

Terrain Factor Abstracted Automatically Based on Relief Map

【作者】 张渭军

【导师】 康建荣;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对大张村地形资料的整理、编辑,应用GeoMap控件,利用应用程序开发函数(API)对其进行二次开发,通过GeoMap和相应的自动化对象配合使用,充分利用等高线是由一些离散点组成、属性数据、图形数据、以及属性数据与图形数据的结合对地形图进行信息提取,其中属性数据提取的地形因子有任意地物的属性信息,包括地物的名称、所在层、OID,图形因子提取的地形因子有任意地物的图形信息,包括任意地物的范围、面积,二者结合提取的地形因子包括任意两点的断面图、两点的通视情况、任意一点的高程、坡度、坡向,等等,任意一点信息提取是建立在三次趋势面的基础上,用趋势面计算出局部矩形格网点的高程,然后用距离内插法内插出任意点的高程,本论文的特色之处首先克服了纸质地图通过人工判读的精度限制及各种数据之间联系不紧密比如坡度和坡向,使数据的整体性加强;其次是由属性数据与图形数据的结合而提取的地形因子克服了以属性数据与图形数据分别对地形进行简单的查询,满足了以地形图为基本资料进行工程设计的要求,对工程设计有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Based on the arrangement and editor for the Dazhang Village relief map, applying GeoMap Control Unit , using Application Programming Interface(API), the thesis develop the GeoMap control unit father .Through GeoMap Control Unit and its automation object, using the peculiarity of vector graph and attribute data and graph data and incorporating of them, terrain factor is abstracted in the thesis. Terrain factor from attribute data having attribute message including name of detail, layer of detail, OID of detail, etc . Terrain factor from graph data having graph message including extent of detail, area of detail, etc . Terrain factor from attribute data and graph data including cross-section profile, visibility analysis, contour, slope, aspect, etc . contour, slope and aspect are based on cubic trend surface, then calculate contour of block rectangle grid interlace, any contour of point can be calculated using the contour of block rectangle grid interlace through distance interpolation . The feature of this devise as follows , first overcome accuracy limit through artificial identification and the coefficient of correlation of all sorts of data is small such as slope and aspect, make them integrated father , secondly the terrain factor by incorporating of attribute data and graph data overcome simple of the terrain factor using attribute data and graph data respectively and fulfil demand of works design on the based of relief map can help works design on some degree .

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】5
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