

A Relationship Study of English Learning Strategies, Learning Styles and English Achievement

【作者】 黄巧云

【导师】 李力;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着认知心理学理论的蓬勃发展,学习者策略的研究取得了丰硕的成果。近10年来,国内学者也做了大量有影响性的研究。一些学者较详细地介绍学习者策略中的社交策略和交际策略的研究及其研究方法(戴炜栋等,1994;吴增生,1994;文秋芳,1995);另一些学者就英语学习成绩的相关因素,如:学习动机、学习观念、学习态度以及高低分学生的学习策略等进行了深入研究(文秋芳,1996;2001;马广惠,1997;郝玫,2001)。至于人格因素,如学习风格与英语学习策略的选用及英语学习成绩之关系的探索还有待深入。此外,国内学者在此领域的研究大都是以大学生作为研究对象(文秋芳,1995,1996,1997,2001;马广惠,1997;等等)。显然,大学生与中学生在许多方面是不尽相同,例如:年龄、成熟程度、外语水平、动机、学习阶段、教学方法、教学环境等。为了更好、更全面地了解学习策略的运用,国外有学者(如:Stern,1983:412)呼吁:“应该在不同的社会环境、不同的语言条件、和不同的年龄、成熟程度、外语水平等情况下,对外语学习过程和学习策略进行更深入的研究”。 因此,本文旨在了解在中国文化背景下中学生学习风格以及学习策略运用的相关情形,并根据学习风格、学习策略、学习兴趣、动机、性别作为变量来测量英语学习成绩之间的关系。同时也分析英语学习成绩高、低分学生对策略运用的差异。 本研究首先归纳、分析英语学习策略、学习风格、学习动机、兴趣、性别及英语学习成绩等相关理论,列举前人的研究成果,从而提出本研究的理论架构和假设。其次采用了国内外有广泛影响和应用前景的研究工具:“MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)人格测量表”和Oxford的“学习策略测量表”。然后选取有代表性的样 内容摘要V一本,运用统计方法,加以分析、归纳,进而提出对英语教学的建议和启示。最后,就本研究的局限性提出对今后此类研究的参考建议。 全文共分如下五个部分: 第一部分:引言。作者简要介绍此研究的背景、研究的目的、假设以及相关的重要的概念性和操作性定义。 第二部分:文献探讨。作者先归纳分析Oxford的学习策略分类和Jung的心理类型。然后概述MBTI类型与外语学习之间的关系及影响外语学习策略相关因素的发现,从而为本研究的理论架构铺垫。 第三部分:研究的设计和实施。作者尝试性地提出本研究的理论架构——高中生的学习风格、学习策略的运用、学习态度、学习兴趣。学习动机等相互作用,共问影响英语学习成绩。本研究采用问卷调查的方法,把期末英语考试、英语学习策略量表。MBTI心理类型量表作为工具,进行数据收集。作者就研究对象、实施程序、数据统计的方法等作了必要的说明。 第四部分:结果与讨论。研究结果表明(l)女生比男生更经常并且使用更多的学习策略。但男女生在英语学习成绩上没有显著差异。(2)英语高分者比低分者使用更多“记忆”、“认知”和“补偿”策略。(3)直观型学习者偏好“补偿”策略;内向型和思维型者比外向型和情感型者更多地使用“认知”和“元认知”策略;判断型者则比知觉型者明显地使用更多的“记忆”、“认知”。“补偿”和“元认知”策略。(4)内向型和判断型者在词汇和阅读理解上的分数远高于外向型和知觉型者。 (5)对英语学习成绩最具影响力的变量是“认知”、“补偿”和“元认知”三项。(6)“认知策略”对听力最具预测力;对词汇最具预测力的因素,按从大到小顺序为:“元认知策略”、“补偿策略”、“性别”、“感觉/亘觉”、“内/外向”、“学习态度”、“学习兴趣”;阅读理解的情形与词汇近似,“元认知策略”和“补偿策略”最具预测力。因此,本研究的假设大部分获得支持。作者就本研究结果,结合前人的研究进行了比较和讨论。 第五部分:建议和启示。作者对高中英语教学提出相关的建议,作为此研究对教学的启示。()教师应了解并熟悉学生的学习风格和学习策略的运用情况。(2)拓宽学生的学习风格和学习策略的运用。门)加强听力的训练。(4)加强“记忆策略”的使用。(5)进一步加强学生“元认知”、“社会”、“补偿”和“认知”策略的运用能力。(6)加强师范院校学生对“学习风格”的了解并实施有关教授“学习策略”的教学策略训练。 最后,作者就本研究的局限性提出了今后此类研究的参考性建议。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of cognitive psychology, the research on learner strategy has been a good harvest. The scholars at home have published a lot of constructive papers over the recent ten years. Some of them introduced in detail the research on social and affective strategies, and the research methods (Dai Weidong, 1994; Wu Zensheng, 1994; Wen Qiufang, 1995). And others investigated the factors affecting English achievement, such as motivations, learning-beliefs, attitudes and the learning strategies used by the good and the poor students (Wen Qiufang, 1996, 2001; Ma Guanhui, 1997; Hao Mei, 2001). However, the study of the relationship between learning styles, learning strategy uses and results of English learning lacks enough attention. Additionally, most quantitative studies on language learning strategy uses at home took the university students as their subjects (Wen Qiufang, 1995; Wen Qiufang, 1996; Wen Qiufang et. al., 1997; Wen Qiufang, 2001; Ma Guanhui, 1997); few of them took high school students as their subjects. It is obvious that language learners in universities and high schools are in quite different language conditions (learners’ age, maturity level, language proficiency level, motivation, stage of language learning, instructional methods etc.). Moreover, in order to deepen one’s understanding of second or foreign language learning processes and strategies, somescholars abroad, such as Stern (1983:412), calls for further research "in different social contexts, under different language learning conditions, at different ages and maturity levels, and at different levels of proficiency".Naturally, the present study aims at investigating in Chinese cultural contexts what is the relationship between learning styles and learning strategies and how the independent factors (learning styles, learning strategies, motivations, sex) influence the English achievement among the high school students. Meanwhile, the differences of learning strategies used by the high and the low groups are analyzed.Firstly, the relevant theories about English learning strategies, learning styles, motivation, interest, sex and English achievement test are outlined and the findings of the previous and relevant researches are summarized. Based on all these, a tentative theoretical framework and hypotheses are proposed. Secondly, Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are adapted as research tools. Thirdly, the sample, recruited from five senior high schools in Zhanjiang City, includes 976 students. Data is collected and analyzed statistically. Then the results are discussed and several conclusions are set out, which highlight some implications for educational guidance of EFL teachers. Finally, the limitations of the present study and suggestions for future work in this field are portrayed.This dissertation consists of the following five chapters:Chapter One is an introduction, in which the background of the present study, the purposes, hypotheses and the important definitions are introduced.Chapter Two explores the relevant literature. Oxford’s classification of learning strategies and Jung’s psychological types are outlined. The correlation of MBTI and EFL/ ESL learning, and the findings of factors influencing languages are summarized. All these serve as theoretical foundation for the research framework and hypotheses of this study.Chapter Three deals with the design and implementation. The design is based on the theoretical framework that all the independent factors interact each oilier affecting the English achievement. The samples were recruited from five high schools in Zhanjiang City. The questionnaire survey was used to collect data. The instruments involved were the English achievement tests, Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning,Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The data was analyzed through Chi square test, HOTELLNG T2, Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), Pearson correlation analysis, and Regression analysis, by using S

  • 【分类号】H319.3
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