

A New Research on Processing Measuring and Control System of Hops’

【作者】 屈滨

【导师】 蒋文科;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 啤酒花是酿造啤酒的重要原料之一。目前,我国生产的啤酒花的品质普遍不高,究其原因,主要是加工过程中工艺存在不合理的因素及管理水平相对落后导致。鉴于此,文中提出了对其中烘烤及回潮两部分工艺进行改进。对于烘烤部分加装智能温度控制器,使其能控制烘烤过程的温度,避免其上下波动。对于回潮过程,文中提出了采用离心式加湿方式改进水雾化效果,提高渗透性能。此外,增加生产线上含水量监测的措施。文中对于智能温控器的研制进行了详细的介绍。对于软件算法的选取,首先,将传统的PID算法与模糊控制算法进行了比较,通过采用MATLAB/Simulink软件进行仿真,由仿真结果看出传统的PID算法有超调,模糊控制方式响应较慢,从而决定采用模糊-PID控制算法。文中对于该种算法的设计原理、实现过程及模糊规则的制定进行了详细介绍。文中给出了该种算法的仿真曲线,由曲线可以看出其有更小的的超调和更快的响应速度。同时,文章对系统硬件和软件进行了设计。

【Abstract】 Hops is one of main material to brew beer. Currently, it is the craftwork of the process and lower management that cause the lower quality of the Hops’, so improving the craftwork of the drying and moisture regaining have been suggested in this paper.An intelligent temperature controller would be fixed,it will control the variation of the temperature in course of drying.On the other hand,using centrifugal atomization mode would improve the effect of atomization and penetrability. Besides, adding the watering inspection in production is necessary. The design of intelligent temperature controller have been introduced in detail. By comparing the simulation result of conventional PID and the pure Fuzzy control mode , we can see that the conventional PID has overshoot and the pure Fuzzy control has slower response,then applying Fuzzy-PID control mode would settle this problem.From the simulation result of this mode aslo prove it.In this thesis,the principle and realized step of this mode have been introduced,and making Fuzzy rule. It also introduce how to design hardware and software of the intelligent temperature controller.By using system manage-software is another method to improve the product quality.

  • 【分类号】TS262.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】104