

The Study on Characteristics of Juniors’ Application of Chinese Learning Strategies and Main Psychological Factors in Affecting Selection of Strategies

【作者】 曹华清

【导师】 刘电芝;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从二十世纪五十年代中期开始,学习策略研究一直受到教育心理学界的重视,无论是理论探讨还是应用研究都蓬勃发展、方兴未艾。今天,与具体学科相结合的学科学习策略研究正成为学习策略应用研究的热点。已有的学科学习策略研究主要集中在第二语言的学习、数学学习及阅读等方面,相对而言,对语文学科学习策略的研究非常少,更不成系统。在中小学阶段,语文学习不仅是学好其他课程的基础,而且在促进学生思维发展方面发挥着重要的作用。然而,相当一部分学生在语文学习中存在适应困难和问题,其中一个重要原因就是缺乏合适的语文学习策略。基于此,本研究选择了初中语文学习策略作为课题,试图通过构建出初中语文学习策略的较为完整的体系,探讨影响初中生择用语文学习策略的心理因素,一方面充实学科学习策略的研究,同时帮助初中生更好地适应语文学习,提高语文学习的效率、效果。 通过访谈、开放式问卷调查及征求专家意见,再结合已有的研究成果,编制了语文学习策略量表和影响因素量表,其中,影响因素量表包括:语文学习自我效能感量表、语文学习动机量表、语文学习归因量表和语文学习策略意识量表,经验证,所有量表的信度、效度均达到了测量学要求,然后在五所中学实施测试,被试包括从初一到初三的学生共计665名。在统计分析的基础上得出如下结论: (1)本研究自编的语文学习策略量表和影响因素量表均具有良好的信度和效度,用这些量表能够较好地反映和解释初中生择用语文学习策略的状况及变异情况。 (2)初中生择用语文学习策略存在明显的性别差异,总的趋势是女生比男生更善于择用适当的语文学习策略,她们在语文学习的自信水平、动机水平、策略意识、归因方式等方面都比男生积极。 (3)不同年级的初中生在语文学习的策略水平、深层动机、策略意识等方面存在年级差异,一般趋势是随年级升高而下降。 (4)初中生择用语文学习策略的成绩差异显著。具体表现为优秀生注重对策略的择用,他们的学习策略水平远远高于其他成绩组,同时,优秀生对语文学习更自信,归因更积极,策略意识更强,在学习动机方面,深层学习动机占主导地位,兼有表层动机;而差生的情况与此正相反。 (5)所构想的心理因素能够较好地对学习策略的变异情况作出解释(解释程度为78.9%),不同因素的影响程度不同,影响大小依次为(从大到小):策略意识、自我效能感、深层动机、积极归因、消极归因。表层动机对学习策略的直接影响不显著。

【Abstract】 The study on learning strategy not only theoretical exploration but applied research as well, is always given full attention by circle of educational psychology and flourishes from the middle of 1950s. Nowadays, combined with concrete disciplines, the study on learning strategy in disciplines has already become a general interest in applied research on learning strategies .The existing learning strategy research mainly concentrates on study of the second language, mathematics, reading and so on , while rarely on Chinese , which indeed is a basic course in elementary and junior high school , let alone the systematization of Chinese learning strategy research . Chinese, in elementary and junior high school, is not only the base of learning other courses but plays an important role in promoting the development of thinking. However, considerable students have an adaptable difficulties and some other problems in Chinese learning. Among them, lack of suitable Chinese learning strategies is the most important reason .In view of this, I choose Junior students’ Chinese learning strategies as a research topic, endeavoring to construct a comparatively complete system of Junior Chinese learning strategy, exploring the psychological factors affecting juniors’ selection of Chinese learning strategies and meanwhile enriching the research on discipline learning strategies, helping juniors to better adapt Chinese learning and to raise the study efficiency as well.Through interviews of students, questionnaires, advice of experts, and existing research achievements, I draw up the learning strategy scale and influential factors scales. The influential factors scales consist of sense of self-confidence scale, motive scale, reasoning scale, and consciousness of learning strategy scale in Chinese learning. After been verified, the reliability and validity of all scales can live up to therequirements of statistics without exception. Then a testing is applied among 665 students from grade 1 to grade 3 in 5 junior high school. On the base of statistic and analysis, a conclusion is drew as follows:(1 )The Chinese learning strategy scale compiled from the research has relatively reliability and validity. It can well reflect juniors’ application of Chinese learning strategies. Meanwhile, the influential factors scales also has reliability and validity required by statistics and can explain juniors’ variation in the selection of Chinese learning strategy.(2)There’s remarkable gender difference in junior’s selection and application of Chinese learning strategies. It’s tendency that girl students are more adapt in the selection of suitable Chinese learning strategy. In view of Chinese learning, they are more active in self-confidence, consciousness of strategy, reasoning and so on.(3)Students from different grade have grade difference in respect of selection of Chinese learning strategies, deep motive, consciousness of strategy. Such difference tends to come down as to a higher grade.(4)The group of top students stress the selection of strategy more, which far exceeds other groups; top students have more self-confidence, active reasoning, strong consciousness of strategy. In view of surface and deep study motive, deep study motive dominates. But part of top students have both at the same time.(S)Conception of main psychological factors can well explain the variation in learning strategy (to a degree of 78.9% ). However, different factor dose have an influence in varying degrees. And the degrees of effect vary from highest to lowest are: consciousness of strategy, sense of self-confidence, deep motive, positive reasoning, negative reasoning. Apart from that, surface motive has on unremarkably direct influence on learning strategy.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1033