

Preliminary Study on the Characteristics and Differentiations of Ecological Types of Phyllanthus Emblica

【作者】 熊仪俊

【导师】 姚小华; 韩宁林; 翁月霞;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 余甘子是我国的一种重要野生经济资源。目前国内外对余甘子果实成份和药用作用研究较多,但是对其生态基础研究较少。本论文以余甘子的群落特征、空间分布格局、环境适应机制和遗传多样性为研究对象,重点阐明了余甘子不同生态型间的差异。首先对64个种源的地理气候特征进行主分量和聚类分析,将余甘子分布区分为干热区、较湿润区和湿润区,并阐明了各类型的典型群落特征。在此基础上,通过对种群样地调查,采用离散分布理论和分布型指数对三大区余甘子种群的空间分布格局进行拟合,结果表明余甘子种群属于奈曼分布,其中湿润区还属于负二项分布;通过测定叶片大小和解剖结构,从形态上阐明了不同生态型区余甘子对环境适应能力的大小,其中干热区余甘子叶小而尖,气孔密度最小,但抗旱能力最强;通过种源试验,测定在干旱影响下脯氨酸含量的变化,表明脯氨酸含量可以作为抗旱性的一个敏感指标;最后运用RAPD技术,结果表明余甘子种群的遗传多态性较高,地理分化明显,不仅在群体间存在着较大的遗传分化,而且在群体内也存在着明显的遗传分化。本研究结果将对余甘子遗传育种和栽培生态研究以及余甘子资源利用提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Phyllanthus emblica is a wild resource of great economic significance in China. Presently , more studies are focused on the composition and officinal effect of its fruit, but the ecological basis and theory are relatively ignored. In this paper, community traits, distribution pattern, adaptability and genetic polymorphism of Phyllanthus emblica are primarily studied in order to lay the emphasis on the differences between the populations of Phyllanthus emblica growed in various districts. First of all, with the methods of the principle and cluster analysis of the geography and climate, 64 provenances of Phyllanthus emblica are recongnized. The results indicate that Phyllanthus emblica has three ecological types: the extra hot and arid district, the medium humid district and the humid district. Meanwhile, the characteristics of typical communities in the three districts are also analyzed respectively. based on above results, investigations of the sampling areas of Phyllanthus emblica were carried out and the distribution patterns in the three districts simulated by the method of discrete distribution and the theory of distribution index. The results show that the patter of Phyllanthus emblica populations belongs to Neyman distribution and the humid population also belonged to negatine binomial distribution. The adaptability of Phyllanthus emblica is then studied morphologically by mensuration of the size and anatomical structure of the pertinent leaves. The results illustrate that in the extra hot and arid district, the small and tapered leaves of Phyllanthus emblica with low stoma density possess the strongest anti-arid capability. In addition, the provenance testing under persistent arid condition suggested that the proline content in Phyllanthus emblica leaves could be used as a sensitive anti-arid index. Moreover, the application of RAPD revealed apparent genetic characteristics exists in the genes of Phyllanthus emblica and the genetic variation is high between and within the<WP=5>populations. In conclusion, the study on Phyllanthus emblica provides the theoretical bases for the breeding, siviculture ecology and reasonable use of Phyllanthus emblica resourse..

  • 【分类号】S567.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】120