
基于MCU PIC16F877数据采集系统(终端部分)

Data-acquisition System Based on MCU PIC16F877 (Terminal Section)

【作者】 孔令志

【导师】 夏路易;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在总结分析数据采集系统的基本构成、种类及其特点的基础上,本着顺应数据采集系统发展趋势以及方便、实用、可靠及经济等设计原则,设计开发了基于单片机PIC16F877的数据采集系统。该系统能够对1~5V的模拟量进行采集,能采集8路开关量,能够输出1~5V的模拟量,还能进行开关量控制。此外,该系统配有能实时显示数据采集结果的液晶显示器模块及实现与上位机通信功能的通信接口。 借助MPLAP-IDE集成开发环境软件来进行编程和离线仿真,与在线调试器配合使用可以实现在线编程、在线调试及程序下载功能。这使得设计开发过程变得更容易。 为了验证扩展口、A/D转换和D/A功能,还自己制作一个包括8路模拟量输入、开关量输入、8路LED、4个数码管和D/A转换电路辅助电路板。通过对各个部分测试后表明均运行正常,达到设计要求。

【Abstract】 Based on analyzing and sumerizing basic structure, genres, and their features of data-acquisition systems, the data-acquisition system based on MCU PIC16F877 is designed, which is following the tendency of data-acquisition system and the design principle ?convenience, good practicability, high reliability, and low cost. By this data-acquisition system, 1-5V analog signal and 8-channel switch signal can be collected, and the control of switch signal and 1-5V analog signal output can be realized. Besides, with the liquid crystal display and seriel interface, the system can show the collected and processed data and fulfil the function of communication with the upper microcomputer.By means of the integrated development environment -Mplab-IDE software, assembling program and off-circuit simulation can be made. Using it with the in-circuit debugger together makes the system realize the functions of in-circuit programming, in-circuitdebugging, and downloading the assembling program, so it makes the process of designing and developing for the system easier.For the purpose of testing the function of extended ports, digital-to-analog conversion and analog-to-digital conversion, an auxiliary experiment board is made, it includes analog signal outputs, switch signal outputs, LED circuit, eight-segment nixie tubes and a digital-to-analog conversion circuit. The result of testing every section of the system shows that the system can work in going order and meet the designing demands.

  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】724