

The Discussion on the Category and Choice of P.E. Teaching Method

【作者】 曲红军

【导师】 刘卓;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 近些年来,人们日益意识到体育教学方法在体育教学过程中的独特地位和作用,纷纷对其进行大量的研究与探索。目前,人们的研究方向大多集中在引进、创造新兴的现代体育教学方法,建立体育教学方法的分类体系等方面,而对如何科学有效地运用已有的众多体育教学方法却未引起足够的重视,致使这一方面的研究仍然是一个相当薄弱的环节。 体育教学方法的选择与运用在很大程度上取决于体育教学目标,而现代体育教学目标则呈现多元化的发展趋势,它们不仅要求学生掌握知识、技能,还要求学生的个性、能力均得以发展。然而,体育教学方法自身所具有的本性,决定了它不是万能的灵丹妙药。任何一种体育教学方法只能有效地解决某一方面的问题,而不能有效地解决另一方面的问题,这就必然要求对体育教学方法进行综合运用。目前,一些体育教学工作者在体育教学过程中,过于注重学生个性能力的发展,忽视学生对运动技术的学习掌握,使体育教学由过去的“重技术、轻能力”转变为现在的“重能力、轻技术”。这种由一个极端向另一个极端转变的错误倾向,非常不利于学生的全面发展。实质上,学生运动技术的学习掌握与个性能力的培养,是同一个教学过程的两个不同的方面。所以,如何协调好两者的关系是当代体育教学方法研究中的一个不容忽视的领域。针对这种现状,作者认为有必要对体育教学方法的优化问题进行探讨。 所谓体育教学方法的优化,就是着眼于学生在体育教学过程中知识获得与个性能力发展之间的关系,根据体育教学方法的分类体系,对各类体育教学方法进行比较分析,充分发挥每一类教学方法的优势,克服其劣势,使其互补融合,为学生在不同的学习阶段选择合理有效的体育教学方法组合,以期最大程度地促进学生的全面发展。 本文以马克思辩证唯物主义真理的具体性学说为哲学基础,以巴班斯基的教学最优化理论为教育学基础,以运动技能的形成过程理论为心理学基础,对体育教学方法优化过程中存在的问题进行了深入的剖析,试图运用系统观点分析优化体育教学方法的基础、影响因素、原则以及如何根据体育教学方法的分类体系为运动技术学习的不同阶段选择合理的方法组合。希冀通过本论文的研究,为促进体育教学方法理论的系统研究以l 论体育教学方法的分类与选择——优化的视角D 及如何将体育教学方法理论运用到体育教学实践提供一些理论和方法依据。!本文采用文献资料法、系统方法和辩证的分析与综合方法,对上述问题进行了研究,l:得出下述结论: l 体育教学方法概念的研究是优化体育教学方法的基础,需要从内涵和外延两个方面着 手。体育教学方法是在体育教学过程中,教师指导学生学习体育教学内容以达到体育 教学目的的、由一整套体育教学方式组成的操作策略。它可以分为原理性体育教学方 法和操作性体育教学方法两大类。 2优化体育教学方法要从系统的观点出发,既要分析体育教学方法系统内部的影响因 素,也要综合考虑系统外部的影响因素。内部影响因素指体育教学方法系统的功能特 征,包括整体涌现性和功能互补性两个方面。外部影响因素指体育教学方法系统的环 境特点,包括体育教学的指导思想、体育教学的目标、体育教学的内容、学生的实际 情况、体育教师自身的素质、体育教学的设备条件等。 3优化体育教学方法要遵循三大原则,即系统整体原则、综合复用原则和简便优化原则。 4体育教学方法的优化组合有利于学生运动技能的掌握,也有利于其个性、能力的发展, 并且要以运动技能形成的阶段性特征为基础。 5在运动技能形成的认知阶段,选择掌握学习法作为主要的原理性体育教学方法,选择 以语言为辅的体育教学方法和直观法作为主要的操作性体育教学方法,在进行练习 时,要以分段练习法和重复练习法为主;在运动技能形成的联系阶段,选择合作学习 法作为主要的原理性体育教学方法,选择练习法作为主要的操作性体育教学方法,在 进行练习时,要以完整练习法、集中练习法和变换练习法为主;在运动技能形成的自 动化阶段,选择发现学习法作为主要的原理性体育教学方法,选择练习法作为主要的 操作性体育教学方法,以语言为主的体育教学方法和直观法始终对练习法的运用起重 要的辅助作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, scholars have been increasingly aware of the special position and function of P.E. teaching method in the P.E. teaching process, and have proceeded a mass of researches and explorations. At present, the directions of research are mostly focused on introducing and creating newly arisen modern P.E. teaching method, and establishing the category system of P.E. teaching method, etc. How to apply various P.E. teaching methods scientifically and effectively has not yet been paid enough attention, which results in a quite unsubstantial study of this research realm.The choice and application of P.E. teaching method to a large extent depend on the P.E. teaching objectives. The modern P.E. teaching objectives present the diversification development trend, which not only require students to master knowledge and skill, but also the balanced development of their personality and ability cultivated at the same time. However, the P.E. teaching method with the nature of itself decides that it is not the omnipotent catholicon, because each kind of P.E. teaching method can only effectively resolve the problem of some aspects, but can’t resolve the others, which inevitably requests us to apply it synthetically. At present, some physical educators pay too much attention to cultivating students’ personality and ability, while neglecting students’ mastery of motor skill, making P.E. teaching change from the past "regarding skill, despising ability" to present "regarding ability, despising skill". Such misleading tendency is disadvantageous to students’ all-round development. As a matter of fact, the mastery of motor skill and the cultivation of students’ personality and ability are two different aspects of the same teaching process. Therefore, how to harmonize their relations is a field that can’t be neglected in the contemporary teaching method research. Just because of this, the author considers that it is necessary to have a exploration of the optimization of P.E. teaching method.The optimization of P.E. teaching method is, with a view to the relations between the acquisition of knowledge and the cultivation of personality and ability in the P.E. teachingprocess, to compare and analyse various RE. teaching methods based on the P.E. teaching method system, and adequately develop the advantages of each P.E. teaching method to overcome its disadvantages in order to make them complementation and fusion, so that we can choose reasonable and effective P.E. teaching method combination for students on different study stages and fully promote students’ all-round development.This thesis takes the concrete truth doctrine of dialectical materialism from Karl Marx as a philosophical foundation, Babansky’s optimization theory of teaching as a pedagogical foundation and the development theory of motor skill as a psychological foundation. It anatomizes thoroughly the problems in the course of optimizing P.E. teaching method, and attempts to analyse the foundations, the influencing factors and the principles of P.E. teaching method’s optimization with the system view as well as how to choose the reasonable method combination for the different stages of learning motor skill based on the category system of P.E. teaching method. The thesis craves for providing some methodological and theoretical basis to promote the systematic study of P.E. teaching method theory and finds the way to put the P.E. teaching method theory into practice.This thesis researches on the above-mentioned aspects through document study, system approach and dialectical analytico-synthetic method, and draws conclusions as following:1. The research of the concept of P.E. teaching method is the basis of optimizing P.E. teaching method, which should be launched from two aspects of its meaning in intention and meaning in extension. The P.E. teaching method is the operation strategy which is made up of package forms of P.E. teaching by which the teacher guides students to study the content of P.E. teaching in order to attain the P.E. teaching pu

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