

【作者】 王平

【导师】 李如密;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类向信息化、学习化社会的迈进,学习对于社会、个人的健康持续发展的价值愈加凸显。而人的学习方式的现代化是决定学习能否实现其对社会、个人发展价值的关键所在。然而,现实中单一、被动、机械的学习方式,严重压抑了学生这一生命个体的主体能动性,泯灭了学生的学习兴趣,导致学校长期以来只是批量生产不爱学习、不会学习的无个性、无创新人格的人。这不仅不利于学生个体的健康全面发展,更对民族、国家、社会的发展造成了极大的危害。因此,转变学生学习方式之于民族、国家、社会、个人都具有重要的意义。 学生学习方式的变革,就是促使学生的学习由以单一、被动、机械等为基本特征的旧学习方式,向以自主性、主动性、独特性、交互性、开放性等为基本特征的新的学习方式的转变。学习方式的自主性特征反映了学生在学习活动中的主体地位,指学生对学习活动的自我支配和控制;主动性是学生出于自己对学习的一种内在需求和责任感而进行积极、自觉、主动的学习;交互性指学生的学习不是对外在环境的单向“反应”,而是在与环境的动态交相互动中进行;独特性指学生基于自我的知识背景、智能水平及个性特征等进行个性化的学习;开放性则表明了学生的学习不是封闭的,而是在对象、过程等各方面呈现开放状态的活动。通过学生学习方式的变革,使学生真正成为自己学习活动的主人,让学生在积极主动、自主探究的个性化学习中挖掘和释放自我的各种潜能,最终实现自我的生动健康的发展。 教与学是相互依存,不可分割的统一体。学生学习方式的变革必将波及教学领域,撼动传统教学的根基,促使教学按照学习方式变革的内在理念进行全新的建构。学习方式的变革不仅仅是学生在学习活动中行为趋向的变化,它是一个人行为、情感、认知等各方面整体参与方式的变化。因而,学习方式内在地决定了一个人的存在方式。学生学习方式的变革意味着学生存在方式的变革。教学要遵循学习方式变革的内在价值意义,要使学生通过学习方式变革而获得生命的勃发,首先就必须转变传统教学的单纯满足知识的传递与接受的价值观,回到人、关注人,确立以学生主体健全发展为旨归的价值观。为此,教学应视学生为完整的生命主体,引导学生全面地认识自我、占有自我,发展自我的多方面潜能,促成学生生命主体的完整发展;理解和认同学生作为生命主体的天性需要,使学生自己担负起发展自我、完善自我的义务和责任,对自我的成长进行独立自主的设计与建构;尊重和珍视学生的独特个性,满足学生个性化成长的需求。 在传统教学的世界里,教学的基本功能是传授、灌输知识、塑造人格等,学对教保持着一种被动的状态,学就是遵循教所设计、规定的道路行进,按照教所提供的“模子”塑形。教的功能发生了偕越,而成为对学的代替和控制。学习方式的变革对传统教学的功能提出了质疑和挑战,为人们重新定位教学的功能提供了新的视角。新的学习方式凸显了学生作为学习主体的地位,承认并确立了学生独立自主、积极主动地进行自主学习的权利和责任。因此,教的支配、控制作用被消解,而帮助、促进、引导等作用被加强,即教学的功能不再是传统意义上的“传授”、“灌榆”、“塑造”,而是为学生尽可能地提供服务。服务是现代教学的应有功能。教学的服务不同于其它的服务,其区别在于将“解放”、“唤醒”、“爱”和‘引导”作为服务的核。。。学生主体意识的萌发,主体能力的形成是教学功能向服务转变的前提,同时也是教学服务的中C任务和最终目的。因而,教学作为服务首先应对学生进行外在的解放和内在的唤醒。解放是对外部控制和约束的解除,赋子学生作为行动主体的权利,为学生主体性的发挥创造外部条件;唤醒是对学生内部心灵的解放,即将人沉睡的自我意识从生命深处唤醒,将人的创造力、生命感、价值感唤醒;教学作为服务是为了人的发展,真情流露的人性关爱无疑是教学服务发挥效力的最好动力和养料。教师给予学生的爱会使学生产生强大的‘响师”情感,从而使学生积极地参与到教学活动中来;引导,指教师不断地在学生成长的道路上设置不同的路标,引领和指导他们不断地向着正确的方向前进, 2向着更高的目标奋进,使学生被唤醒的主体性及智慧潜能得以真正发挥其巨大的能量,不断地发展和完善。 旧的学习方式所对应的教学目标是对知识完整的累积和储存。它并不关注学生学习方式、学习能力、学习品质及习惯的改善和提高,即只关注“学什么”,而忽视“怎么学”.新的学习方式所对应的教学目标则指向使学生“学会学习”。学会学习体现了“怎么学”对“学什么”的超越,它内在地规定着学生学习方式的变革。因此,实现学习方式变革的教学意义在于教学不应以学生大脑中储存了多少知识为目标,而应确立使学生“学会学习”的目标取向。 教学是教和学相结合或相统一的活动。教与学的相结合或相统一实质上体现了教学关系的民主互动性。旧的学

