

A Comparison of the Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory

【作者】 韩晶

【导师】 王峻岩;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 语用学是研究语言符号和符号使用者之间的关系的学科,它将人的因素纳入了研究范围之内,是对语言现象的一种动态研究。会话是语用学领域最有代表性和典型性的问题,许多语用问题都可以通过会话表现出来,研究会话即研究真实情景下的语言交际。 对于会话的研究,最有代表性的要算格莱斯了。他所提出的合作原则和“会话含义”理论完成了从意义到含义的过渡,对语言学和逻辑学都做出了重要贡献。它发展了一种新的推理形式:语用推理。但与此同时这一理论在普遍性、应用性和对于话语含义解释的充分性方面还有存在着不足,需要进一步地修正和发展。 关联理论是语用学研究中出现的一个新理论,它不仅试图回答有关交际的哲学问题,而且还要对听话人理解过程的心理问题进行解释。关联理论从语言哲学、认知心理学、交际学等多学科的角度对语言交际做出解释,它将认知与语用研究结合起来,将语用学研究的重点从话语的产出转移到话语的理解。关联理论是一个强有力的理论,它能解释大量有关语言理解和语言认知的问题,是认知语用学的理论基础。关联理论从认知科学的角度对语言交际进行的研究无疑是一种有益的尝试,它引发了令人深思的问题并激发人们从新的视角对这些问题进行探讨。 作为两个具有较大影响力的言语交际理论,合作原则和关联理论既有联系也存在重大差别。本文试图对格氏合作原则和关联理论进行了全面系统的对比,找出其间的差别,并加以评述。这将不仅有利于促进两大理论自身的发展,相互完善,还将对促进语用学科的发展和理论的流变具有一定价值。 本文共分五章。第一章简介会话研究的几个主要理论流派。第二章和第三章分别论述格莱斯合作原则和关联理论的主要论点。第四章从六个方面对格氏合作原则和关联理论进行系统地对比,并对其差别进行评价。这六个方面分别是:(1)主要理论来源;(2)理论模式;(3)推理模式;(4)对意义的定义;(5)语境的概念;(6)对隐喻的解释。第五章总结所比较的内容,言语交际理论及语用学的发展方向提出自己的看法。

【Abstract】 Pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic symbols and their users. It is a relatively new discipline that has developed rapidly in the last thirty years. Pragmatics takes human factors into its consideration and therefore provides a dynamic approach to the study of linguistic phenomena.The study of conversation, among the concerns of pragmatic study, is not only the most typical and representative one, but the hottest one as well, which draws more and more attention of linguists. People turn their attention to conversation because it is the basic behavior of human verbal communication, from which many pragmatic problems can be reflected. The study of conversation can be regarded as studying theverbal communication in the real situation.The most representative one of those who make their contributions to the study of conversation is Grice. He proposes the famous Cooperative Principle, which is proved to be one of the most influential theories in the development of pragmatics. The Cooperative Principle, though very influential, is problematical in some ways and requires supplementing and developing.Relevance Theory is a theory developed by Sperber and Wilson on the basis of criticizing the Cooperative Principle. It is a new approach to pragmatics and verbal communication, which attempts to answer not only philosophical questions about the riature of communication, but also psychological questions about how the interpretation process unfolds in the hearer’s mind. In Relevance Theory, pragmatic interpretation is substantially seen as a psychological matter governed by the cognitive principle and communicative principle. Thus it has been considered the fundamentals of cognitive pragmatics with its explanatory power, although it is still at an early stage of development. Controversial as some aspects of the theory are, it does not diminish the significance of Relevance Theory as a whole, it has proved to be a very powerful theory that can account for a wide range of linguistic and cognitive problems.The Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory, though both are theories about verbal communication, have significant distinctions in many aspects. Making a comparison between them will help promote the development of these theories of verbal communication and also the development of pragmatics as a whole.The dissertation consists of five major parts. The first part serves as an introduction to the main approaches to the study of conversation. The second and third parts outline the main thesis of the Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory. The fourth part makes a systematic comparison between the CP and RT with reference to the following aspects: 1) the theoretical sources; 2) the theoretical models; 3) the inferential models; 4) the definitions of "meaning"; 5) the definitions of "context"; and 6) the approaches to the interpretation of metaphor. And comments will be made on the differences between them following the comparison of each aspect. And finally come the conclusion of the comparison and some comments on the prospect of the study of verbal communication.

  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】7
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