

Landscape Pattern Dynamics Study on the Fraction of Green Vegetation Change Based on Remote Sensing Data in Beijing Mountain Area

【作者】 李晓琴

【导师】 张凤荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全球变化的研究,特别是全球植被变化的研究,日益受到各国政府和科学家的重视。作为重要的生态气候参数,植被覆盖率是许多全球及区域变化监测模型中所需的重要信息。探讨利用遥感资料估算大面积的植被覆盖率的方法已成为当前建立全球及区域气候、生态模型的基础工作之一,而且准确、快速地获取植被覆盖状况信息也是区域生态恢复和建设的关键与重点。 本文在FCD Mapping model原理和方法的基础上,利用1994年和1999年的两期Landsat TM数据,对北京北部山区昌平区、怀柔县、密云县、平谷县和西部山区门头沟区的植被覆盖率进行了计算,并利用FRAGSTATS软件对其景观变化过程从斑块大小、数量、形状和景观异质性等角度进行了时空格局变化的剖析。结果表明: (1)就不同区域而言,昌平区、怀柔县以及密云县的植被覆盖状况整体表现为增加趋势;平谷县表现为减少的趋势,而门头沟区的植被覆盖率虽然较高,但其有转变为差的趋势。 (2)各研究区中不同植被覆盖类型的平均分维数相差不大,各景观组分的分维数标准差的变化也不大,在一定程度上可以说明山区的斑块形状主要取决于自然地貌及自然环境条件。 (3)1994-1999年期间,景观整体的破碎化水平降低,异质性程度下降,景观类型的空间分布向非均衡化方向发展,但不同的植被覆盖类型表现出不同的空间分布特征。 总的来说,北京山区的生态环境系统是比较稳定的,但仍需进一步进行保护。

【Abstract】 Quantitative information on the fraction of green vegetation is required in many studies of global and local change monitoring. The fraction of green vegetation, the ratio of vegetation occupying a unit area, is a very important parameter in development of climatic and ecological models. However, on-ground fieldwork surveys of the fraction of green vegetation are time consuming and expensive and produce low-precision results. Estimation of the fraction of green vegetation using remote senseing data may be a more efficient approach.In this paper, based on the FCD mapping model, the fraction of green vegetation in Beijing mountain area was calculated using the Landsat-TM data (with two digital images taken in 1994 and 1999, respectively). The landscape pattern of change on the fraction of green vegetation during this period was studied using a landscape pattern analysis program FRAGSTATS by analyzing path size, number of patches, shape metrics and landscape heterogeneity metrics to show the changing feature of landscape pattern. All of these results of indices analysis emphasize that the eco-environmental system in Beijing mountain area in a whole is stable and the fragmentation and heterogeneity level in the last five years is decreasing. But the temporal and spatial characteristics of change of landscape are different among different types of Beijing mountain area. In terms of different areas, the condition of vegetation cover in a whole has an increased trend in Changping district, Huairou county and Miyun county. However there is a bad trend in Pinggu county and Mentougou district, despite the fraction of green vegetation in the two districts is high. The spatial pattern analysis can help to identify the vegetation coverage spatial distribution and structure stability. So it is a very important factor for Beijing mountainous ecology system evaluation.

  • 【分类号】P901
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】833