

【作者】 燕艳

【导师】 陈继贞;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 加强和完善中学生物学实验教学,是由生物学科的特点所决定,也是素质教育的必须。 本文在通过对山东省17个地区、不同层次、不同办学条件的120所高中进行生物学实验教学情况调查分析,认为目前生物学实验教学效率不高的原因,主要包括两个方面:(1)主观因素:教育大环境即高考不进行实验操作考试;学校教育小环境不重视;教师、学生主观上忽视生物学实验教学。(2)客观因素:实验室建设不规范、实验设备不完善等。对于教育大环境和学校教育来讲,鉴于我国目前的国情,要想在短时间内改变有很大困难。笔者认为,目前我们可以做的是,在现有的条件和政策下,进一步研究和探讨如何优化实验教学环境,转变制约生物学实验教学发展的主观因素、改善实验教学的客观因素,提高生物学实验教学质量。 国外教学环境理论的研究成果为我们开展教学环境的研究提供了丰富的理论基础。本文在借鉴国内外教学环境及其它相近学科教学环境理论研究的基础上,提出了生物学实验教学环境的内涵及构成因素---主要包括物理因素即实验室环境和社会因素即实验教学中的教师、学生及师生关系等,属于狭义的教学环境范畴。在此基础上,结合对山东省高中生物学实验教学调查的具体情况,笔者对生物学实验教学环境中的主要构成因素,即教师、学生、师生关系、生物学实验室等进行了分析研究。探讨了教师、学生在高中生物学实验教学中的角色及良好的师生关系在激发学生实验兴趣、提高实验教学质量方面的重要意义,并进一步提出了实验教学中各因素的优化策略。 学生心理一直是教学环境中社会环境的研究重点之一,本文中,笔者也将此作为研究重点。分析了目前高中生不正确的生物学实验学习心理,如轻视心理、猎奇心理、紧张心理和逆反心理等,在此基础上,提出了激发学生实验兴趣,优化学生实验。。理的策略,即明确学习目的,克服随意,。理;重视。。理辅导,消除恐惧,。理;合理巧妙分组,排除自卑,。理;优化实验过程,调整学习心理;鼓励“自由”实验,发展创新心理等。对教师来讲,从思想上应更加重视实验教学,在实践中要切实的将实验教学落到实处并进一步提高自己的实验素质。除此之外,笔者还提出了优化实验教学中师生关系及生物学实验室管理的策略。在作了上述探讨之后,笔者总结出优化生物学实验教学环境的整体策略。 希望本文能为改革和完善实验教学环境,提高生物学实验教学质量,促进学生能力的发展、科学素质的养成提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Strengthen biological laboratory teaching in high middle school is determined by the specialty of biological subject and the need of all-around quality education.This paper analyzes the reasons for low efficiency of present biological laboratory teaching on the basis of investigation of biological laboratory in 120 senior middle schools of different level and situation in 17 different areas of Shandong Province. There are two main reasons: (l)subjective factors: it mainly refers to general situation of education, that’s to say, there’s no laboratory test in the entrance examination of university and little attention was paid to it by the schools and also the teacher. (2)objective factors: it includes non-standard laboratory and poorly-provided equipment. According to the present situation of our country. It is very difficult to change the whole education environment in a short period of time. What we can do now is to discuss how to optimize the small environment of biological laboratory teaching, change the subjective factors and how to improve the objective factors, elevate the quality of teaching, under the present situation and policy.There is some great achievement in the study of teaching environment theory and which provides us with abundant theoretical and practical sources. On the basis of the study inside and outside the country, this paper provides us with the connotation and main factors of biological laboratory teachingenvironment-mainly including physical and social factors, whichincludes the teacher, student, the relation between the teacher and student. On the foundation of the study, the author analyzes various elements inbiological laboratory teaching according to real teaching situation in high middle school of Shandong Province.The student’s psychology is the emphasis of the subjective factors in biological laboratory teaching. This article also put the great emphasis on this. The author analyses the students’ incorrect mentality such as despise, timidness, tension, advances strategy of how to optimize students’ mentality, for example, inspiring students’ interest, encouraging free experiment and so on . In addition, the author bring forward to the optimized strategy of the teachers’ quality , the relation between the teacher and student and the biological laboratory. Then concludes the strategy of improving the biological laboratory teaching environment.The author really hope that this article can provide the theory foundation on the side of innovating and perfecting biological laboratory teaching environment, then improving the quality of the biological laboratory teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】415