

Reconstruction and Application in Taigang 300m~3 Blast Furnace Charging System

【作者】 刘宏哲

【导师】 张晓钟;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 矿业工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 原(太钢)2号高炉始建于30年代,高炉容积为296m~3,炉顶采用双钟式装料设备,双料车斜桥上料。现高炉容积为324m~3,高炉仓下系统仍处于落后的生产状态,矿石及焦炭称量车一直延用至今,并且矿石称量车仍采用机械称量装置,矿石部分没有设置筛分设施。这样就存在着上料速度慢,称量精度低,工人劳动强度大,设备故障率高,入炉矿石含粉率高,组织生产困难,岗位操作环境恶劣等问题,无法满足高炉日益强化的冶炼要求。在一定程度上制约了高炉生产能力的充分发挥,同时由于仓下未设置除尘设施,而导致劳动环境较差。 这次槽下改造的目的,主要是使整个上料筛分系统具有能自动控制、操作方便、称量准确、维护简便、筛分效率高、除尘效果好的特点;使入炉料的粉末含量少,为高炉炉矿稳定顺行、进一步强化冶炼、节焦增铁创造条件。 为了合理利用高炉原有料槽设施,本着实用、可靠的原则,新改造的工艺针对原有设施的弊端,从工艺布局到设备选择,进行全面的更新改造。针对具体弊端,有针对性地增加了槽下筛分设备,烧结矿采用分散过筛,集中称量,皮带运输。槽下闸门、翻板改为液压传动,称量改为电子秤,配备微机控制,实现称量自动补偿和上料自动打印。 对矿石、焦炭振动筛,运焦、运矿皮带机进行了选型计算;配套设施进行了选择,同时对设备能力进行校核计算。改造前入炉粉率(<5mm)>20%,生产指标不理想。经改造后的槽下筛分及上料系统,由于设备更新、自动化程度提高以及除尘问题的解决。烧结过筛后粉率降至7.28%,系统供料能力大幅度提高。 近两年来,通过采取喷煤、精料、高风温和富氧等措施,年利用系数达到2.392。槽下系统的改造为高炉实现大喷煤和进一步强化冶炼创造了条件,2002年9月利用系数达到了2.829,煤比达到133Kg/t,焦比降到417Kg/t。目前2号高炉主要技术指标均创开炉达产最好水平。 将可靠性工程应用于冶金企业的设备管理中去,把对系统设备或单台设备的状态描述从定性转为定量,从而科学地编制对系统设备或单台设备维修管理的最佳结构模式,并以此来指导设备维修,以保证系统设备的可靠性,使系统设备在经济运行的条件下为企业创造最佳的生产效益,并推动冶金企业设备管理工作向现代化方向发展。

【Abstract】 Blast Furnace No.2 was built in 1930s.The inner volume of Blast Furnace No.2 was 296m3.The top was equipped with double-bell and double-skip skew bridge charging. Now the inner volum of Furnace is 324m3,but the production below storehouse was in a state of draggle yet and the metage vehicle of ore and coke was being used today. The metage vehicle of ore was mechanical and there was not screening facility in the part of ore, so there was the problem of slowly speed of charging, the low metage precision, the high fault rate of equipment, high dust rate in ore charged into furnace, difficult organize condition of station operation etc. It was difficult to meet the increasing intensify melting need of the blast furnace.lt restricted the plenty exertion of the poduction capacity of the Blast Furnace a certern exent.At the same time, the labour environment was bad because there was not removing dust facility below the storehouse.The main target of the reconstruction below the storehouse is to make all charging system have the characteristic of automatization control, expediently operation, exactly quantify briefly maintenance, high efficiency screen and good effect of removing dust, to decrease the dust content into the furnace, create good condition for stability run of the furnace, for the further itensify melting, for saving coke and increasing iron production.To reasonably use the primary charging facility of the blast furnace, aim at the abuse of raw facility, we progress a fully renovate and reconstruction from process layout toequipment election according to the principle of utility and safety. Aim at the detail abuse, we increase the screen facility below the storehouse, sift the sinter dispersed, quantify concentrated, transport by strap. Strobe and turned plank below storehouse be changed to fluid drive, metage be changed to electrode balance and equipped with controlling by PC, realize the automation compensation for metage and automation print for charging.Election of type and calculation was made to vibration sceen of ore and coke and to strap machine of conveying of coke and ore; The election was made to matching establishment and verifying calculation was made to capacity of facility. The dust rate (<5%) into furnace was >20% before recontruction,so the production target was not ideal.Because the facility was renewed, the automatization degree was icreased and the problem of removing dust was resolved,the dust rate decreased to 7.28% after the sinter been sreened and the charging capacity of system was greatly increased. In recently years, the utilize coefficient reached to 2.392 by take step of injection,flne material,high blast temperature and oxygen enrichment.The recontruction below storehouse system create the condition for realizing greatly injection coal into blast furnace and further intensify smelting,so the utilize coefficient obtain 2.829,the pulverized coal rate to 133kg/t,me coke rate to 417kg/t on September on 2002. Now the main technique targets of blast furnace No.2 have created the best level since the blast on and the production been stablized.The reliability project to equipment management of the metallurgy enterprise had been applied and the situation of a single facility or a system facility been described from qualitative analysis to ration, so the structure mode be optimized. The scientific guide can be made to the maintenance management of system facility or single facility, on the basis of it, we can guide the maintenance of facility to ensure that reliability of system equipment. The system equipment can create the optimized production benefit for enterprise under the economy running condition and promote the metallurgy enterprise management develop to the modernization direction.

  • 【分类号】TF57
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