption, so the feasibility of 20C is demonstrated from the aspect of building consumption. As far as energy efficiency buildings, design indoor temperature is increased, but its energy consumption is less than that in ordinary buildings at the temperature of 18C.In this dissertation, takes representative room with household heating and heat metering systems, and analyzes the law of indoor temperature, studies thecooling and reheating process in the representative room and discovers that indoor temperature is attenuation by the law of negative exponent when radiator-thermostats are resized or turned off. Owing to the influence of thermal capacity in buildings, the attenuation of indoor temperature is very slow. In the same time, the temperature curve in design day was obtained.Through the studies of the above problems, the key problem of heating load calculation and the criterion of building energy efficiency was resolved. It is significant for perfecting heat metering technique and providing specifications of HVAC.

  • 【分类号】TU833
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】357