

Study and Application of Seismic Multi-Attribute Detection Technique on Gas Reservoirs

【作者】 郭晓龙

【导师】 樊太亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 石油与天然气工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是在系统研究影响天然气藏地震属性的基础上,紧密结合生产实践,充分运用地震检测气藏的新技术,新方法重点抓拄多属性综合研究这一关键环节,综合测井、钻井、计算机、分析化验等多方面信息与成果,系统阐述了多属性检测天然气藏的有效方法。该论文不仅所涉及的研究地区面广,包括四川、长庆、青海等我国主要含气盆地,而且涉及的研究内容较多,取得了多项具有创新性有实用性的研究成果,并在四川、长庆等地区的天然气勘探中见到了很好的效果,取得的主要成果和认识如下: 1、对地震属性的类型进行系统分类,对与气层有关的主要地震属性的影响特征及影响因素做了深入分析; 2、对鄂尔多斯榆林地区上古生界含气砂岩进行了AVO方法研究及实际应用,通过精细的模型分析及属性参数处理分析,认为该区上古生界含气砂岩为近于零阻抗含气砂岩,属于第二类型含气砂岩,气层在道集上振幅随炮检距增大而减小; 3、川西白马庙地区的气藏受构造和岩性双重因素的控制,含气储层非均质性强,横向变化大,而且是薄互层特点,针对这些特点,在深入分析气藏地球物理特征的基础上,建立了一套以波阻抗反演技术为核心综合利用地质、测井、钻井、测试及分析化验等各种资料的综合气层检测方法,为该区下步天然气勘探提出了10个有利目标,并已被油田采纳,钻探成功率在80%以上。 4、以波阻抗反演技术为主,结合AVO分析和多属性分析,对涩北1号气田第四系9个气层组进行预测追踪,确定了各气层组的含气边界及含气范围,并最终精细地落实了天然气储量。此外,通过综合分析,预测涩北1号、涩南2号和鸭南3个天然气有利勘探目标。 5、利用地震信息直接检测气层已经成为当今天然气勘探最主要的技术手段,不过,由于地震资料固有的多解性及气层地震影响特征的多变性,使得不同地区、不同地质条件下所采用的技术方法不同,也就是说,气藏检测必须以气层的地球物理特征研究为基础,方法选择为关键。 6、目前,地震检测气藏的方法多种多样,但从应用效果及今后发展趋势看,主要分为AVO、反演(波阻抗和属性特征反演)和多属性分析三大类。其中,气藏属性提取及分析技术是储层含气性预测的基础,AVO分析及地震反演是气藏预测的主要手段。 7、波阻抗反演是气层检测最有效的方法之一,在多数情况下,气层在反演剖面上表现为明显的低速、低频条带特征。

【Abstract】 Based on studying the factors that affect seismic attributes of gas reservoirs in the paper combining the with such information achievements as practical data, well-logging, drilling, computer, cmalytical data,etc., a kind of capable methed detecting gas reservoirs is illustrated sysmatically through seismic muliti-attirbutes. Applying new methods & techniques. Not only the paper involved several main gas-bearing fields in China, for example, Sichuan, Orders, Tedium, many research aspects were included. Several creative & practical achievements have been got. The technique has played an important rule in gas exploration through applying it in Cochran & Orders Basin. Chief research results are the following 7 aspects:1.Seismic attributes were divvied into several types and main seismic attributes & factors were analyzed systematically.2. AVO method was applied in studying Upper Paleozoic gas-bearing sandstone in Yule Area of orders Basin. The sandstone belonged the and types that is, a gas-bearing sandstone with almost zero impedance and decreasing amplitude with increasing affect in gas reservoirs.3.Gas reservoir of Baimamiao Area in western Sichuan is controlled by structure lithology with strong anisotropism. Based on analyzing its geophysical chatters deeply, a set of integrated method detecting gas reservoir was founded among impedance inversion as key techniques applying such various information as geology, well-logging, drilling, well-testing, analytical data, and so on. Among suggested 10 well location, drill succeed is wore them 80 percent.4.Nine quaternary gas reservoirs were forecasted in 1st Sebei gas field of Chaidamu basin through impedance inversion technique combining with the analysis of AVO & multi-attribute. Every boundary Scope of gas reservoirs was determined, but also gas reserve was forecast. Moreover. 3 gas prospective targets were put forward in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Seibu gas field.5. Gas reservoir detection technique must be bossed on geophysical characters. The key is choosing method, that is, different circumstance should use different methods & techniques because seismic data has multiple answers.6. At present, seismic methods detecting gas reservoirs can mainly be classified into 3 types-AVO. Impedance Inversion & Attributes Inversion according to utilizing and development. The base and method predicting gas reservoir are collection & analysis technique of gas reservoir attributes and AVO Seismic Inversion.7. Mostly Impedance Inversion is one of the most effective methods. Generally gas reservoir has an apparent character of low velocity & low frequency in the inversion profile.

  • 【分类号】P631.42
  • 【被引频次】3
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