

Research and Design of the Seawater Injection Supervisory and Control System on the Oil Platform

【作者】 吕亚军

【导师】 褚东升; 侯永海;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要针对海洋石油平台注海水监控系统进行了设计和研究。在海洋石油平台采油过程中,注水采油是一种行之有效的方法,然而注水系统及其水处理系统的自动化程度却一直没有得到必要的提高。尤其在埕岛油田海域,由于地处黄河入海口,海水悬浮物含量高,而且受季风、潮汐及河口来水水量的影响,水质变化较大。因此,在埕岛浅海油田开发中,向油井所注海水水质难以控制。 本文在对埕岛中心二号平台海域水质、注水工艺及水处理系统研究的基础上,开发了埕岛中心二号平台注海水自动监控系统。该系统基于可编程控制器及DH+网络,实现了对注海水全流程(海水提升、海水粗滤、海水加药、海水沉降、海水细滤、海水脱氧、气水分离、注水罐、注水泵)的实时监控。系统以可编程控制器作为核心控制器件,通过对过滤流程采用复杂的逻辑控制,对各种工程量(温度、压力、流量、液位浊度、含氧量等)实时监控,对采集到的数据进行快速传递和数据共享,建立起了埕岛中心二号中央控制中心。应用组态软件设计的中央监控系统,使操控员在中央控制室就可以监控整个注水系统的运行状况,真正实现了集中控制、分散管理。本系统2001年10月正式运行后,实现了注海水系统全流程自动化监控,技术指标均达到埕岛油田注水要求;悬浮固体含量<5.0mg/L;溶解氧含量<0.1mg/L,使水质得到了有效地控制。系统的成功运行也提高了生产管理水平,降低了岗位工人的劳动强度,极大地改善了现场管理状况,同时提高了注水效率,节约了成本。该系统在国内浅海油田注海水系统中处于领先地位,为国内浅海油田注海水系统的自动化设计提供了范例。 本文还对模糊控制技术在加药系统中的应用做了设计和研究。在注水系统中,加药是海水水质处理过程中的一个十分重要的环节。文中首先分析了埕岛油田海域水质,并研究得到海域水质变化规律及向海水添加化学药剂策略,而且通过吸收平台工程师加药手动控制经验,得到了加药控制的基本规律。在以上工作的基础上,采用模糊控制技术设计了加药模糊控制系统,将会对提高注水水质、减少药剂浪费、降低设备损耗和加药成本起到积极的作用。

【Abstract】 The main content of this dissertation is the design and research of the seawater injection automation system on the oil platform. At ChengDao oil field, seawater injection is a main method in oil extraction, but it is difficult to improve the water quality. Because ChengDao oil field is located at the sea entrance of the Yellow River, much impurity is suspended in the seawater in this sea area. Affected by the monsoon, tide and the quantity of the Yellow River, the seawater quality varies much in the different season.Based on the research of the seawater at ChengDao oil field and the seawater injection techniques on the ChengDao 2 platform, this thesis designs the supervisory and control system for the seawater injection system on the ChengDao 2 platform. This system is based on the programmable controller and DH+ network (data high way plus network), and it can supervise and control the whole flow of the seawater injection. As the primary device in the system, programmable controller implement the flex logic control for the flow and can collect the data in the flow to establish the control center. In the dissertation, the HMI (human machine interface) designed by configuration software can display the status of the equipments on the computer screen, so the operator can supervise the flow in the control center. After the automation system began to run in 10, 2001, the whole seawater injection flow can be supervised all the time, and the water quality has been improved to eligible degree. At the same time, the management is ameliorated greatly, and the cost is decreased. The system keeps ahead in the seawater injection system in China, and it gives the example of the design of the seawater injection system at the shallow sea oil field.This dissertation is also focused on the research and design of fuzzy control system. It applies the fuzzy control theory on the drag adding system. Put drag system is a very important system in the seawater injection system. Based on the research of the seawater quality around the ChengDao 2 platform, the dissertation gives the way to design the fuzzy control system for the drag adding process. It can be predicted that the fuzzy control system can make great effect to improve the seawater quality.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】221