

The Research on Electronic Commerce and It’s Conducting Model

【作者】 王舒健

【导师】 侯远志;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全球经济发展正进入信息经济时代,知识经济初露端倪。随着以计算机网络为核心的信息技术的迅速发展,国际互联网在全球的应用和普及,一种崭新的商务模式-电子商务应运而生,并在全球迅速发展和推广。作为二十一世纪的主要经济贸易模式,电子商务将给各国经济带来巨大变革,产生深远影响,并将成为经济增长的动力和新的经济增长点。如何大力发展电子商务对于各国政府及企业来说都具有相当重大的战略意义。因此,探讨电子商务的本质和规律,是时代的需要,也是国家和企业发展的客观要求。 本文从电子商务的起源和发展入手,分析了电子商务的定义,论述了电子商务的特征、功能及社会影响等一系列相关理论问题。在此基础上,本文较为深入地分析了电子商务的四种基本运作模式并探讨了发展电子商务必须具备的基本外部环境。就上述电子商务发展的基本环境,本文结合中美两国发展电子商务的实践,比较分析了中国与美国在发展电子商务环境上的差距,提出了相应的对策建议,指出面对全球电子商务的迅猛发展,我们必须抓住机遇,迎接挑战,既要避免盲目发展,又要尽快完善电子商务发展环境,以便在信息时代的竞争中取胜,占据二十一世纪经济发展的制高点。

【Abstract】 As the global economy is entering into information economy era, the knowledge economy has just appeared for a short time. With the development of information technology centering on computer network and pervasiveness of Internet applications, a kind of new commerce model-Electronic Commerce (EC) brings out, develops and rapidly expands in the world. As the primary commerce model in the 21th Century, EC, which is the motive power and a new growth point to the economy development, would yield great revolution and far-reaching impact to all nations and enterprises. How to develop EC is of important strategic meaning to governments and enterprises. As a result, researching on the essence and rule of EC is demanded by all nations and enterprises .Started with the origin and development of the EC, this article takes a series theoretical research on the concepts, characters, functions and social impact of the EC. The four elemental conducting models and developing environment are intensively analyzed and probed on that basis. As to the developing environment, this article analyses the environmental gap between China and the America according to the two countries’ practice in EC and puts forward to some counter measures. Facing to the rapid development of EC, we must avert from developing blindly, at the same time, encourage developing environment of EC perfectly as soon as possible so as to win in the information era.

  • 【分类号】F713.36
  • 【被引频次】5
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