

Motivation Theories and Their Guidance in ELT in Secondary Schools

【作者】 赵菊

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自从七十年代以来,外语教学从以“教师为中心”转向“以学生为中心”,学生自身主观因素对外语学习的影响成了语言学家研究的重点,如性格差异对学习的影响、情感因素对学习的影响等。而动机是学习的源泉,是促使学生学习的重要主观因素。在学习外语的过程中,学习者首先要有一种学习外语的强烈愿望,从主观上产生一种动力,然后才能在行动上付出实施。因此动机不仅是促使学习的诱因,还是促使学习者不断努力的源泉。心理学家从心理学的层面上去探讨动机,通过对动机进行了大量的实证研究,形成了诸多理论,如需要理论、成就动机理论、动机的归因理论、自我效能理论等。需要理论以人类需要为理论基础的,需要的性质和强度决定着动机的性质和强度,需要理论对外语学习也有极大的指导作用,在外语学习中,教师要关注着学习者的基本需要是否得到满足,只有基本需要得到了满足,学生才可能去追求更高的需要,另外教师在教学过程中也要注意学习者的情感需要,因为情感需要也是影响学习者学习动机的变量因素之一;成就动机理论一直是学习心理学家和语言学家重点研究的课题之一,他们认为成就动机是一种较高级的社会性动机,是学生课堂学习中的一种主要动机。成就动机高的学习者往往把成功的可能作为对自己的一种挑战,成功的结果又激起他们更高的成就动机;然而成就动机低的学习者往往把行为的结果作为对自己自尊的一种威胁,任务的成功侥幸的维护了他们的自尊,而失败的结果则导致他们更低的成就动机,因此学习成绩的高低与学习者的成就动机的强弱有极大的关系;动机的归因理论是在成就动机的基础上发展起来的,此理论着重对行为结 <匐匹o硕士学位论文 w MASh’S THESIS—— 着实际的指导作用,都引起了外语语言学家的重视,外语语言学家在这些理论 的基础上发展了外语学习动机理论,如Gardn和Lambert的动机理论,他们 提出了外语学习动机的两种分类方法,一种是融合性学习动机(ntegrive mohvation)即学习另一种语言的目的是要成为这个语言社团的成员,学习者 不但要学语言,而且还准备接受使用这种语言的人民的文化和生活方式。另一 种是工具性学习动机(nstruxnental motivation),即为了某些实际的目的而去学 习另一种语言。这种分类方法对外语学习有很大的指导意义,并且很多语言学 家在此基础上发展了外语教学方法,取得了很大的成绩。 我国从小学起就开设了英语课,但是学生一直学到中学还是不能达到很好 的效果。针对这个现象,本文重点调查了中学生英语学习的动机,发现动机与 学习成绩有极大的相关度,存在着很多中学生英语学习的动机水平偏低现象, 这直接影响着他们的英语成绩的提高,而英语成绩偏低又影响着学生英语学习 的兴趣,降低学习的动力,因而形成了一种恶性循环。心理学家通过大量的研 究证明,人的动机大部分是通过后天学习得来的,动机行为的产生受诸多因素 的影响,既有内在因素也有外在因素,内在因素也即是学生自身的主观因素, 外在因素包括家庭、学校、社会等环境因素。本文从对促使动机行为发生的诸 多动机因素入手,对中学生外语学习动机形成的众多因素进行了调查分析,并 有针对地提出一些建议。矿

【Abstract】 Since the 1970s, the focus of the foreign language teaching has moved, from "teacher-centered" to "student-centered". Many applied linguists and language teachers have begun to explore how learner’s factors like personality, learning strategies, cognitive styles, motivations affect the foreign language learning. Motivations, as one of the most important learner’s factors has received much attention. Many researches have been made on it according to different research goals, and some theories have been formulated such as need motivation, achievement motivation, attribution motivation, self-efficiency motivation etc. Need motivation basis on the human basic need, has largely provided the guidance on the foreign language learning. While studying the foreign language, students need to have their basic needs satisfied. Only when their basic needs have been satisfied, may they just go to pursue higher needs. In addition, teachers must fix attention on the students’ emotional need in the course of teaching, for emotional need is an important one of the variable factors of the learning motivation. Achievement motivation as one of relatively advanced social motivations has still been studying by psychologists and linguists. Generally speaking, learners with high achievement motivation often regard the expectation of consequence of learning behavior as motives, and the result succeeding evokes their higher achievement motivation again. However, learners with low achievement motivation is opposite, they regard the result of learning as a kind of threats to their own self-respect and they are afraid of the consequence of learning whether it will succeed or not. So there are close relations between the grade obtained and achievement motivation. Attributionmotivation theory has developed on the basis of achievement motivation. It emphasizes the analysis of attribution on the consequence of learning behavior and probes into students’ attribution of success or failure, infers students’ motivation to the following behavior accordingly. On the foundation of these motivation theories, some linguists like Gardner and Lambert probed the motivation theory on the foreign language learning. They indicate that the motivation should have been divided into two parts, one is integrative motivation, that is, the purpose of learning another language is not only to learn language, but to accept the culture and life style of the language, and to become members of this language corporation. The other is instrumental motivation, namely, learners learn another language for a certain practical purpose. These theories provide some guidance in English language teaching and English language teaching has improved accordingly.This thesis principally examines the foreign language learning situations in the high school and conducts an investigation of learner’s motivations in a middle school. Through the data and data analysis, it goes to examine the relationship between motivation and learning achievement, and it also analyzes some variables related to learner’s internal and external motivation. At the end of the thesis, some suggestions stimulating learner’s motivations are put forward.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1077