

Agricultural Anti-Dumping and the Countermeasures after China’s WTO Accession

【作者】 田国强

【导师】 何秀荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 乌拉圭回合后,降低关税保护水平成为各国贸易政策的改革方向,国际贸易保护手段逐渐转移,非关税壁垒逐渐成为各国贸易保护的重要手段。其中,反倾销由于其具有公平竞争的外衣,使用频率越来越高,已经成为各国阻止国外产品进入的重要手段。 80年代以后,我国随着经济的持续高速增长,对欧美诸国连年贸易顺差,出口商品在海外频频遭遇反倾销调查,已经成为世界各国反倾销保护措施的最大受害国之一。从农产品来看,由于农产品与其他商品相比具有附加值不高、价格低的特点,更易遭受反倾销起诉。反倾销已成为阻碍我国农产品出口的主要非关税壁垒之一。 如今中国已经加入WTO,面对如此残酷的现实和新的国际贸易环境,对一个具有8亿多农民的农业大国,农产品反倾销研究的意义就变得非同寻常。 本文通过对“中美浓缩苹果汁反倾销案”涉及的焦点问题,比如“中国的非市场经济地位”、“国内产业问题”、“替代国的选择”、“苹果价格估算”等的详尽分析,从国内外二个方面得出我国农产品遭受反倾销的主要原因,比如国外的替代国方法、国内的产业结构问题、国内企业的应诉问题等。同时,从反倾销实践中得出了一些深刻的经验教训,比如如何聘请律师、行业协会应该发挥怎样的作用等。最后本文根据我国实际情况就如何避免反倾销和如何应对反倾销提出可操作层面的对策建议。

【Abstract】 After Uruguay Round, the reformation direction of every country’s international trade policy is to reduce tariff protection level. The international trade protection measures shift gradually and the non-tariff bulwark has become different countries’ important international trade protection measure. Anti-dumping is used more frequently and has become the important measure to prevent foreign commodities because it takes on the fair competitive vestment.After 1980s, with China’s economic continually develops at high level and China has trade surplus to Europe countries, American and etc., China’s export commodities encounter anti-dumping investigation frequently and China has become one of the countries who suffered most from different countries’ anti-dumping protection measure. The agricultural products, which have low added value and low prices comparing to other commodities, are easily to be exposed to anti-dumping. Anti-dumping has become one of the main non-tariff bulwarks to block China’s agricultural products’ export.Agricultural anti-dumping research is especially important to a big country that has more than 800 million farmers after China’s WTO accession because the situation is so severe and the international trade environment is new.In this article, I analyzed the key issues of the case "China vs. American: Certain Non-Frozen Apple Juice Concentrate from the People’s Republic of China", such as China’s non-market economy status, domestic industry problem, value of juice apple and etc. We concluded the main reasons why China faced so many anti-dumping cases in agricultural area. They are foreign countries’ substituted country means, domestic industry structure problem and etc. At the same time we obtained many profound experiences and lessons from the case analysis, such as how to engage lawyer, how to exert the guild’s function. At the end of the article, many feasible countermeasures and advices about how to avoid and fight anti-dumping are put forward according to China’s real situation

【关键词】 倾销反倾销苹果汁农产品
【Key words】 dumpinganti-dumpingapple juiceagricultural product
  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】669