

The Promotion of State-Owned Commercial Banks’ Competitive Power and Innovation of Their Management System in Early 21 Century

【作者】 柳劲松

【导师】 石丹林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国加入WTO,迈进崭新的21世纪,中国银行业将面临着更加激烈的竞争。中国银行业的竞争力,特别是国有商业银行竞争力,与外资银行存在着明显差距。从长远来看,加入WTO对中国来说是收益大于成本;但从短期或中期来看,对于中国银行业可能是成本大于收益。如何扬长避短、趋利避害,是中国银行业亟待解决的课题。为了使中国的银行业在激烈的竞争中能够立于不败之地,必须制定正确的战略和策略,充分利用21世纪初短暂而十分宝贵的五年过渡期,加快国有商业银行的自身制度创新,彻底改善其外部制度环境,以全面提升其竞争力。 本文共分为三个部分。第一部分从范围经济学和制度经济理论入手,阐释银行竞争、改革的理论依据;第二部分简要回顾中国银行业已经历的竞争与改革路程,对国有商业银行和外资银行的竞争力进行比较分析,并从管理制度这一层面来探讨导致国有商业银行竞争力低下的深层原因:国有商业银行产权不明晰,使其缺乏追求盈利的动机;国有商业银行组织体制仍然与行政体制相藕合,扭曲了经济效率原则;人事管理制度行政化、机关化,不利于人才的使用和开发;风险管理制度流于形式,存在巨大的潜在风险;财政预算安排严重缺口是金融风险资产形成的主要因素;国有商业银行税负过重等等。第三部分提出解决上述问题,提高其竞争力的关键在于制度创新。就其自身制度而言,包括以下几个方面:一是推进国有商业银行产权制度的改革与创新。要分阶段、有步骤地推进国有银行股份制改造;加快国有企业改革,尽快建立现代企业制度,增强企业自我积累、自我发展的能力;培育资本市场,促进资本的快速流动。二是深化国有商业银行组织机构的改革和组织制度的创新。三是创新国有商业银行人事管理制度。应健全国有商业银行的用人机制和竞争机制,发挥压力激励的作用;完善收入分配制度,建立合理的利益分配机制。四是国有商业银行的风险管理制度的创新。应实现资产负债管理制度的创新;完善贷款风险管理制度和内部稽核、控制制度。就其外部制度环境而言,重点在于改善财政制度和税收制度环境。要推进国有企业实 /迫回t项士学位论文 W MASIEIL’STHESIS 质性的改革,运用国有资产解抉财政隐性债务,化解财政风险,解诀财政风 险转嫁银行业问题。调整对境内金融机构的税收政策,保证金融机构公平竞 争。解决计税办法减轻国有商业银行的税收负担。 本文的创新之处主要体现在以下两个方面:首先运用制度经济学的理论成 果为提升银行业竞争力,推进国有商业银行改革提供了全新的理论视角和理论 依据。其次,通过中外银行竞争力的比较分析,从实证角度进一步揭示了制约 国有商业银行竞争力提高的深层原因在于内外制度环境的不健全,并针对这些 问题,提出了创新和完善银行内外制度环境的对策。

【Abstract】 China’s banking , especially the four state owned commercial banks, will be confronted with a keen competition after China entering into the WTO. In the long run. there is still an obvious gap between China’s state owned commercial banks and foreign banks. But maybe in the short-term or mid-term run, China’s banking will gain more from joining in WTO. the cost will be more than profits. Therefore, it is an important issue for China’s banking to make full use of advantages and bypass the disadvantages. To ensure Chinese banks health and strong in the fierce competition, correct strategy and tactics should be made. We should make full use of the transition period of the five short and precious years to speed up the reforming of state owned commercial banks’ system, to accelerate the pace of self-remolding, to gradually improve the operation environment and enhance supervision on foreign banks.This paper consists of three parts. Part One expounds some of the theories of banking competition, including the theory of scale economy and the theory of economy of system. Part Two looks back the history of the competition and reform of china’s banking briefly, makes a comparison of competitive power between china" state owned commercial banks and foreign banks, analyses the deep reasons at the level of management system, which lower the competitive power of state owned commercial banks. The major problems of their inner management system are as the following: (1) the obscure system of property right makes them lake of the motive to seek for profits;(2) their organic system, which corresponds to the administrative system, distorts the rule of economic efficiency ;(3) the bureaucratization of their personnel system does not benefit the employment and development of the talented persons ;(4)the risk management system hasn’t been put into effect ,leading to enormous risk for these banks;(5)the fiscal policy has transferred financial risk to the state owned banks;(6)the unfair tax policy makes their burden heavier. The key to the settlement of the above problems and theimprovement of their competitive power lies in the innovation of system.As for their own system, the innovation includes the following aspects. Firstly, the state owned commercial banks’ system of the property right should be reformed and innovated. These banks should be gradually transformed into the emerging commercial banks. At the same time, the reform of state owned enterprise and the establishment of its modern system, so that its self-improvement ability can be enhanced. And the capital market should be developed to accelerate the capital flowing. Secondly, the reform and innovation of these banks’ organizational structure and system should go a step further. Thirdly, these banks’ personnel and distributive system should be developed. Fourthly, the innovation of these banks" risk management system should be innovated, including: the innovation of the system of assert and debt management, the innovation of the system of credit risk management, and the improvement of the system of inner examine and control.As for the external system environment, our fiscal and tax system environment should be improved. The state owned property should be used to solve the hiding fiscal debt to ease off the fiscal risk, and to resolve the problem of the fiscal risk being transferred to the state owned banking. And, the tax policy for the financial institution and change the method of calculating tax to lighten the state owned banks’ burden.The innovation of this paper is as the following two aspects: firstly, the author make use of the achievement of Institutional Economics to provide an new angle of theoretical view and basis for the promotion of the state-owned bank’s competitive power and its further reform. Secondly, with the comparison of the state-owned bank and foreign bank, the author exposes that unsatisfactory system is the deep reason restricting the promotion of the former’s competitive power from a practical angle, and offers the solution to innovat

  • 【分类号】F832.2
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