

Research about the Design of Modern Administration Center

【作者】 洪毅

【导师】 黄汉民;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的发展,各地纷纷兴建了许多新的行政中心。新的行政中心对一个城市的发展,起着相当重要的作用;但同时我们也发现,新时期的行政中心需要有新的形象和模式,而以前的那种机关大院式的设计已经不能满足其需要。本文旨在借鉴西方行政中心先进模式的同时,结合中国的国情,对新近一些已建成的行政中心进行比较分析,以求获得一些启发性的意见。 本文先通过对中外历史上行政中心的回忆,寻求其内在的发展规律;然后分析了现阶段我国行政中心建设所处的特殊背景;接着就其相关的两个重要方面——办公建筑和市民广场进行了分析;同时结合实际的工程设计加以探讨;最后对今后行政中心设计的一些原则进行了阐述。 当然,本文所侧重的并非是方法论的意见,也非设计的指导思想,而是针对目前行政中心设计中出现的一些现象进行及时的概括和描述。在描述现象,提出问题的基础上分析问题,以求得出可适应的设计模式,并对今后的发展起引导性的作用。

【Abstract】 The design study on the administration centerDuring the urbanization process in our country, many new administration centers have been founded. The new administration center plays an important part in the development for a city, and we have been aware of the new image and new mode of administration centers are demanded in the new period. The official building in a big yard with high wall around it is out of date. The thesis aims at using the foreign useful experience for reference and combining with the Chinese national cases, having a compare and analysis to the new administration centers to gain some inspired idea.By reviewing the Sino-foreign administration centers in the history, the thesis explores the inherent law of the development, then analyzes the special social background today; after that the thesis has a comparative deep analysisto the interrelated aspects-office building and civil square. Finally, theauthor describes some principle in designing administration centers in the future.Of course, the thesis’ particular significance is not the method, and it is not an design guidance. It is only describe and generalize the new question about the administration center in time as well as analyzes the question and phenomenon to obtain applicable design mode and guide the administration center’s development.

【关键词】 行政中心意象市民广场意境
【Key words】 Administration centerImageCivicl squareEnvironment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU243
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】757