【Abstract】 Along with human being coming into a society of information and learning, the value of learning on continuous and healthy development of society and individual is to highlight. The modernization of man’s learning style is a key point on deciding whether learning can realize its value to society and personal development. However, the prevailing learning style, which is monotonous, passive and mechanical seriously, suppresses the subjective initiative of the student and destroys the student’s learning interest, which causes the school to produce the batch quantity without learning interest, learning ability and creative character for long time. These facts do great harm not only to the students’ overall and healthy development, but also to the development of nationality, country, and society. Therefore, it is important to change student’s learning style in order to do good to our nationality, country, society, and individual.The reform of learning style aims to replace the old learning style whose main characters were monotonous, passive, mechanical etc with new learning style of the basic characteristic with the independent, active, special, interactive and open. The independent characteristic learning style reflects that the student occupies subjective position in the study corpus and means that the student controls learning by himself or herself. The active character of learning implies that students leam actively, consciously and on their own initiatives from their intrinsic needs and sense of responsibility. The interactive character of learning means that students leam along with interactive communication with their environment instead of one-sided reflecting to the environment. The special character of learning means that students learn individually on the basis of their own background of knowledge, intelligence level and individual characteristic etc. The open character of learning shows that students’ learning is not to close over theobject, process...etc, but presents opening appearance. Reformation of learning style make student really become the owner of self-study, let the student scoop out every kind of latent by positive, active, self-exploring study, and finally fulfill the ego’s vivid and healthy development.Teaching and learning is a unity of relativity and indivisibility. Reforming of learning style will necessarily spread to the teaching realm, move the groundwork of traditional teaching, and urge teaching to have all new reconstruct according to the internal principles’ of new learning style. Reforming of learning style is not only a change of learning behavior inclination study, but is a change that involves a person’s behavior, emotion, cognition...etc. Therefore, learning style decides the individual’s way of existence. Reforming of learning style means reforming of student’s existing state. In order to make students acquire life development successfully, teaching should follow inside principles of reforming learning style. It firstly must reform traditional teaching value that teaching is only for delivering and accepting knowledge, and return to the person, concern the person, and establish value of aiming at student’s complete and healthy development. So, teaching-learning should treat student as whole life corpus, lead student to cognizance of the ego, occupy the ego and develop his potential abilities, help student to realize the corpus’s complete development of his life; Comprehend and approve the natural demands of student as a life subject, and make student carry the duty and responsibility of developing ego, perfecting ego, designing and constructing the ego’s growth by himself; Teaching-learning should respect and cherish students’ special character, and satisfy the student’s need of characterizing growth.In the world of the traditional teaching-learning, the basic function of teaching is delivering knowledge and molding the personality etc. Learning keeps a passive appearance to teaching, and learning is to follow the road designed, ruled by teaching, to mold shape

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