

A Study on the Problems of the Students of Low-income Families Receiving Educational Opportulities for Higher Education in Chongqing

【作者】 邓光平

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教育权利是人的基本权利,那么它的实现必须以社会中生存条件最差的人口群体为基础和前提。高等教育作为教育系统的重要组成部分,它也是公民应平等享有的权利。尽管高等教育机会均等是无法实现的理想,但这并不意味着我们就放弃在有限的范围内实现公平的努力。近年来,我国高等教育成本补偿力度加大,社会贫富分化悬殊,在此背景下,关注低收入家庭学生接受高等教育机会状况就具有现实性与紧迫性。 本文共分五部分。第一、二部分从低收入家庭学生接受高等教育的背景、必要性等方面做了一般理论与实践意义的探讨;第三、四部分运用分层随机抽样的方法,对重庆市五所高校学生受教育机会的现状进行了调查。本次调查采用问卷法与访谈法相结合,从入学机会、选择学校与专业机会、学业成功机会、就业与升学机会四个维度进行。调查对象包括本、专科两个层次。然后根据定量与定性相结合的原则,运用Spss10.0对调查结果进行统计分析,找出存在的问题和存在的成因。在此基础上,论文的最后部分提出了促进低收入家庭学生接受高等教育机会的思考与建议:强化公平观,提高解决低收入家庭学生接受高等教育机会限制问题的认识;降低办学成本,确定合理的收费标准;大力发展生产力,增加农村基础教育的投入;完善高等教育资助政策;引导低收入家庭学生克服心理障碍。

【Abstract】 Education right is human’s basic right. Therforce, it will realize when it is based on the most poor among people, higher education is an important part of education system, so it is also a right that every citizen should equally enjoy. Though equal higher educational opportulitie is only an ideal which can’t be realized for ever, it doesn’t mean that we don’t try our best to realize equal education in the limited field. Under the backgrounds of higher educational tuition growing sharply and gapping widely between the poor and the rich in the past few years, it is necessary for us to pay attention to the students of the low-income families receiving educational opportulities of colleges and universities.This article consists of five parts, the frist two of which deal with the theoretic and partical significence of the the students of the low-income families receiving educational opportulities of colleges and universities in Chongqing through discussing the background and necessity of it .The third and fourth parts are investigations on the actual situations of the students receiving educational opportulity of colleges and universities in Chongqing by adopting stratified random sampling. By means of questionnaire survey as well as interview survey, I make the investigation, which involves such four dimensions as the students’ opportulities ofenrollment, choosing schools and speciality, success of school work, and obtainnmg employmen and entering a higher school. The subjects involve two levels of structure of specialty and undergraduate. Through empolying SPSS 10.0 software, I make the statistical analysis of the data so as to find out the problems existing in the students receiving educational opportulities and the reasons. Then, the article discusses how to improve it. Firstly, to strengthen the social equal view and improve the cognition about the students of low-income fmilies receiving educational opportulities of colleges and universities. Secondly, to reduce the cost of running a school and establish the rational standard of charge. Thridly, to make great efforts to develop social productivity and increase ementary educational fund. Fourthly, to perfect the policy of financial aid in higher education. Finally, to guide the students to conquer psychological disorders.

  • 【分类号】G40-05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】222