

On Education Equality in Learning Society

【作者】 孙晓丽

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 教育机会均等作为教育民主化的一个重要方面,是当今世界各国教育改革的方向,更是社会主义中国孜孜以求的教育理想。国内许多学者都对教育机会均等问题进行过探究并提出了各自的见解。他们的研究,涉及教育机会均等理论和实践的方方面面,但有一个共同的不足之处,即大都囿于全日制正规学校教育领域,纠缠于教育公平与效率的取舍,因而不能对中国教育机会不均等的现状提出切实有效的改革方案。 本文作者突破了以往的思维方式,试图从一种大教育观的角度,重新审视教育机会均等问题。以终身教育思想为指导,作者把教育机会均等和终身教育、学习化社会联系起来,论证在学习化社会背景下教育机会均等实现的可能性,希望能对中国教育机会均等的理论和实践摆脱困境提供有益的启示。 教育机会均等,从个体角度讲,其浅层含义是入学机会的均等,即人人都有平等的上学接受教育的机会:深层上是指学业成功的机会均等,即通过接受教育每一个人都能在原来的基础上得到提高,每一个人的天赋潜能都能得到充分发展,每一个人都能在教育中获得学业的成功。教育机会均等的提出对世界教育发展具有重要意义和影响;教育机会均等的价值指向主要是改变处于不利地位的社会阶层的教育状况;教育机会均等由入学机会的均等发展到学业成功的机会均等,使教育机构和学生的责任发生了逆置,这一转变要求对教育自身进行改革;学业成功机会均等的实现,要求对教育自身进行改革的同时,对整个社会进行改革。 由此,作者认为学习化社会有助于教育机会均等的实现。从实质上讲,学习化社会是一个“教育社会化”和“社会教育化”了的社会,通过学习者的持续不断学习,能够实现人的发展和社会发展的和谐统一。具体地讲,学习化社会在物质基础、社会价值观、终身教育思想、终身教育体制等层面,使全体社会成员真正平等地享有教育机会成为可能。 针对我国目前仍然存在的种种教育机会不均等现象,作者提出其解决途径是建设学习化社会。对此,作者从价值观的转变、改善政府和教育行政部门的作为,教育自身的改革和社会其他方面的改革四个方面对我国学习化社会的建设提出了自己的建议。

【Abstract】 Education equality is an important aspect of education democratization. It is the direction for educational reforms in many courtries. Furthermore, it has been an educational dream persued by socialist China for many years. In China, many scholars have studied the subject and put forward a lot of different opinions. Their studies are concerned with both the theories and practices of education equality, but there is a common shortcoming, that is, they pose the solutions of education uneqality within the schooling field. They are also confined to adopt educational equity or efficiency. So they can’ t offer practical and effective solutions to deal with the conditions of educational unequality in China. The practice of education in China comes into trouble, as well as the theories.The author of the thesis breaks through the limitation of past studies, and reviews the subject of education equality in a view of pan-education. Guided by the idea of life-long education, the author integrates education equality with life-long education and learning society, and demonstrates the probability of the education equality under the background of learning society. The author hopes that the paper will give us some enlightments and help us walk out of the difficult conditions of educational practice and theory in China.As far as the individual is concerned, the superficial meaning of education equality is that everyone has equal access to school; the profound meaning is that everyone can equally achieve success in school studying. Education equality has immense influence and significance to world education development: The concept mainly orientates to change the state of education of the social stratum in adverse condition; Education equality transfers from having access to school equally to achieving success in school studying equally, which reverses the responsibility between educational institutions and students; The realization of this transformation requires society reforms, as well as education reforms.On these grounds, the author draws a conclusion that learning society willbe conducive to the realization of education equality.In essence, learning society is a desirable society in which both the individuals and the society can achieve harmonious development through learner’ s continuous studying. Concretely, learning society is a rich society, which can provide replete materials for everyone to accept life-long education; learning society is a "human" society, concerning with the development of the individual, which secures the realization of educational equality; Learning society is a new type of society guided by the idea of life-long education, which conducts the practice of education equality; learning society is a society in which the system of life-long education will be established, which secures all of the social members’ educational opportunity eqally.Facing the unequal educational phenomena in China, the author points out the solution is to build learning society .And the author gives her suggestions from four aspects: the shift of the view of values, to better the behavors of the goverments and the education administrative branches, the reforms of education itself and the reforms of other aspects of the society.

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