

The Individualized Reading and Its Enlightenment to Reading Instruction Reform

【作者】 张尚兵

【导师】 杨再隋;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读是人搜集信息、认识世界、发展思维和获得审美体验的一种重要手段。正是因为阅读的重要性,所以作为培养人阅读能力的阅读教学在整个基础教育中占有十分重要的地位。面对当前阅读教学效率不高的问题,我们有必要从阅读观这一本体性的问题上来探讨阅读教学存在的症结。 论文共分三个部分: 第一部分回答了为什么要倡导个性化阅读的问题。当前,许多语文教师在阅读教学中持有还原主义阅读观,把阅读看作是还原作者本意,追寻作者“我思”的过程。还原主义阅读观直接导致了教学中师生个性的迷失,使阅读教学走入机械、封闭的怪圈。个性化阅读则是与还原主义阅读相对立的一种新的阅读观,它强调阅读过程中读者对于课文的个性化建构,为阅读教学中师生个性的张扬提供了可能。 第二部分着重探讨了个性化阅读的本质及特点。个性化阅读认为,阅读是作为不同个性主体的读者和作者在一定语境下以文本为媒介进行的间接性对话。通过对话,读者逐步深入文本的语义层、现象层和意蕴层,实现对于文本言表之意、言里之意和言外之意的理解。文本的意义是在不同主体视域融合的过程中产生的。阅读理解是一种双向的、动态的和开放的活动。个性化阅读具有自主性、体验性、批判性和创造性的特点。 第三部分论述了个性化阅读对我国当前阅读教学改革的启示。论文认为,在个性化阅读观指导下,我们可以从树立阅读教学的对话理念,提倡多元阅读学习方式,实施多种阅读教学模式,建构多元阅读教学评价体系等方面来改革我国当前的阅读教学,提高阅读教学效率。

【Abstract】 Reading is an important approach that helps us gather information, know the world, develop our thoughts, achieve aesthetic experience. During the basic education, reading instruction plays an important role. As the actuality of reading instruction is concerned, there exist many difficulties such as low efficiency on teaching. In my opinion, we should reconsider our old reading ideas and exert ourselves to find the reasons of low teaching efficiency. The present paper consists of three parts:The first part discusses the reasons of advocating the individualized reading. In reading instruction, our teachers conceive an old reading ideas that we call it reductive reading ideas. Under the oppression of the reductive reading ideas, teachers and students lose their individualities in reading instruction. As a new reading ideas, the individualized reading ideas can help teachers and students develop their individualities.The second part analyzes the essence and characteristics of the individualized reading. The individualized reading holds that reading is a dialogue between the reader and the author, and the text is a medium of communication. The mingling of the reader’s and the author’s opinions rebuilds the meanings of text. The individualized reading includes four basic characteristics: independence, experience criticizing, creating.The third part expounds the enlightenment that the individualized reading brings to reading instruction reform. The author thinks that, under the instruction of the individualized reading ideas, we may innovate current reading instruction and improve the efficiency of it by implementing dialogic reading instruction, calling for multiplex learning manners, creating various reading instruction mode, establishing multiplex appraise system for reading instruction.

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】745