

The Experimental Research of "Teaching Games for Understanding Approach" in General Football Courses

【作者】 陈玉军

【导师】 刘涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 80年代“领会教学”这一短语最早出现在英国。这个词汇创造者是桑普和邦克(Thorpe & Bunker),默尔顿和瑞德芬(Mauldon & Redfem)最早使用这一词汇。领会教学法是针对传统技能教学法而提出的,因为纯粹的技术演练是孤立的,并没有真正灵活的运用到实践中去。 领会教学法的提出引起了极大的争论,人们往往把技术教学和战术教学两极化。实际上,把技术和战术断然分开是不可能的,技术是战术的基础,只有两者有机结合才能有效的进行比赛。领会教学法认为有效的球类教学是把战术理解和技术发展结合起来,而不是仅仅局限于某一方面。这种观点意味着球类教学应经历从战术一技能的教学。领会教学强调的是在技术学习之前让学生进行战术的理解,因此,领会教学给球类教学提供了一个全新的方法,这就是在技术演练之前进行战术演练。对球类运动有所理解之后就会形成一些战术意识,这些战术意识会使学生有效的选择技术和利用技术。相反的,“技术”教学法把着眼点首先放在学生的技术教学上,然后在成型的技术的基础上再进行对战术理解的介绍。 领会教学法能够教授学生在如何做(how)之前明白为什么做(why)。桑普和邦克(Bunker & Thorpe),介绍了一个6阶段的教学模式。在这一教学模式中最关键的是学生在比赛中必须决定该做什么(what),然后根据比赛的需要来决定“如何做”。这样就会激励学生,根据实际需要来练习有用的技能或方法以提高比赛的操作能力。本文通过“领会教学法”在足球普修课中的实验研究,探讨“领会教学法”在教学实践中的可行性及有效性,以期为足球课的教学改革提供一种新的思路和理论依据。 本文主要采用了文献资料法、调查问卷法、教学实验法和数理统计法,通过教学实验获得了对照组和实验组的大量数据,对这些数据进行了统计分析处理,得出以下结论:1 “领会教学法”与传统技能教学法相比,它充分适应了高校体育教学改革与发展需要的基本规律,体现了素质教育的基本特征,实现了对竞技项目的“教材化”。实践证明,其教学效果优于传统教学方法,在高校足球普修课中有较高的推广价值。2 “领会教学法”以学生认知能力和战术意识的培养为核心,将训练学生应付各种复杂情况的能力作为学习的关键,从而避免学生生硬、盲目的完成动作,机械的进行技术与战术学习,为学生课外和终身从事足球运动奠定了基础。3“领会教学法”把战术意识学习置于首位,而把技巧的学习置于其后。提高了学生学习的兴趣,使学生有明确的学习目的,激发了学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性。符合当代大学生学习的心理特征。4“领会教学法”中所有练习采用不同形式的集体组合教学,学生不仅运用技术的能力得到提高,而且对学生完善人格因素,培养个性都起到了积极的作用,特别是培养学生自信与乐观、独立与合作、好奇与兴趣方面更具特色。这符合当今高校培养综合素质人才的教育观念。

【Abstract】 The Teaching games for understanding (TGfU) phrase was first coined in the United Kingdom in the early 1980s. The ideas were spawned by Thorpe, Bunker & Almond and drew on the earlier work of Mauldon & Redfern . The TGfU approach was proposed as an alternative to the technique approach because it was noted that techniques practiced in isolation did not transfer to the game.The TGfU approach has encouraged debate on games teaching which until recently has often polarized into skills & tactics arguments. In reality it is impossible to separate skills from tactics, the tactical use of skills is the essence of effective game playing. Effective games teaching from a TGfU perspective is about combining the teaching of tactical understanding with skill development, rather than focusing on one aspect or the other. This idea implies a game play experience for a tactic-to-skill approach to games teaching. The TGfU focuses upon teaching students tactical understanding before dealing with the performance of skills, as such the TGfU offers a tactical approach to games teaching emphasizing game performance before skill performance. As such game performance is understood as tactical awareness leading to effective skill selection and skill execution. Conversely, a "technique" approach focuses first on teaching students the skills to play the game then introducing tactical understanding once a skill base has been developed.The TGfU approach was proposed as a way of putting the WHY of a game before the HOW. Bunker and Thorpe suggested a six-stage model. A key focus of this model is that learners have to make decisions about "what to do" to play a game successfully, then "how to do" what they have realized they need. Based on this decision making learners are sensitized to their need to practice the necessary skills or way of playing to improve game performance .Documentation,investigation,teaching experiment and scientific are some means used in the thesis. A great deal of data between contrast groups and experimental groups isobtained through the comparative method among teaching experimental groups.Moreover the data is statistically analysed.The conclusions are down as below:1. The TGfU approach compare with traditional technique approach, it adapt to the reform in education and development to need now basic characteristic that educate of character.2. The TGfU approach with the ability that student perception ability with the student that the every kind of and complicated circumstance of educating to core, will training of tactics consciousness cope with the key to be used as the study, from but avoid the student not smooth, completing of blindness the proceeding technique and tactics study of the action, machine.3. The TGfU approach study the tactics consciousness to place in first, but place in the technique afterward, increased the student the interest that study, and make that student have clear and definite study purposed, and stir up the student the positive, active that study with creates sex.Match the contemporary university student the mental state characteristic that study.4. In the TGfU approach all practices of inside the adoption ability that the different form that collective combination teaching, student not only make use of technique get increase, and to perfect personality factor of student, educated the character to all rise toed the positive function, and especially educate the student’s self- confidence and optimism, independence and cooperation, very strange have the special features with interest aspect more. This match the university of now to educate to synthesize the education idea of the character talented person.

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