

【作者】 余群

【导师】 张肇鲲; 董红敏;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人口的增长、人们生活水平的提高,人们对畜牧业产品的需求日益增加,畜牧业在近几年内得到了较大的发展。但由于人们环保意识的不足和环保设备的落后,畜牧养殖场对废弃物的处理能力远远落后于其产生数量,有机废弃物得不到及时有效的处理就直接排入环境,对周围环境造成了严重的影响。 有机废弃物中含有大量的病原体、重金属等有害物质,亦含有大量的有机物和植物生长所需的营养物质,不加以合理的利用将是资源的巨大浪费。因此对有机废弃物进行合理的处理兼有环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。 本文研究了有机废弃物的无害化和资源化处理技术——堆肥化技术。在综合大量文献报道的基础上,通过对几种堆肥技术系统的比较,根据我国实际国情,选择了静态强制堆肥仓系统。设计加工了箱式静态堆肥系统,包括通风系统、控制系统和堆肥箱。共进行了三次堆肥试验,并在每次试验后对设备进行了技术上的改进,使此堆肥设备不断完善;并对堆肥过程的参数控制进行了研究。 首先,通过设计加工试验得出:1)堆肥仓中布风系统采用密封管道式比较好,可防止气道短路,使有效通风量增加。2)管道上的开孔密度不能过大,适当的距离为300*300mm,过大会使气流压力降低,使有效通风量不足。3)堆肥仓内不需加保温层也可以保证堆体在寒冷的冬季(-10℃)正常升温。4)采用时间—温度控制系统控制通风过程,可以有效保证通风量,使堆肥过程的温度变化曲线符合理想的变化曲线。 其次,通过对堆肥过程中温度变化、通风量、含水量、环境温度、堆体中的含氧量、耗氧量等参数的研究得出:1)应用本堆肥设备,维持七天55度以上的高温,完全可以达到堆肥的卫生学指标;病原菌大部分被杀死,蛔虫卵也100%被消灭。2)通风量是堆肥过程中重要的控制参数,本试验分别在堆肥初期、升温期、高温期和降温期检测了堆体的耗氧量,其中在高温期耗氧量最大,同时由于堆体需要强制降温,需要加大通风量或延长通风时间。而在堆肥初始升温期,耗氧量很小,仅需定时适当供给氧气。3)堆体的水分含量是关系到堆体能否正常升温的重要因素,合适的堆料水分含量应为55%-65%之间。在添加调节剂时,可根据这个范围来确定需要的调节剂的量。4)在使用本堆肥设备时,环境温度对堆肥的起始温升不会有较大的影响,一般在冬季堆体亦能正常升温。 综上所述,本文详细阐述了堆肥系统的设计,并对设计出的堆肥系统进行多次试验,评价了系统的堆肥效果,完成了静态强制通风堆肥系统设计和检测的全过程。

【Abstract】 With the increase of the population and the improvement of people’s live condition, The requirement in farming product is increasing, So the stock raising is developing quickly. But at the same time, the scarcities of environmental consciousness and the lag of the environmental facilities resulted in many serious environmental problem.There are either a lot of hazardous substance such as pathogens and heavy metal or abundant organic matter and nutrition in the stock-farm waste. So a reasonable disposal method to this waste would bring us both environmental benefits and economical benefits.This article research into the composting technique , Which is a good method that according with the principle of harmlessness and resource. Depend on lots of literatures, this article make comparison among many composting technique and select "Sealed ventilative static composting system " according to the situation of our country.This article give a detailed presentation of the design course about the suit of facility including ventilation system, control system and composting bins. Afterward, this article expatiate the three times tests on the facility and study the control parameters in the course of composting, and at last make an appraise on the composting system and it’s composting quality.Through the design of the suit of facility and the test on it, this article draw some conclusions which are helpful to the composting technique. What’s more, proved by experiment, this facility is a feasible system and it’s composting course is able to achieve the composting standard basically.This article accomplish the whole course from design to test.

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