

Vibro_Energy Mill CAD System Analysis & Design Based on UML

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 张晓钟;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生产实践的发展,机械CAD系统的软件规模不断增大,生命期不断加长,对机械CAD系统重用性、扩充性、维护性等提出了更高的要求。采用结构化方法开发的机械CAD系统可读性、可扩充性、可维护性都很差。面向对象方法提供了一种新的软件开发方法,将其应用于机械CAD系统,是机械CAD今后发展的方向之一。 UML融合常用面向对象方法中的基本概念,统一符号体系,成为面向对象标准建模语言。将UML引入专用机械CAD系统开发,研究UML在专用机械CAD中的应用,对于加快面向对象CAD系统发展,促进面向对象方法在工程软件中的应用,提高软件可维护性和可扩充性等具有重要意义。 本文在对结构化方法和常用面向对象方法分析比较的基础上,以面向对象思想为指导,采用UML为建模语言,依照RUP开发过程,完成立磨机CAD系统开发。提出了将UML用于立磨机CAD系统开发的方法,给出利用UML进行立磨机CAD系统分析设计的一般步骤、实现原则和实现方法。分析立磨机零部件对象之间的关系,并给出计算机内的表示方法。利用基于特征的零件参数化方法确定了立磨机零件对象的属性,并对各特征类和零件类进行定义。采用关系数据库对立磨机CAD系统对象模型持久化,确定了对象模型向关系数据库映射的方法。采用MFC VC、MS Access、ObjectARX等对系统实现,实现的关键技术给出实现方法,并且实现了立磨机CAD系统部分功能。 通过研究UML在立磨机CAD系统开发中的应用,提出将UML应用于专用机械CAD系统开发的新思路,确定了基于UML的专用CAD系统开发的步骤及具体实现方法;提出确定零部件对象间关系的一般方法;采用基于特征的零件参数化确定零件对象的属性,相对于一般的参数化技术能更有效地对数据进行组织、实现。相对于结构化方法和一般面向对象方法,基于UML的面向对象方法更能提高机械CAD系统的可扩充性、可维护性等。

【Abstract】 Software scale and life period of mechanical CAD system continuously increases along with the development of production. It request better reusage, enlargement, maintenance. . . etc. Mechanical CAD system developed with structure method has bad readability, expansion and maintenance, development, Object-Oriented method provide a new software developing method. It’ s a developing direction to use Object-Oriented method in mechanical CAD system.UML, a standard modeling language of Object-Oriented, amalgamates the basic concepts of usual Object-Oriented methods and unifies symbol system. It is significative to import UML to the developing of special mechanical CAD system and to research the application of UML in special mechanical CAD system. It will quick the developing of Object-Oriented CAD system, accelerate the application of Object-Oriented method in engineering software, promote the expansion and maintenance of software.This paper finished Vibro_Energy Mill(VEM) CAD System according to RUP developing process, with the base of the analysis&compare of structure method and usual Object-Oriented method , with UML as a modeling language, with the instruction of Object-Oriented thought. The method is offered to use UML in VEM CAD system developing. The usual process, realizing principle and realizing method of analyse&design VEM CAD with UML is given. The relation of VEM parts and assembles is analysed and expressed in computer. The attribute of VEM part object is specified with parametric method based on feature. The feature classes and part classes are defined. VEM system object model is persisted with relational and the method of mapping data model to relational database is specified. The system is realized with adoption of MFC VC, MS Access, Object ARX... etc. The realizing method of critical technicis offered and partial function of VEM CAD system is realized.New way of thinking that UML is applied in special mechanical CAD system develop is brought up and the process and concrete realizing method is specified through the research of applying UML in VEM CAD system develop. Common method of specifying the relation of part and assemble objects is put forwards. It’ s more efficiency to organize and realize data using part parametric method to specify the attributes of part objects in comparison with common parametric technic. The Object-Oriented method based on UML is more available to enhance the expansion and maintenance compared with structure method and common Object-Oriented method.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72
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