

Research on Communalized Development of Adult Education in Urban Fringe

【作者】 李毅

【导师】 乐传永;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 城市边缘区是城市发展到一定阶段所形成的,位于城区外缘,以土地的城市和乡村混合利用方式为典型特征,人口及社会特征具有城乡过渡性质的一个独特地域。改革开放20多年来,我国的城市化进程获得了突飞猛进的发展,处在城市化前沿的城市边缘区发展特别快,尤其是东部沿海地区,不但大城市的边缘区发展迅速,一大批中小城市的边缘区也获得了长足发展。经济发展和社会进步刺激了城市边缘区成人教育需求的大量产生。但是,由于城市边缘区处在城乡过渡的特殊区位,所以在许多方面形成一些不利因素,成人教育亟待发展却困难重重。社会进步不但要求人们向更高层次发展,而且特别强调所有人的发展,强调终身教育和全民教育。只有学习社会才能够提供终身学习的机会与环境,只有学习型社区才能满足每个人终生不断学习的现实需求。成人教育要适应新的形势,担负起新的使命,与社区相结合,走社区化发展道路是最有效的途径和最现实的选择。 所谓社区化发展是指以社区为依托,以社区居民为主体,以社区发展为目标,以本土化、集约化、人文化为特征的发展过程。城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展就是要求城市边缘区成人教育在选择发展策略时要以“办在社区,依靠社区,为了社区”为指导思想,采取社区化的原则、方法、手段和途径,并以社区化发展为目标,以本土化、集约化、人文化为基本要求,以“师资力量就地取材,教育资源就近挖掘,教育内容结合社区”为基本做法,以达到成人教育与边缘区社会协调一致、共同发展为最终目的。 由于区域发展不平衡普遍存在,各城市边缘区的经济社会发展存在着较大差异,其成人教育发展状况也有很大不同。一般而言,经济相对发达的地区其成人教育发展较好,一些大城市和东部较发达的中小城市的边缘区在经济快速发展的正向推动下,其社区发展规划、社区建设、社区服务、社区教育等都发展较好,其成人教育社区化程度也较高;而大多数城市边缘区由于受到经济发展滞后的影响,边缘区发展规划、行政管理存在很多问题,其成人教育发展得不到应有的重视,处子自发和散乱的非社区化状态。绝大多数城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展都面临着各种困难,边缘区规划管理的混乱,条块关系的杂揉,物质文化环境的贫乏,以及成人教育不受重视,经费不足等问题现实地摆在面前,成人教育要获得生存与发展,就必须主动行动,积极寻求发展的机会,克分利用边缘社区的有利条件,发挥后发优势,采取有效策略,才能实现发展的目标。 尽管困难现实存在,但是城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展是必然的趋势,有着多方面的客观依据。首先,从椎动边缘区城市化进程,促进边缘区教育社会化与学习终身化实现,促进边缘区居民全面发展和实现边缘区社会协调发展等方面来说,城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展具有必要性;其次,国内外关于城市边缘区的研究为之提供了理论基础,我国社区教育实验的展开为之提供了可借鉴的实践经验,优越的区位提供了社区化发展有利的外部条件,日益增长的教育需求则从内部提供其发展的驱动力,这诸种困素显示出城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展的可行性。 在此邮上,论文最后提出了城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展的策略与建议,首先从宏现理念层面提出两点,一要以人为本,以边缘区居民全面发展为根本目标,通过转变居民观念,培养其学习意识和社区意识;通过培养边缘区文化,为居民创设良好的社会文化环境;通过创建学习型社区,打造边缘区居民生存与发展的适宜空间;二要秉持可持续发展的理念,以实现边缘社区协调发展为根本宗旨,以经济可持续为城市边缘区可持续觎的核,C要素和成人教育社区化朋的重要目标;以生态可持续为城市边缘区可持续发展的重要内容和成人教育社区化发展的至高追求;以学习型社区和学习化社会的实现为城市边缘区协调发展的最高境界和成人教育社区化发展的终极目标。 2 ) 其次从中观层面提出了管理运作的一系列策略:第一,管理体制方面要创建政府主导、教育部门主管与群众自治相结合的灵活高效的管理方式。加强咖的宏观指导,拓宽教育部门的管理职能,脓、帮助群众自治组织和各种中介组织的协调、自治管理;第二,从内需驱动与外力牵引相结合的角度建立起有效的动力机制,制定一定的激励政策与资金筹措制度,将城市边缘区巨大的教育需求和潜在的经济优势变成推动边缘区发展的真正动力;从规范政策法制与物质保障方面建立起必要的保障体系,合理整合教育资源以保障物质条件,逐步建立一套科学规范的法律制度作为必要的政策保障;本着社会化的原则建立起督导与激励相结合的评价体系。 最后,从微观层面提出了一系列可操作的具体措施:一要创设一个优良的物质文化环境,包括构建成人教育

【Abstract】 Urban fringes can be definited as some stage of city development that locate at the cities’ fringe area, combine the mixed use of land of city and countryside, with transitional characters in population and society. As Reform and Opening-up Policy has been adopted in the past 20 years, many cities have sprung up, especially in east coast areas. Not only the Suburb has developed rapidly, but also a number of small and medium size cities emerged in centralization and extension. Urban fringes increase swiftly and violently that stimulates the adult education. At the same time, because of transition, many disadvantages appeared in the management and development of adult education. Social progress demands not only people’s furthermore development but also all-people’s development. Therefore, only a learning society is able to offer the chance and environment of life-long learning, only a learning community is able to fulfill every single person’s constant need of learning. To suit the new situation and undertake the new mission, adult education needs to develop as community, and it’s an effective way and a realistic choice.The so-called communalized development is a process of development that based on certain community, majored in resident, purposed on it’s development and possessed native, intensive and humanistic. This process of urban fringe adult education asks for the direction of "of community, by community, and for community", adopts community principles, methods, means and ways, the principles including native, intensive and humanistic, the basic method is native teachers, near resources and the contents combined with community, aims at it’s communalized development. It’s ultimate abject is compatible and developing together with urban fringe society.Adult education differs from each other just because the economic situation difference among areas. Generally speaking, the process is going well in main cities and east cities where the economy is prosperous. But most backward urban fringes are confronted with various difficulties and problems. Including community plan, administration, infrastructure, community service and education. Such as, little importance is attached to adult education, different duties are mixed up, essential funds are badly scarce. So community adult education must be active to grasp chances and make full use of advantages, take effective strategies in order to achieve the aim.For all the difficulties are actual in existence, the trend is still, there are many grounds for adult education to develop as community. To begin with, we should talk about the necessity in the following respects: drive the process from fringe to city, enforce the aim of social education and life-long learning, strive for residents’ overall development and fringe’s coordinate development. To follow, researches on urban fringe domestic and overseas just offer kinds of theory. What’s more, the experiments we made provide direct experience and useful reference; excellent position will be good outer condition, increasing needs of education is going to be driving power from inside. All elements mentioned above exactly indicate that the process is feasible.Based on the facts mentioned above, the thesis leads to the tactics and suggestions about the development of the adult education on urban fringe. From the macro aspect, the 1st part draws two conclusions. The first point is "human-oriented", in order to fulfill the ultimate purpose through the all-sided development of the urban fringe people; in order to train their study and community sense, through transferring the residents’ ideas; in order to establish good social culture environment through training the fringe culture; In order to set the proper space of the existence anddevelopment of the fringe people through establishing learning community. The second, we shall maintain the sustainable development idea, and take the harmony development" of the urban fringe community as the basic principle; regard the economy sustaining as the core of the d

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