

A Study on Erik Satie’s Sports and Divertissements

【作者】 刘晓飞

【导师】 侯康为;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 音乐学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 生活于两个世纪之交的埃里克·萨蒂(Erik Satie 1866-1925)以其性格怪癖,总是给自己的作品起一些可笑、荒涎的古怪标题而闻名。也许正是因为他叛逆的个性难以被人理解,长期以来,在现代音乐的领域里,这个名字因德彪西、拉威尔、斯特拉文斯基等人显赫名声的遮蔽,没有得到应有的和足够的重视。然而,这位堪称“怪人怪才”的人物,却以其独特的创作思想引导法国整整一代作曲家摆脱了浪漫主义和印象主义的束缚,从而有力地推动了战后法国音乐新风格的形成。其简单、裸露的美学观和主张明晰、单纯的创作理念是使其在音乐史上独占一席之地的坚实力证。 本文以三个章节分别对“萨蒂其人”、“萨蒂的创作”和“萨蒂的研究价值”作了论述,旨在将萨蒂以古朴、讽刺的笔锋表现的类似从哈哈镜中折射出来的现实社会再次展现,在宣泄的摇滚音乐和令人伤感的靡靡之音充斥满耳的当今,带来一股清新的音乐风。 论文第一部分着重叙述萨蒂的生命历程和其怪癖的性格特征。本着物化因素总是和精神现象相互联系的原则,从音乐的主体——“人”的角度出发,为本体研究作铺垫。第二部分论述了萨蒂各个时期的创作及其美学追求,并以萨蒂的钢琴小品集——21首《运动与娱乐》(亦译作《运动项目与嬉游曲》)为主要研究对象,通过对其创作风格、音乐形象、体裁形式、曲式结构等诸多本体因素的分析,看到他作品中现实主义标题的外表,简约朴素得近乎夸张的织体;发现其尖刻、反对伤感的喜剧精神,钢琴漫画的本质和纯朴、自然、迷人的民族音乐的成分;剖析其美学特点,透视他尽管音乐简单,却依然刻骨铭心,越是力求避免直接诉诸感情,越觉入木三分的创作特征。第三部分论述了萨蒂的创作理念对后人的影响及其研究价值。萨蒂的作品兼有19世纪和20世纪音乐的特色。虽然他并不属于一流作曲家之列,在当时的声望也并不很高,但经过半个多世纪的岁月洗礼,当人们从一定距离上来观察19世纪末到20世纪初法国音乐史上的那一段光辉时期时,就越来越发现萨蒂对整个20世纪法国音乐的发展以至对整个西方音乐的发展都起了相当重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Erik Satie (1866-1925), who lived between the 19th century and the 20th century, was well known of his eccentric character and always giving his works odd titles that seemed almost derisive and ridiculous. During a long period, in the modern music field, under the shadow of the famous names of Debussy and Ravel and Stravinsky, he was lack of enough recognition because of this. However, the musician, who was called a strange man, affected the French musicians with his unique idea of creativity.This thesis divides three parts, named "Erik Satie" and "Satie’s works" and "The value of the research", in order to unfurl the phenomenon of the society in the Satie’s works and bring us the fresh music wind.First of all, the article depicts the life and the wacky character of Satie. In the point of view of "The man", it makes the matting for the noumenon research. Secondly, it gives the dissertation of Satie’s woks and the aesthetics idea in various periods. And it makes the 21 pieces piano opusculum works Sports and Divertissements the main object of research. Thirdly, it discusses the research value of Satie and his important influence on the later generations. Satie’s works had the characters both of 19th century and the 20th century. Although he was not of the first class composers and was not well accepted by the general public of his time, his simplicity, innovative harmonies, freedom of form and mastery of musical understatement made a strong impression on the young French composers and modern musicians. During the past 50 years, Satie’s works have received worldwide appreciation and the recognition of his importance he should be truly deserved.

  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】2
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